- Techniques for setting the humidity level in the room and the consequences of violation of these indicators
- Increasing humidity in the room with innovative instruments and folk methods
- Techniques that will help reduce the humidity level in the room to the recommended values
Strictly adhering to the optimal temperature regime, people often forgetabout the important role played by the norm of humidity in the apartment. Awareness of the error comes only after the development of negative phenomena against the background of excessively elevated or lowered indices. A particularly dangerous period is the winter months. At this time, heaters are actively used, which stimulate the dryness of the atmosphere.

Portable desiccant
Unfortunately, people often perceive such information as advertising specialized devices, for example, humidifiers and do not take warnings seriously. In practice, the purchase of humidifiers is not at all necessary, if desired, the humidity level can be adjusted with the help of available tools.
Techniques for setting the humidity level in the room and the consequences of the violation of these indicators
The optimal humidity level is considered to be those that can range from 40-60%.In the period of increased activity of heating appliances and air conditioners, these data can be reduced to 25-35%.Despite the fact that this is not the norm, this level is not yet a critical point for physiological processes.

Air humidifier
If the air humidity in the apartment falls below the extreme, this is fraught with the development of the following consequences:
- Skin and mucous membranes begin to dry out, which triggers the development of inflammation, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, persistent sore throat, shortness of breath.
- Dust and dust mite are suspended in dry air. This is fraught with the development of severe allergic effects.
- Very poor air humidification in the room is tolerated by children. If you do not follow what humidity is maintained in the room, you can provoke the development of asthma or allergies in the baby.
- The general condition also suffers. This is manifested by a decrease in immunity, the development of chronic fatigue and a constant sense of discomfort.
- Suffer from lack of moisture and objects in the apartment. Plants wither, books fall apart, household appliances fail, furniture loses its attractive appearance.
If the norm is not maintained in the other direction, the situation becomes even more difficult. Excessive air humidity leads to the following consequences:
- On the walls and ceiling in the room begins to grow mold or fungus.
- Food products very quickly deteriorate and lose their taste.
- The air is filled with spores of mold that can get into the human body and cause the most unpleasant consequences.

For measurement of humidity level there is a special device - a hydrometer. It is very simple to operate and gives an accurate result. In extreme cases, you can apply one of the improvised techniques:
- Take a glass beaker, fill it with tap water and cool it in the refrigerator to the minimum temperature. Then put it in the room, away from batteries and other heaters. We begin to observe the walls of the container. If within five minutes the walls managed to get fogged and dry, this is an indicator of critically low humidity. If after five minutes the glass remains fogged up - this is the norm. If the surface appeared streams, then the level of moisture in the air is too high.
- There is another simple method to determine the humidity in the apartment. A fir cone is taken, which is placed away from heat sources. If after a few minutes the scales begin to open, this indicates an increased dryness, if it is denser to adhere - high humidity, nothing happens - the norm.
It's clear that the improvised methods will not give a very accurate result, but it's enough to understand that you need to make some changes.
Increase the humidity in the room with innovative instruments and folk methods
The best way to solve the problem will be to purchase an air humidifier, especially if it's a large apartment. In case you need to influence this indicator in a separate room, you can use one of the following methods:
- You can just put a wet towel on a warm battery. As the matter warms up, the liquid will evaporate, saturating the atmosphere. So you can also remove the unpleasant odor in the apartment, for this, a few drops of essential oil drip onto the fabric.
- Everything can be done even easier. We spread the damp cloth on the battery, and put its free end into a container with water. Then the air in the room around the clock moisturize, and the fluid will have to be poured no more than once every few days.
- Even containers of water placed around the room gradually increase the humidity of the air, without exceeding the established norms.
Advice: Green plantations can become an excellent moisturizer and at the same time an air purifier in an apartment. If several lianas are diluted, there will be no problems with gas contamination, dustiness and dryness of the room. It is only necessary to know in advance which specimen has distinct purifying properties.

Steam humidifier
In addition to such effective methods, it is possible to use improvised means. These include installing the aquarium, drying the laundry indoors( unless the washing machine is not with the highest squeezing class), installing a decorative fountain.
Techniques that will help reduce the humidity level in the room to the recommended values
Lowering the humidity in the apartment can also be using a specialized device or techniques invented by folk craftsmen. In the first case, the norm is achieved by pumping air through the device in order to suck out water from it. Today portable and stationary dryers are available, which differ in performance, dimensions, approach to the operation process. These devices can work even in cool rooms.

Device - moisture absorber
Another professional method of normalizing moisture is a special absorber. It is released in the form of a device in which a tablet is placed, they are laid out throughout the apartment and await the result. The approach is capable to show the efficiency only in small premises, otherwise it is necessary to put one more.
In addition, you can choose the right option and from popular methods:
- In the first place is the most common airing. By providing air circulation in the apartment, it is possible to quickly and safely lower the level of moisture. This method works even if it rains outside.
- Artificially air-dried air conditioner. The oil cooler with built-in fan blades also functions approximately.
- Some rooms do not have windows( toilet, bathroom) or they are so small that airing will not give the desired result. In this case, you need to take care of the quality hood, otherwise microbes and spores from a small room in the shortest time spread throughout the apartment.
If the desired norm is achieved, it will take a lot of effort to maintain it. But the effort will certainly pay off, providing residents with excellent immunity, sound sleep and good mood.