What and how to choose a towel for the bathroom: types, characteristics, features


  • Basic types of equipment and their characteristics
  • Moments to consider when choosing a water model
  • Nuances of using electrical models

Carrying out a thorough or cosmetic repair in the bathroom often involves replacing the device for drying towels. Given the fact that in recent years the range of these replacement structures has expanded, the owners often have questions: what type of product to choose for a particular room, than one towel dryer is different from the other, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed models?

Choosing a replacement for an old device by the principle of external appeal, you can create yourself in the future a lot of problems. Equally important is the correct installation of the selected equipment. In most cases, it is better to overpay a little, entrusting installation to a professional, but do not worry at the same time for the functionality and safety of the design.

Main types of attachments and their characteristics

A modern heated towel designed for the bathroom can belong to one of the following groups of :

  • Electric. Today is considered a worthy alternative to the classic water model. The main advantage is the possibility of using in an offline mode, regardless of other systems. This towel can be installed not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, in the hallway, even on the balcony. To operate the device you need only an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Of course, if you select such a device, the amount of electricity consumption will increase noticeably.

  • Water. Standard construction, which is initially installed in the bathroom by default. This is the most common curved pipe, through which hot water circulates. If the water supply is turned off, the device does not work as intended. Often, it is connected to the heating system, then it turns out that it is idle all season without work.

Tip: Today, intending to choose a standard water-type towel warmer, you need to consider what kind of water it will have to deal with. Given the quality of modern tap water, you need to be prepared for the fact that the pipe can become rusted, especially if it is painted or made of ferrous metal.

  • Combined. Units combining the functional features of the water and electric models. If necessary, they can work in either one or the other mode. Differing high cost, these options have not yet gained popularity among modern consumers.

Based on these specifications, you can easily determine which model to choose for a particular bathroom. If the final decision has not yet been made, it is worthwhile to look more closely at the nuances of these or those devices.

Moments to consider when choosing a water model

In this case, the main attention should be paid to the technical data of the model you like. They must correspond to the level of pressure characteristic of the water supply system at home. Otherwise the heated towel can simply not withstand the load being created. The simplest thing in this respect is the owners of country houses, where the pressure in the pipes is minimal. For such a bathroom is suitable for almost any water version.

When choosing a material, we consider the following factors:

  1. The stainless steel is capable of restraining the corrosive effect of hot water. Optimal option will be a polished version, however, it is distinguished by its impressive value.
  2. The towel rail made of copper, brass or aluminum will not last too long, especially with active use.
  3. Stainless steel is increasingly forged, so before you buy the product, you need to read the certificates for products, evaluate the quality of the seams.

Even the simplest water meter can deliver a lot of trouble if you mount it incorrectly. It is better not to look for a master with low rates for work, but to contact the service department of the store where the product was purchased.

Nuances of using electric models

The electric heated towel raiser has many advantages:

  • Attractiveness of design and elegance of design.
  • No risk of possible leaks.
  • Independence from the quality of the water supply system.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation.
  • Possibility to choose any place in the bathroom( and not only in it) to install the fixture.
  • It is possible to adjust the heating temperature of the structure.
  • Possibility to switch the device on and off at will.

However, regardless of which model will be preferred, there is the possibility of human injury by electric shock in high humidity conditions. To avoid this, the towel heater must be installed exclusively by an experienced electrician. He will be able to carry out installation work quickly and without risks, using hidden sockets, built into the wall.

Most of the modern models of devices for drying towels in the bathroom implies the existence of a function of economical use of resources. Having slightly overpaid once, you can get an opportunity to cut expenses for electricity or water for several years without losing the quality of the design work.