- Where to start?
- Method 1 - the cheapest and affordable option
- Method 2 - a self-bleaching agent
- Method 3 - a thorough integrated approach
- How can you wash your running shoes:
- Delicate whitening
What could be better than a new snow-white sneaker?- They are comfortable, practical, stylish, suitable for almost any format of clothing. But the beauty and dazzling brilliance disappears, as soon as you see that from the impact of dirt, your favorite shoes change their original attractiveness and color. There is a problem: how to wash white sneakers from the grime?
to the contents ↑Where to start?
There are a lot of tools that are suitable for solving the problem, than to clean white sneakers. They are all effective and easily accessible at home.
But before turning to the practical use of these tools and methods, to clean the white sneakers and restore their original color, it is worth paying attention to the material from which the footwear is made. Please note that leather shoes last longer will remain white than their canvas counterparts or nubuck, suede, etc.
to contents ↑Method 1 is the cheapest and most affordable option
The most proven and reliable way is mechanical cleaning usingtoothbrush and toothpaste. For these purposes:
- We take an old medium-rigidity brush.
- Toothpaste can be used not expensive.
- Apply a layer of toothpaste on the brush in the middle volume and concentrate on the dirtiest areas of the shoe - carefully wipe these places.
- After the completion of the procedure, remove any debris and paste with a sponge or a damp cloth.
Important! Do not forget about the entire plane of the shoe, since the white color has a yellowing property, and to achieve a solid color you need to process the entire plane of your shoes.
to the contents ↑Method 2 - a self-bleaching agent
If you have expensive toothpaste, you can also create an economical option yourself at home. To do this, mix the detergent powder with a teaspoon of vinegar, lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide to a thick consistency. Next, we perform the same manipulations as with a brush with toothpaste.
Important! This method should not be used on sneakers with a mesh top - you can damage the mesh.
to the contents ↑Method 3 - a thorough integrated approach
To thoroughly wash the white sneakers from the stale dirt, proceed step-by-step and very carefully. A complex variant with manual and machine washing, cleaning will be appropriate here.
Stick to this sequence:
- Pre-flush your sneakers from the adhered dirt, sand and small stones stuck in the ridged places.
- Remove stuck stones carefully, since they can damage your washing machine.
- If the insoles are not sewn, they need to be removed. Also remove the shoelaces and knot them.
- Do not add any clothes, let alone linens, put your sneakers in the washing machine. If you have a special bag for washing, put your shoes on it.
- Next, choose the mode of "shoes" - new washing machines provide this function. If it's not there, then standard wash with fast rotation.
- Adding powder, you can air-conditioner.
- After finishing washing, remove your shoes and dry it in a well-ventilated warm place.
- Put insole, lace up your shoes.
Your white sneakers again will please you with their appearance as after the first purchase in the store. This method is also good for washing white fabric sneakers if the seams are not glued.
to the contents ↑How can I wash my sneakers:
- Do not wash the sneakers in hot water.40 degrees - the optimum temperature for shoes.
- Do not dry your shoes on hot batteries or in direct sunlight. This will damage the glued seams, and as a result, deformation of your favorite footwear may occur.
- Wash only quality sneakers in the unit, because during the washing process on the questionable quality of the shoes, the sole may fall off or they will be completely ruined.
- Do not forget to treat your shoes with special protective sprays and creams. This will prolong the quality of wearing, prevent the loss of color contrast and reduce the wear time of your shoes.
Delicate whitening
If you are not sure that washing in a washing machine will not spoil your favorite shoes, then we will tell you about another delicate way how to clean white leather sneakers.
In this case, you will need to use an oxygen bleach. How to use it depends on the form of its release. Bleach is of two kinds, therefore:
- If you purchased the product in powder, then dilute to the desired consistency.
- If in the liquid form - we leave it and apply already ready concentrated solution.
Apply the solution to a sponge or cloth and wipe the sneakers. The result will not take long to wait - and you again enjoy your favorite, dazzling white sneakers.
The methods listed in this article are more than enough to wash off white sneakers from stale dirt quickly and effortlessly, even if you have not taken care of the material on your shoes for a very long time. We hope you got the result you expected and now you are happy with your snow-white old sneakers, as a new thing.