- Shoe stretching - variants of
- What you need to know about the services of professional shoe masters?
- What should I do if my shoes are shaking?- Folk ways of
- Useful tips:
Even with a very careful selection of shoes, you can face the situation when you dress after a while a new fashionable pair, and it turns out to be small. What to do if the shoes are tight, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Shoe stretching - variants of
Depending on where the shoes are pressing and how much, you can approach the problem in different ways:
- If you do not have free time or you want to get the result as fast as possible without applyingto the process, no effort, a way out of the situation, what to do if new shoes are squeezed, one is to go to a special workshop. Professional shoemakers with the help of special shoes, chemical and mechanical tools and equipment will be able to stretch the material and it will be more convenient for the foot. The only drawback of this method is the need to pay for the services of professional masters.
- If you want to fix the situation yourself, here are several ways to help you about which you will learn below. But be prepared for the fact that this process is not a second, and it can take several days.
What you need to know about the services of professional masters of shoe business?
Not every material is subject to stretching. For example, every specialist will take care of adjusting the size and softness of natural leather material. But to correct the situation when shoes made of artificial or patent leather or fabric material are small, not every master will be able to.
Therefore, be prepared for the fact that even if you are determined to pay a certain amount for stretching shoes, you can simply refuse such a service because of the low strength or extreme delicacy of the material.
What should I do if the shoes are pressed?- Folk ways of
Before you start an independent stretching of the pair you like, you should know that you can only extend shoes, boots, sandals or sneakers. In the longest, no pair can be stretched. So, what if the shoes are small and tight? Let's consider some effective ways.
Skin stretching and softening agent
Today on sale in shoe stores and household shops you can buy special aerosols, with which you can not only stretch, but also make the material of any shoe softer. Which brand to give preference to - does not really matter, since all of them, in the main, have a good reputation for consumer feedback.
Important! Manufacturers of quality footwear are strongly encouraged to purchase their products for stretching only their products. Operate with this approach in that the funds are designed specifically for the material used. All this is nothing more than a usual advertising move aimed at obtaining additional benefits in the form of monetary profits from consumers. Therefore, decide on your own, the means of which manufacturer is more suitable for you at a price.
Application of spray for stretching and softening:
- Read the instructions for using the particular product that you purchased.
- Shake the can and spray the formulation onto the desired surface. Note that if you decide what to do, if the shoes are pressed from the skin, spray the aerosol on the outer surface. If it is necessary to correct the situation with lacquered or suede, nubuck shoes, the processing can be performed solely from the inside.
- Slightly pull the material with your hands.
- Leave for a few minutes to soak.
- Wear and wear for about 10 minutes so that the material takes the shape and size of your foot.
Important! For greater effectiveness and prevention of rubbing, you can train the treated pair not on bare legs. It is better to pre-wear socks. To speed up the softening, you can additionally gently tap the material in problem areas with a hammer.
Alcohol solutions and cosmetics
Any alcohol-based product is suitable for solving the problem of what to do if new shoes are pressed. For this:
- Take any alcohol-containing medication - medical alcohol, vodka, cologne or cosmetic tonic.
- Pour a small amount of the selected solution into the problem pair.
- Put the items on their feet in their toes.
- Wet the material on top of the shoes.
Important! If the hard backs of new shoes rub your foot, then soak them with alcohol.
Steam plus Moisture
Depending on how good you have purchased the products, you can use this method to solve the problem of uncomfortable footwear:
- Heat water in a kettle or pot. It is desirable to boil, so that the steam is abundant.
- Keep the problematic product on the ferry, sipping the material slightly in different directions.
- Dampen newspapers with water and smear them in lumps.
- Cram inside shoes or boots.
- Leave this way until the paper is completely dry.
The new fitting should be more convenient for you.
Important! Do not try to speed up the process by drying the products on the heaters. Drying should occur in the most natural conditions - only in this way you will get the expected result.
This method is one of the most effective of all possible options for what to do if the shoes are squeezed. In addition, this stretching procedure does not take much of your time. Proceed as follows:
- Take 2 dense plastic bags.
- Fill them up with a little water.
- Tie up the bags and place them inside the products in such a way that the shape of the package matches the shape of the shoes.
- Put everything in this form directly into the freezer, at night.
- In the morning, take out the items and wait for the ice to come up a bit - about 30 minutes.
- Remove the bags.
- Try on the pair.
Important! The effect of this method is very simple and is based on the principle of increasing the water volume in the freezing and thawing. The only nuance that must be taken into account is the type of material: for a patent-leather shoe, this method is not suitable, since the skin is cracked during cooling.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- If the shoes are very tight, do not try to fit it to the right size the first time. Do stretching consistently, in several stages, so as not to damage the material.
- To make the model shoes more comfortable to wear, if they are a bit small, use special silicone pads. They will prevent friction against the skin of your feet from the material of the shoe, and after a couple of sock, you can remove them and wear shoes that will sit well on the leg without undue consequences.
- The new shoes can be reaped a little until they take the shape of your foot, especially if they are made from genuine leather. Therefore, do not immediately make rigid manipulations for stretching. Just protect the problem spots with plaster, and after a couple of days the couple will already sit on your legs "like a poured."
- Soften the material, not greatly stretching it, you can use castor oil or fish oil. Just apply a little remedy for the problem areas of shoes and rub with a woolen rag.
We hope that now, knowing what to do, if the shoes are tight, even in the case when your new thing gives you discomfort, you will not panic. You can easily solve such a problem and look irresistible in fashionable shoes.