How to clean the crucian from the scales and entrails?


  • Preparing
  • Removing the scales
  • Removing the viscera
  • Useful recommendations

Fish are a useful and tasty product. But before pampering yourself with fish dishes, you will have to spend time on an unpleasant procedure for cleaning fish. For its different types, there are specific features and tricks that make it possible to significantly simplify the process.

Preparation of

Carp, and any fish, it is better to clean as soon as possible after the capture. If this can not be done immediately, then it is better to send the fish to the freezer, wrapped in polyethylene. So it does not lose moisture, and after thawing it will be easy to clean. If the fish is still alive, it is deafened by the impact of a kitchen hammer on the head. Further in the gap between the head and fins, a deep incision is necessary to drain the blood.

It is much more convenient to clean large fish. Of course, fishing is not necessary to choose - which one caught, this one got caught. But when buying in a store it is worth giving preference to large copies.

To prevent the carp from slipping out of your hands, you can clean it with fabric gloves. But if there is no desire then to wash them and get rid of the fishy smell, it is better to buy a cutting board with a special clip for fish or simply "nail" the crucian to a wooden board by stabbing the knife into the tail area.

Scale removal

Before cleaning the fish from scales, it is necessary to carefully cut the fins so that they do not prick. This is convenient to do with scissors. The tail is cut later, because it will still help in cleaning the scales. The scales themselves are removed in the direction from the tail to the head with a blunt knife, vegetable brushing, a fork or a special device for cleaning fish. It is not so difficult to clean the crucian - its scales are not firmly held and are removed easily enough. If the fish is large, then most of the scales can be released even with your hands, without fear of breaking or damaging the nails, and only in the area of ​​the tail, fins and abdomen small pieces have to be removed with a knife.


Scales will be removed even easier if you first pass the fish with boiling water.

To prevent scales from spreading throughout the kitchen, it is better to clean the carcass under running water, in a water-filled sink or in a basin of water.

Removing the internals of the

The tail is then cut off from the fish, washed with water and the process of cutting begins. The carp is carefully cut along the abdomen and the black film and all internal organs are removed. It is important not to tear the gallbladder fish. Otherwise, the crucian will have to be soaked for a while from the bile, or rinsed with water and sprinkled with salt, so that the dish is not bitter afterwards.

So that the bones in the already cooked fish are not pricked, cuts are made on the carcase from both sides of the body in half a centimeter steps. They can be vertical or diamond-shaped. So the bones are partially cut and softened by the ingress of oil or broth on them during cooking.

Useful recommendations

  1. If fish are not planned to be cooked with a head, it must also be cut off together with the gills.
  2. If the carp has an unpleasant smell of mud, then before cutting, cleaning from the bones and preparing them soak for an hour or two in a light saline solution.
  3. So that the cutlery does not smell like fish, immediately after its cutting and cleaning they should be rinsed with cool water and soap. If the smell is still there, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, but first wipe the dishes and appliances with warm salt.
  4. To get rid of the fishy smell of the house, in addition to banal airing, you can boil water with the addition of vinegar or heat the coffee grounds in a skillet.
  5. If the crucian does not go immediately after cleaning in a pan for an ee or a skillet, then it should be stored in the freezer, wrapped in a food film, so that other products do not absorb the fishy smell. For convenience of the subsequent preparation it is necessary to cut at once on порционные to pieces.
  6. If the fish was bought for frying, then before that it is recommended to leave it for a while in a colander or dryer, so that excess water, which so facilitated cleaning, now glass. Otherwise the carp will turn out to be stewed rather than really fried.

Carp - simple, but from this no less tasty fish, if it is cooked correctly. It is possible to simplify and speed up the process of preparing dishes from crucian carp, knowing how to clean the fish properly from the scales and entrails, especially since there is nothing complicated in this.

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