How to clean your headphones from sulfur: useful tips


  • Clean the device without harm to the speakers
  • Alternative method of cleaning the headphones
  • What should not be done?

Many fans of listening to music in headphones very often face such a problem that after a while the sound quality, as well as the volume of the device, noticeably decreases. The question arises: how to clean the headphones without breaking them? After all, as is known, sometimes the reason for the breakdown is the earwax and skin fat accumulated in the device. Sometimes this leads to even a complete disappearance of sound. How to get out of this unpleasant situation?

Clean the device without harm to the speakers

There are two options: to buy new headphones or try to revive the old ones. If you are a fan of high-quality sound, you only buy expensive brands, then for sure you will not want to pay a large amount each time to buy new headphones. So let's look at how you can clean the equipment from earwax at home.

So, for this simple process, we need an arsenal:

  • cotton buds and disks;
  • adhesive tape;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • small capacity, for example a lid from a bottle or a glass;
  • wipes;
  • alcohol( as an alternative, you can take a cleaner for cleaning glasses).

After you have prepared all the necessary materials, you can proceed directly to the process of cleaning the headphones from sulfur and other accumulated contaminants. We act in a certain sequence.

  1. First remove the rubber caps from the headphones, put them in a safe place, so that they are not lost.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad or just a piece of cotton wool in an alcohol or a glass cleaner, wipe them with all the headphones: wires, volume switch, etc. All of this also requires regular cleaning, at least for hygienic reasons.
  3. Next, take a convenient small capacity of the cap type from the bottle or wine glass, pour into it 1-2 tablespoons.l.hydrogen peroxide. We need to clean only the mesh of headphones from sulfur, not allowing liquid to enter the device. Therefore, you need very little peroxide, be careful not to overdo it.
  4. Take the headphones and gently dip them into the prepared liquid in such a way that they are located down the mesh, then fix them in this position with tape and leave for about 10-15 minutes. Be careful, do not overdo it. Be sure to ensure that the headphones do not completely dipped in the peroxide, as this can harm them and the device will have to be sent to the trash.
  5. While the headphones are cleaned with peroxide, you have time to tackle rubber liners, since they also accumulate traces of earwax and other contaminants that require cleaning. To do this, use pre-prepared cotton buds. If there are none, you can apply a conventional toothpick, wrapping a piece of cotton wool over it. Moisten it in alcohol or a cleaner to clean the glasses and carefully wipe the rubber surface of the caps.
  6. During this time, the headphones left in hydrogen peroxide are completely cleared, they can be obtained. Be careful, avoid sudden movements, since if the liquid hits the membrane or contacts, the device can be discarded.
  7. Next, take a napkin and leave the headphones on it until it dries completely. It will take from 3 to 4 hours. After that it will be possible to put rubber caps back on and then enjoy the beautiful sound.

Alternative method of cleaning headphones

However, the above method of cleaning headphones from sulfur is not the only one. Some people prefer to use an ordinary vacuum cleaner for this purpose. The whole secret is the nozzle, which must be done by yourself. To do this, we use improvised materials.

We need plasticine, from which you need to roll a ball, equal in size to a small apple, as well as a tube, the diameter of the hole which should be equal to the size of the mesh of the headphones.

Take the ball rolled from a plasticine, we stick in the center the prepared tubule, and we establish this design in a vacuum cleaner tube.

Open the opening for suction control and turn on the vacuum cleaner at minimum power. With the help of the manufactured nozzle, carefully clean the mesh of the headphones from sulfur and other accumulated there during the use of contaminants.

This method will allow you to clean your headphones much easier and faster. The main thing is to do everything neatly and without haste. In addition, this option is safer, since in the case of hydrogen peroxide there is a risk that moisture can get on the device's pins and spoil it.

What is not recommended?

What they do not write in the vastness of the great Runet. In an attempt to find an effective way to clean the headphones from sulfur, you can run into very strange tips, the authors of which recommend washing the device or rinse them in the sink using a toothbrush and cleanser. However, both of these options raise serious doubts, as wetting the inner contents of the headphones is highly discouraged, this can lead to their complete breakdown and you will have to buy a new device.

advice If you are not sure what you can disassemble and then collect headphones, then it's better not to take this case at all, but to ask experienced friends or contact a service.

In addition, take into account the fact that the disappearance or sharp deterioration of sound can be caused not only by the accumulated pollution. The cause of this breakdown can also be broken contacts, torn or broken wire, etc. In this case, the device either needs to be repaired by itself, trying to weld the wiring, or simply throw out and buy new headphones.

Helpful advices for

  1. Do not let the device be used by anyone other than you, since headphones can be attributed to a subject from the category "personal", if we consider this issue from the hyena's point of view.
  2. Regularly clean the auricle of sulfur and other contaminants. However, do not overdo it so as not to harm yourself. It is important to follow the golden mean.

Clean your headphones from sulfur regularly once a month, then your equipment will last much longer, and the sound quality will remain at the highest level! You no longer have to buy a new device every few months.