How to get rid of underwear lice at home: industrial and folk methods


  • Causes of appearance of lice and methods of detection of lice
  • A complex of measures that will help to remove liner lice
  • Effective prevention of repeated infection

Traditionally, people from antisocial groups who neglect personal rules suffer from infection with lice living on clothes and beddinghygiene. But the situation is different, so everyone should know how to get rid of underwear lice and how to diagnose an unpleasant phenomenon.

Special attention should be paid to prevention of the condition, because it is much easier to carry out than profile treatment. In both cases, the approach should be complex, only then it will be possible to count on the desired effect.

Causes of appearance of lice and methods of detection of lice

Linen lice are a more perfect form of head and feed exclusively on human blood. For this reason, infection is possible only from person to person, animals from insects do not suffer and are not carriers. The louse lodges only on those garments that are in direct contact with the skin. Additionally, it can hit bedding.

There are several factors that increase the risk of parasite infestation:

  1. Constant wearing of the same garments without regular washing.
  2. Non-compliance with the basic standards of personal hygiene, close communication with people who neglect these rules.
  3. Contact with an infected person.
  4. Use of underwear that is not systematically processed. Sometimes the risk factor is bedding in public institutions( hotels, sanatoria, hospitals).

To recognize a louse, it is better to consult a specialist, because even bites of lingerie lice are not so easy to distinguish from traces of mites. If for some reason a doctor is not available, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Lice, unlike fleas, do not jump and eat exclusively under clothing, while fleas prefer to feed on open skin areas.
  • A bug is bigger in size than a louse, and it can only be found on a bed or mattress, they do not strike clothes.
  • Lice are very similar to mites in appearance, but on a detailed examination it can be found that they have 6 legs, not 8 like ticks.
  • Traces of scabies are very similar to bites of lice, but the first work under the skin, and the latter work on its surface.

When detecting characteristic marks on the body and the presence of other symptoms, immediate measures should be taken, if possible, by isolating themselves from the rest of the family. At home, the treatment is reduced to the regular processing of bite marks by an antiseptic, disinfection of bed linen and bed linen.

A complex of measures, which will save from linen lice

A few years ago, to completely withdraw the louse used kerosene. The method is really effective, but the product leaves behind a persistent specific odor, which is very difficult to get rid of. Modern approaches are not less effective, but do not deliver such discomfort.

There are no separate recommendations how to get rid of lice, there is only an integrated approach, consisting of several stages:

  • First of all, garments and bedding are exposed to processing. To do this, you can use professional tools such as NOC, MediFos or Carbofos. They are used according to the instructions and are designed to combat any parasites at home. In addition, a good result is the use of ordinary tar soap. Parasites disappear if you wash the products at a very high temperature with the addition of product shavings. After that, the laundry should be rinsed in a weak vinegar solution and dried in the sun.

Tip: In the process of disinfection it is necessary to deal not only with the things that the infected person personally contacted, but also all the textiles. Lice and their larvae could get on other objects during the washing process or while lying together in a basket for dirty laundry.

  • The next stage is the disinfection of all personal hygiene items. Erasers, combs, sponges, hair clips, towels, bathing caps should be wiped with vinegar or boiled in its solution. Ideally, it is better to replace all these items with new ones.
  • After all this, you need to take care of yourself, because lice can be present on the skin imperceptibly for the owner. You need to take a hot bath, use a medical hair shampoo, tar or household soap for the body. You need to get dressed in fresh or even new things.

The conducted activities in most cases give the expected effect. If you can not completely get rid of the parasites, you will have to contact the appropriate services.

Effective prevention of re-infection of

Lice will not return if the following rules are followed:

  1. It is not necessary to visit places with unsanitary conditions and communicate with antisocial personalities.
  2. Do not wear other people's clothes. When making purchases in the second-hand, you need to handle the products correctly.
  3. Clothes need to be worn every day different. Wardrobe is recommended to update as often as possible.
  4. The louse does not like silk, wool, any smooth and creaky fabric. It is from them that you can make up the basis of the wardrobe.

Parasites can not stand the smell of tansy, fern and milkweed. If you place in the closet bags with such fees, insects there just will not appear.