- Causes and consequences of air conditioner contamination
- Cleaning schedule of home air conditioner - criteria for determining the appropriate mode
- Cleaning the home air conditioner:
- procedure How to clean the air conditioner at home from the outside?
- Automatic cleaning of air conditioner
- Rules of operation of air conditioner
Air conditioners have recently become the same familiar household appliances as a TV or a refrigerator. The air conditioner becomes a real rescue in a gruelingly hot summer, besides, many devices are able to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room in cold weather, when it's cold outside, and the heating season has not yet begun. But in order for the equipment to perform its tasks impeccably, it needs care, which includes cleaning the home air conditioner from contamination. Dust and dirt particles that accumulate inside the device are one of the most common causes of malfunctioning of machinery.
to content ↑Causes and consequences of air conditioning pollution
Any climate technique during operation surpasses countless air that contains dust, fluff, animal fur, bacteria and fungal spores. All this is delayed in the filters, on the fan and heat exchanger.
Important! Over time, all this garbage accumulates and forms a "mud coat" in which fungi and harmful microorganisms develop. This leads to the fact that the air conditioner during work becomes a source of unpleasant odors, and along with the air, a person inhales microorganisms that adversely affect his health.
If the cleaning of the home air conditioner is not carried out in accordance with the recommended manufacturer and professional maintenance personnel, the following problems may occur due to dust accumulated inside:
- Significant deterioration of the indoor climate.
- Significant reduction in device efficiency.
- Increased risk of failure of the split system - due to increased load on the motor.
- The appearance of an unpleasant odor.
- The climate device works with difficulty, as dust prevents the free passage of air.
Home cleaning schedule - criteria for determining the appropriate mode for the
The following factors influence the degree of contamination of the device, and hence the regularity of cleaning the home air conditioner:
- Air pollution level. A large amount of dust falls into houses that are close to the construction complexes, roads, industrial enterprises.
- Height of installation of the climate system. Air conditioners located on the uppermost floors of the apartment building suck in much less dust than the devices on the lower floors.
- Humidity indicator of air.
- Poplar fluff is the worst enemy of technology, which can clog the elements of the system and the radiator.
- Frequency of use of the device.
Urgent cleaning of the air conditioner
If the climate system has ideally served for several years, then do not tighten with cleaning the filter elements. Pay attention to how the system works, and if you find the following signs, then proceed with the urgent cleaning of the split system:
- Increase in the energy consumed.
- Decrease in the power of the air conditioner.
- Condensation flows from the indoor unit.
- Noise and crackling during device connection to the network.
- Appearance of an unpleasant odor when the device works.
- Icing of pipes and fittings.
Correct frequency
All models of air conditioners are equipped with a powerful filtration system for air purification. Clogging of filters leads to a decrease in the productivity of the climate system and to an increase in its energy consumption.
Important! Such unpleasant consequences can be avoided if to carry out preventive measures for cleaning - both the indoor and outdoor unit of the air conditioner.
It is necessary to carry out such measures at least twice a year:
- Before going into off-season mode( in the autumn months).
- Before starting operation( in spring).
Important! Removable filters, with intensive use of the device, it is recommended to clean one to three times a week, depending on the air pollution in the room. At usual operation - not less often than 1 time in 2-3 weeks.
to the contents ↑Cleaning of the home air conditioner:
procedure The cleaning of the home air conditioner can be entrusted to specialists who will perform all the manipulations quickly and efficiently. However, you can clean the device yourself. The main thing is to carefully take care of the climate system and it will work for 7-12 years without additional repairs.
Process steps
The whole process of cleaning the home air conditioner can be divided into three stages:
- Care of the filter system. Cleaning or replacing the filter.
- Cleaning the indoor unit.
- Prophylactic cleaning of the outdoor unit.
Important! Before carrying out any work, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the mains.
Consider how to manually clean the air conditioner of your home in more detail.
How do I clean filters?
Care of the air conditioning in the apartment is to wash the filters. This is the simplest procedure anyone can handle. Of course, different models have their own characteristics, but in most cases, the devices are arranged identically.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Carefully read the instruction manual for how to remove the filter.
- Spread a plastic wrap around the conditioner or paper.
- Gently open the top cover of the indoor unit.
- Remove the upper air filters.
- Clean them with a vacuum cleaner or brush. Soak in soapy water for 15-20 minutes.
- Gently wash in running water. Do not rub too hard and do not use household chemicals.
- Dry the filter.
- Turn on the air conditioner, spray a special cleaner for cleaning and disinfection in the suction area.
- Wipe the protective grill holding the filter with a damp cloth or rinse under running water.
- Wipe the inside of the air conditioner with a damp cloth.
- Install the filter.
- Assemble the device and connect the power cord to the network.
Important! In order not to damage the equipment:
- Do not produce more than 8 washes of one filter element, as its capacity is impaired, and this affects the efficiency of the entire device.
- Disposable air filters can not be washed. These elements must be periodically changed.
How do I clean the indoor unit of a split system?
In addition to replacing and cleaning the filter, it is possible to clean the heat exchanger-evaporator from dust by yourself. This is the main part of the climate system, since the heat exchanger radiators are responsible for heating and cooling the air.
Important! If corrosion marks appear on the heat exchanger surface, contact the service center to avoid freon leakage.
The evaporator of the air conditioner must be perfectly clean, and for this:
- Switch off the climate system.
- Remove the protective grille according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Clean the heat exchanger with a vacuum cleaner and a thin brush. Perform work carefully, carefully and leisurely, so as not to damage the heat exchanger and not injure the hand.
- Assemble the unit in reverse order.
Important! Consider such features of cleaning the home air conditioner, which will simplify the procedure and will not lead to system failure:
- When cleaning the evaporator, do not use a stiff brush or metal objects, as they can damage the freon line and the heat exchanger itself.
- If too much dust has accumulated on the heat exchanger and it has become a mud film, use a steam cleaner to remove it. It is not recommended to carry out work with a special steam cleaner yourself, as it is possible to damage internal parts. In this case, entrust the work to specialists.
Fan cleaning
The rotary fan looks like a roller with a lot of membranes. This element drives the chilled air out of the air conditioner into the room. On the fan and its elements, a lot of dust is retained, which subsequently turns into muddy, dense raids.
Important! If you do not clean the fan, the webs can become so dirty that the climate device simply can not perform its functions.
To clean the fan, perform the following manipulations:
- First, lay the wall with an oilcloth on which the air conditioner is fixed.
- Lay the floor under the device.
- Apply a soap solution to the blades.
- Leave it for a while so that the dirt gets soaked.
- Turn on the air conditioner at minimum speed. Do not be frightened if particles of dirt and soap solution start to emerge from the air conditioner.
- After several minutes of operation, unplug the device.
- Finish cleaning the partitions manually using a brush and soap solution.
Cleaning the drainage system
The accumulation of dust and dirt can clog and drain the system. As a result, the water will not flow outside, but into the room.
Important! Mold, formed in an ideal environment, may well spread first into the drainage tray, and then into the radiator and the walls of the device.
There are three ways to clean the drainage system:
- Flushing with water and detergents.
- Flushing with complete disassembly of the indoor unit.
- Rinsing of the disconnected drain with air purging.
Important! At home, it is easiest to rinse the drainage system with detergents and water. Suitable for this purpose and a tool designed for washing dishes. After cleaning the drainage system, be sure to flush the drip tray, as it is also susceptible to contamination.
to the contents ↑How to clean the air conditioner at home from the outside?
The outdoor unit is most difficult to clean, since it is located on the outside of the house, in hard-to-reach places.
Important! Clean the compressor unit of the split system one or two times a year.
If the air-conditioning is not too high, and you can get it yourself, you can do without specialists. Proceed as follows:
- Isolate the climate device.
- Carefully unscrew the air conditioner grille.
- Remove large debris.
- Clean the unit using a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
- Gently wipe the fan and internal parts of the unit with a damp cloth. Do not expose moisture to electrical components. If necessary, cover them with a plastic wrap.
- Assemble the unit in reverse order.
Important! If you live on the upper floors, then to call the external unit, call the wizard.
- Much more effective will clean the external unit of a steam cleaner or a compact mini-wash. Radiator plates are very well rinsed with a strong head of water. If necessary, you can use detergents.
- Assemble and connect the device only after all parts have dried completely.
- When purchasing a climate system, immediately conclude a contract not only for installation, but also for the subsequent maintenance of the air conditioner. Regular maintenance will save you many problems, and the service life and quality work will increase.
Important! The first cleaning of the air conditioner must be entrusted to specialists, and you should closely monitor their work, in order to use their skills and clean the air-conditioner yourself.
to content ↑Automatic cleaning of air conditioner
Modern models of devices are equipped with additional functions that not only ensure the uninterrupted operation of the device, but also perform automatic cleaning:
- Some models use ionic air purification. Ions of oxygen or nitrogen, thanks to a special device, bind to dust particles, charging them. Charged microparticles are easily captured by a dust collector.
- Other models use ionized water dust, a multi-stage filtration and air ionization system. All this system allows you to eliminate unpleasant odors.
- If the air conditioner is equipped with an integrated sensor, the technician will control the air composition and, if necessary, start the cleaning system.
All these useful functions can make life easier for a person and care for the climate system, but it should be understood that no device is able to extract the filter from the indoor unit on its own and wash it with water or replace it.
to the contents ↑Rules for operating the air conditioner
To maintain the climate system for many years, adhere to the following rules:
- Clean the indoor unit and wash the filters at least once a month.
- Once a year, be sure to call specialists who will check the pressure of the device and will perform refueling with freon.
- If there is any indication of a malfunction, turn off the device and call the after-sales service.
- Do not connect the device to the network without an adaptation complex to low temperatures if the ambient temperature is below -5 degrees.
- Clean the evaporator of the unit and the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit before the summer season. Check the operation of the air conditioner in all modes.
We hope that after reading our article, you are convinced that you can clean the air conditioner at home without any special skills and means. Follow all the rules of operation and recommendations for the care of the climate system, and it will last you for many years.