How to remove the cracks in the pasted plinths under the ceiling?

Repair in the house is usually a significant waste, so many people try to do the work themselves if possible, in order to save money. But those who carry out any kind of finishing for the first time in their life do not always achieve good quality. So, for example, after such repairs, immediately or after a while you can see the crevices in the ceiling skirting, formed in the places of their docking with each other or with the wall. Of course, you can always break everything down and remake with the help of a professional, but then attempts to save money will be in vain. It is better to still make efforts to fix everything, starting from what is already there.

Methods for sealing the slots in the upper skirting board in ordinary situations

There are several effective ways to seal the gap in the plinth, among which:

  • fill the space with acrylic sealant;
  • to cover the hole with putty;
  • make an insert from a piece of plinth.

Although the actions listed in the above list seem to be quite simple, it is important to consider that their reasonableness will depend on the nature of the problem that has arisen, the degree of its neglect and the type of technology that was used in the performance of the finishing works.

When deciding which method to choose to correct the defects that have arisen, one should start from the size of the slots that need to be fixed. For example, pasting an insert cut from a plinth means that the slot is quite large. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to produce a fragment that would fit exactly in the form that filled the space. Therefore, the edges of the hole may need to be cleaned up with a knife, so that the part created there densely enters.

It is desirable to extend the crack even in the event that you intend to use a sealant or putty. That the repair material does not disappear with time, it is necessary to increase the surface area with which it will contact. To do this, it is best, to clean the gap between the wall and the plinth, to give it a v-shape. Filling the prepared space with putty is carried out with the help of a rubber spatula, which can easily remove excess material and beautifully decorate the surface of the sealed joint. The use of a sealant to eliminate defects will consist in gently squeezing it out of the vial by distributing it in the space to be filled, and then forming a smooth and even seam with a plastic spatula or a finger.


The sealant should be formed after it has been extruded some time. Therefore, in order to implement this procedure qualitatively, it is better to make a small training beforehand in order to close the gaps in any unnecessary objects.

Non-standard cases and solutions to the problem

Sometimes, when installing the upper skirting, use a special adhesive compound for joints. In the frozen state, this glue will be difficult to pick open with a knife to widen the crack and give it the necessary shape. Usually, such material does not generate large cracks. Therefore, in this situation it will be enough to apply a layer of glue "Moment Editing" to the problem site.

Not always the reason for the formation of a gap between the wall and the baseboard is a violation of the technological requirements for installation. The fact is that for the creation of a decorative edging in the upper part of the walls skirting boards can be used:

  • made of polyvinyl chloride, included in a set of plastic ceiling parts;
  • from expanded polystyrene - for walls made of drywall or wallpapered wallpaper;
  • made of wood - for finishing the room with a lining.

When the surface of the wall and ceiling is perfectly flat, there is usually no problem when installing skirting boards and no crevices and speech can not go, especially if the work is performed by a specialist. But in old houses you can find walls whose curvature of the surface does not lend themselves to any mathematical descriptions. On their leveling, no one usually is going to spend money. Therefore, when plating the ceiling with plastic between the skirting boards and the wall used as the starting profile, gaps of different sizes will always remain. You can not remove them in any way, you can only seal it with a sealant.

Wooden skirting board also sometimes needs to be adjusted. It is known that a tree has the property of changing its original form under the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, even if all the rules of installation are observed, one can not insure oneself against the cracks that can appear between such a plinth and a wall, no one can. In this situation, to solve the problem it is better to use gypsum putty. Also suitable is a special putty on wood, the color of which can be selected to match the appearance of the material. If after application of one of the methods mentioned above it turned out that after solidification the material used for repair acquired a different color shade from the base, then you can correct the position by staining. In any case, to eliminate defects that damage the appearance of the room, it is not necessary to start a new repair.