- How to conveniently store shoes?
- Where to store shoes in the country and in the apartment?
- Useful advices
The large number of shoes in our climate zone is not a luxury, but a necessity. During the year, we need: moccasins, sandals and sneakers, as well as demi-season shoes, boots, winter boots, as well as smart heel shoes for going out into the light, and low for casual walks. If there are more than one person in your family, then ordering in such quantity of shoes is an impossible task and the question is how to store shoes and where to store shoes in a small apartment is always relevant for everyone.
to the contents ↑How to conveniently store shoes?
There is still a solution to these problems, and more than one, because designers invent new and new ways of practical and convenient storage of shoes. Many ideas are original, others are conservative, others - surprise with their simplicity, and the fourth - evoke a touching smile.
Let's consider various design ideas for storage of footwear in more detail.
Traditional way of
If you are a conservative person, store your shoes in boxes. However, instead of factory houses, purchase special shoes for the shoes with a transparent side. This simple invention will help you, without opening the box, to see what is inside. To facilitate the search for the necessary pair, we offer the following ideas:
- Special stickers. Take a photo of the shoe, print out the self-made label on the printer or in the photo center, and glue the label on the box.
- Use special leather tags from your luggage bags.
- Give each seasonal collection its own color. For example, summer shoes - yellow label, spring - green, etc.
- In ordinary boxes you can make side windows so that you can see the "inhabitants" without any extra effort.
Important! This method is good, if you have few boxes or vice versa, there is a separate room, which is replaced by a huge wardrobe for storing shoes.
Practical, compact way
The most practical solution for organizing a shoe storage system, for example in the hallway, is the use of:
- Shoe cabinet. This piece of furniture is simply necessary to maintain cleanliness and order, as well as for quick access to shoes.
- Shoe rack. This piece of furniture takes up little space, besides it is inexpensive. But there is a unique minus - the design is malleable, so this method is better to use in order to store seasonal shoes compactly.
Shoe cabinet or stand can be an excellent complement to the interior, if you choose them with taste and in accordance with the general style of the hallway. When choosing a shoe for arranging an anteroom, consider the number of items that will be stored and, of course, the appearance of the items. The cabinet should be not only practical, but also stylish. The designs of shoes can be different. For example:
- Tumba-slim is the ideal solution for small hallways. The special chest of drawers has 3 horizontal compartments and several vertical compartments. The shelves open 180 degrees. Shoes are placed on shelves at a small angle. With the help of such furniture, you can store all your shoes and shoes without bumping into them every time.
- Cabinet-showcase with swinging facades. In such a cabinet, shoes will not be deformed, but, for its safety, it is desirable to provide a vent for ventilation.
- A curbstone with a seat. The subject of furniture not only compactly stores shoes, but also allows you to put on your favorite shoes with comfort, sitting on a pedestal. Some models of thumbs have shelves for accessories, which is very convenient.
- Shelving. They are made of different materials and have different shapes. Used to organize the shoe, and can decorate not only the hallway, but also any room. In addition, your shoes can live in different "rooms".
- Calories. This is a very convenient invention and represents the most common shoe shelves. Modern models of the calico are very compact and have a rather interesting design. Use this piece of furniture can be and if you already have a box for storing shoes or an organizer. Since in autumn and spring, dirt sticks to the shoes together with water, it is better to put soiled shoes in the calf cabinet, so that all unnecessary glass is down. And only then, gently wiping with a dry cloth, giving the shoes a neat appearance, put the shoes in a closet or a rack.
Air way
There is another economical way of storing shoes, but designed only for dry, clean shoes - it's an organizer. Suspended shelves-pockets can be placed even in the wardrobe next to the clothes of the corresponding season. You can hang an organizer on an ordinary bar in the cabinet. There are also more compact flat models, the shoes in them are placed vertically - they can be hung even on the door.
For summer shoes suitable organizer with pockets, made of fabric. Such a piece of interior is affordable, but, unfortunately, it gets dirty quickly. You can make an organizer with your own hands, but it is required for this, only a little imagination and improvised materials. You can attach the tissue organizer to the wall, to the crossbar or to the pantry door.
Important! Irreplaceable bright pockets will be in the children's room, where you can place almost any baby's shoes.
For the storage of shoes on heels, you can use special pendants made of gypsum. Color the architectural stucco in any color you like and fix it in the niche. Suspended for the sharp heels of shoes, will look like an original decoration.
For the leftover shoes( sneakers, shoes without heels, winter shoes), you can use hooked on the wall hooks. Especially this option is good for lacing on lacing. Fasten the bots by the laces by the hooks.
Original ideas for fans of bright crafts:
- To store shoes compactly, you can create a glass drum with knitting needles, sandals and shoes will be comfortable between them. For beauty, it is better to put shoes of the same size in such a drum, and if the idea is pleasant to all members of the family, then give each one a drum and let the family distinguish themselves by brightly decorating their product. Especially the child will be interested in twisting the drum, and the process of learning from the problem will turn into a game.
- For fans of minimalism, we propose the following idea: hammer a small distance from each other a small number of slats, and in the bars, beat the pegs of different sizes. Boots put on pegs of large sizes, and shoes on pegs smaller in size. This idea is very convenient in practice and suitable for any footwear, and it looks very nice.
- Large size ottoman turn into a closet for storing shoes. Sew around the pockets, in which you can fold the shoes. This option is especially good for keeping the baby's shoes.
Where to store shoes in the country and in the apartment?
If you have a dressing room to store boots, shoes, shoes, it's easier there. You just need to properly place the shelves or use for this purpose small hanging shelves, use hooks and special hangers, and even ordinary wooden boxes for fruit, decorated with bright acrylic paints, will look great in the wardrobe.
If there is no dressing room, then the shoes must be stored in the hallway in a special closet or shoe.
You can also arrange storage space on a large balcony. Use for this purpose, compact shelving, bedside tables, or small open shelves.
Important! Leather lacquered shoes can not be kept in frost, so the balcony must certainly be heated or, at least, well insulated.
If in your house in the country house there is a wooden staircase, then use it to organize the storage of bots. Steps make a folding, and you will get a huge number of boxes, in which you can put the shoes of the whole family.
If the dacha or apartment has a niche, then create there convenient mini-racks, stuff hooks, shelves and place there shoe. The original idea is to fill various walls with nails along the wall and lay them out of thick wire and other materials. You can hang the shoe on such figures.
Important! Hanging shoes must be clean and dry, otherwise the figure will turn into a big dirty spot.
At the dacha you can use an ordinary ladder, and transfer its function to the category of shoe racks. .
to the contents ↑Useful advices
Regardless of which storage system you choose, pay attention to the following recommendations:
- When removing shoes for storage, cleanit and carefully dry it.
- Disinfect the bots before storage. Use for this purpose the usual vinegar: moisten the cotton swab means and put it in the shoes for the whole day.
- When sending leather shoes for seasonal storage, always grease it with cream.
- Regularly ventilate the storage of shoes, as in moths, a beetle and even a mold can appear.
- Boots and shoes protect from sunlight during storage, since ultraviolet can enter into the oxidation reaction of many parts, especially those made of polymer materials.
- In the lacquered and festive shoes, insert special spring expansion pads. Pads made of wood, plastic or metal are made.
- For the period of storage, the lacquered shoes are wrapped in paper.
- If you are going to remove shoes for a month or much more, then wrap it in acid-free anti-corrosion paper. Even toilet paper is suitable for this purpose.
Important! Use for this purpose newspapers can not, because they can ruin the color of your shoes.
- Do not wrap shoes in plastic bags. Leather and suede should "breathe", and in such a package they can become moldy and lose color.
- Do not use naphthalene for storage. Instead, take a cedar filler or pads made of cedar, which will give shoes a fresh smell.
- Do not put shoes on each other, otherwise the battles will deform and lose shape. This procedure can be done only with flip flops.
- Revise the shoe once a year to find the pair that needs fixing or additional care.
We hope that thanks to our advice, you will organize the system of storing shoes in a competent and comfortable way, and by showing imagination, you will find your place for your favorite footwear and you can make the interior of any place reserved for this purpose more interesting.