How to dry mushrooms at home?


  • Culinary reference and useful advices
  • Preparatory stage
  • How to dry mushrooms in the oven, oven and in the sun?
  • Features of drying of morels
  • Some conclusions of

A good hostess does not throw anything away, and if there is a surplus of any product, it always tries to keep them for future use. Went successfully to quiet hunting, and a natural question arose - how to dry mushrooms at home?

Culinary reference and useful advice

The choice of raw materials for drying should be approached very carefully. You can dry any mushroom, but if you can then use it for food - a controversial issue.

  1. For drying, choose tubular mushrooms - white, champignons.
  2. Currently, for billets are used and podberezoviki, and oily, and boletus.
  3. Plate mushrooms, as a rule, do not dry. They contain bitterish juice, the taste of which is preserved and in dry form. In addition, edible representatives of this class are easily confused with poisonous brethren. At home, you can dry only mushrooms or chanterelles.
  4. This method of harvesting is used for both morels and stitches, but before use they must be steep for 2 months.
  5. It's important to catch the right moment. The undried product quickly deteriorates, and the over-dried product becomes very hard and can not be cooked any further.
  6. Store dried mushrooms, whites and other mushrooms at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees in a dry, ventilated room. It is desirable to use glass sealed cans, since pests are easily planted in a dry product.


During drying, the raw material will lose up to 90% of its own weight. Therefore from 10 kg fresh only 1 kg of finished product will leave.

Preparatory stage

The more carefully you follow the rules of preparation for drying, the less get disappointments from the finished product.

Prepare champignons, white and other mushrooms to dry.

  1. Mushrooms should be dense, strong, with no signs of damage.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the raw material from dirt, wipe it with a sponge. Wash with running water should not be - it will spoil the taste of the finished product. Sort by size.
  3. White mushrooms and champignons cut off the lower part of the leg; in others - podberezovikov, boletus, oily - completely separate from the cap.
  4. White mushrooms and champignons cut into slices along. Thickness - from 10 to 15 mm.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven, oven and in the sun?

How to dry mushrooms? Can I use technical devices or have to follow the example of squirrels - hanging on trees?

Dry ceps and mushrooms recommended in the following ways.

  • Drying in the sun in a natural way.

Prepared raw materials string on 50 pieces.on strong threads. We need to hang out in a sunny open place, covered with gauze to protect against flies or insects.

Special metal knitting needles are available in the shops for drying mushrooms. After the hats and legs are swollen, they are brought to a dry state in the oven, a Russian stove, over a hot stove.

Morpice is dried solely in this way, as in the oven they burn quickly and lose their taste and nutritional qualities.

  • How to dry mushrooms in a Russian oven?

The use of such equipment, as a Russian stove, requires certain knowledge and skills.

Sequence of operations:

  1. to heat the furnace( the furnace pipe and flaps must be open);
  2. should be thoroughly cleaned of ashes and ash;
  3. to cover the surface with a thin layer of straw - this will prevent raw materials from burning( if metal trays are used, they should also be covered with straw).

Champignons and ceps can be dried using metal knitting needles or skewers. In the oven they are installed in the form of a gable roof. Another way is to string raw materials on knitting needles, set the skewers in the sand and send them to the oven. The temperature is from 40 to 60 degrees.1st day - the mushrooms dry, the 2nd day - they dry up to the ready state.

  • Drying in an electric oven.

Drying mushrooms in the oven is easier than in a Russian oven. We need to prepare the raw materials - clean, separate the hats from the legs. On metal trays put sheets of paper on it - a wooden lattice. Then - hats and legs.

The drying temperature is from 40 to 60 degrees. The duration of the process is 2 days. The oven door must be opened slightly. This will remove the water released during drying. Champignons and stove.

If you often cook, then to dry the mushrooms use the heat that is released by the stove. Sort the mushrooms in size and string them on strong threads. Hang it over a hot plate. Readiness of the product is determined by experience.

  • Drying on special fruit and vegetable dryers.

Mushrooms are cleaned and laid out on the grilles of the dryer. Raw material is waxed at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees, and then raised to 80 degrees. The product will be ready in 4-6 hours.

Features of the morels drying

Drying of these mushrooms is different from working with champignons or porcini mushrooms.

Rules for working with morels:

  • clean and rub the raw material with a cloth;
  • thread on threads or skewers;
  • should be left in a dry, cool, shady place for airing;
  • after the morels have waxed, they are taken out in the sun and left to full readiness.

Some conclusions of

After analyzing all the drying methods, we can draw the following conclusions.

  1. The work is carried out in 3 stages - preparation and 2 stages of heat treatment.
  2. The best palatability will ensure the proper drying process. At the first stage - withering at a low temperature( 30 to 50 degrees).And drying is from 60 to 80 degrees. To exceed the recommended temperature standards is not recommended, as taste qualities are lost and there is a risk to dry the delicate product.

Drying mushrooms at home is not difficult. But be prepared for a long process! To buy champignons for drying does not make sense. This product is grown throughout the year, and it is not difficult to buy fresh delicacy.

Use only proven edible mushrooms for home preparations. Those that are collected at the right time, in the right place - away from roads and dirty industries - and the result will please you.

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