- What is scale and where does it come from?
- What does the scale cause damage to the washing machine?
- How do I clean the washing machine?
- Clean with citric acid
- Moem with "Antinakipin"
- Excellent help vinegar
- Is there any use for softening chemicals?
- Prevent the formation of scale
Scale - attack every house, and its cleaning should be regular. When a person buys a new electric kettle or a washing machine, he always expects that the thing will last long. Scum also begins to appear on the machine in six months and can bring it to an unfit state. You will learn how to clean the washing machine of scale and not be afraid of its further formation.
What is scale and where does it come from?
This is the deposition of salts on devices that heat water during operation. In the household of such devices, there are usually two - a kettle and a washing machine. The main reason for the formation of scale is too hard water, in which a large amount of magnesium and calcium is dissolved. Especially often, because of hard water, scum is formed in residents of apartments connected to a public water supply. Also, the scale in the washing machine appears if you wash things with powder with too much chemical and mineral components. Then his remains are deposited on the teng and often affect the machine even worse than salts. It's bad when the "intensive washing" mode is constantly on in the typewriter. It increases the percentage of salts that fall on the ten and quickly harden.
What does the scale cause damage to the washing machine?
Scale in the washing machine can reduce its service life by one and a half to two times. At the same time, if you are not worried about how to clean the teng, you will not have a free warranty repair. Masters will conclude that the failure occurred due to your inattention, and you will have to pay a lot.
The main reason for the breakdown of washing machines is that the scaled tin is worse than heat. It not only heats the water much more slowly, which leads to a loss of electricity, but also overheats itself. If it is wrong to clean the machine or use the wrong means, then the scale will collect on the heating element even faster. In addition, if you do not remove the internal contamination of the machine, then its outlet valve will become clogged, it is worse to let in water and break down.
How do I clean the washing machine?
You can get rid of the dirt that got on the teng, at home or call the wizard. The first is more difficult: you have to think everything over, buy funds and act carefully. The second is more expensive and not always reliable. Not all those who call themselves masters are such. Most housewives advise to remove the scum in the washing machine by yourself. After the first self-cleaning, it will be easier, you will learn your technique better and be sure that you have done everything to ensure that it lasts longer.
Before you start cleaning, decide what you are going to do. Of course, most methods do not require mechanical action, but it is better to grab a good loofah or a clean rag. Not one scum pollutes the washing machine, and the rest of the dirt is much easier to clean. In addition to the bast, take good gloves that protect your hands from strong detergents. If you do not tolerate the chemical odor, check the room where you are going to work.
It is best to remove dirt from the equipment using microfiber cloths. They absorb water and do not leave a divorce.
Prepare for the fact that in order to clean the tan, you have to repeatedly turn on the machine "idle".If you do not want to disassemble it, there is no other way to get rid of the scum. Just in case, take the instructions for using your washing machine.
Clean with citric acid
Citric acid is one of the cheapest and most effective methods. At one removal of dirt from the machine gun will not be needed and 100 rubles. Repeat this procedure is every few months, and then your ten will be clean forever. In addition to the plaque, citric acid removes the unpleasant odor and helps to get rid of the mold that has penetrated deep into the drum.
Take from 60 to 200 grams of citric acid. If it is sold in packages of 15 grams, then it will be from 4 to 14 pieces. But you can find more sachets, a hundred pound. The bigger the car, the more money you need. Open all the sachets and pour them either into the drum or into the detergent compartment. You can go there and there. But the main thing is not to pour acid into the rinse aid compartment, be careful. Now close the machine and find the function with the highest temperature.60 degrees will be enough, but 90 will do. Turn it on, the machine will "wash" a half to two hours.
During this time, the raid will react chemically with citric acid and begin to fall off or dissolve. It does not hurt after that to once again give the machine a machine "wash" without laundry, so that the acid and its smell completely washed. If after cleaning you look into the tube of the washing machine, you will see how much dirt will finally wash off the tan.
Mine with the help of "Antinakipin"
The principle of operation of this substance is similar to the principle of citric acid, but it is slightly more expensive and is designed specifically to clean the contaminants that fall on the shade or inside the electric kettle.
Buy a pack of antiscale and pour into the powder compartment the amount specified in the instruction. Turn on the idle mode.
Select the function with which the wash lasts no longer than 60-70 minutes. This chemical is stronger than acid and can damage the machine.
The disadvantage of the facility is that if it is poured too much, then it can corrode the rubber parts of the automatic machine. As a result, it will start to flow, and you will need a fix. Therefore, with "Antinakipin" you have to be very careful.
Excellent help vinegar
Many housewives say that the way with vinegar will help clean the machine best. Take a half or two glasses of the most usual white vinegar and pour them into the drum. No more means inside or into the powder compartment. Do not add. Turn on the washing machine for a high temperature mode and a washing time of one and a half hours. After 10 minutes, press the pause button and let the vinegar get into all the slots of the drum, hook the ten. The machine must "insist" for an hour. Then continue washing. In the end, we need a cloth made of microfiber. Do not wet it, just gently wipe the drum.
Is there any use for mitigating chemicals?
We all saw the advertisement of "Calgon", in which a very dirty ten and ten was shown after using the tool. The second one simply shines and looks completely new. It is clear that not everything is so beautiful, and the second one is actually new, but does "Kalgon" help at least a little bit? The answer is sad - no, or very little. If you are well, very hard water, it will reduce the rate of scale formation by 10 percent, not more. At the same time it costs tens of times more expensive than vinegar or citric acid, which are easy to buy and use at home.

Magnetic filter for water
Prevent the formation of scale
Instead of a chemical softener, you can install a magnetic water softener. It will be useful and generally cheaper. The water softener will make sure that the scum does not appear in the washing machine. After each wash it is better to wipe the machine from the inside and do not close the door until it is completely dry. After washing the laundry with a large amount of detergent or rinse aid, turn on another rinse, as these substances are very slowly washed off.