- Magic family
- What stops customers?
- What is the difference between an activator machine and a drum machine?
- Disadvantages of "Fairies"
- What are the "Fairies"?
- All about "Feye-2"
- Basic Faults "Fairy-2"
- Removing the activator
- How to prolong the life of the "Feye-2"?
Despite the huge popularity of drum-type washing machines, miniature activator "stiralki" will not soon come out of use. Owners of small apartments "Malyutki", "Fairies" and their nearest "relatives" are especially attracted. If you find yourself in the salon or catalog of the washing machine "Fairy-2" - the instructions for use will be extremely simple and understandable. The article will deal with these small but useful helpers.
to the table of contents ↑Magic family
Washing machine "Fairy" was invented and made in Russia a long time ago. This is a whole family of machines. All the units of this brand have similar features:
- compact;
- portability;
- reliability;
- the low price;
- vertical loading;
- mechanical control;
- low power consumption;
- simple water set;
- no need to connect to communications;
- connection to ordinary electrical networks;
- possibility to wash with a half load;
- work speed;
- simplicity of management.
Consider the most important nuances of using this technique:
- "Fairy" is not built in, but the unit takes up so little space that it can be put into the bathroom only for the duration of washing, and the rest of the time stored somewhere in the closet.
- You can wash 2 kg of laundry at a time. Is this a lot or a little? Duvet cover weighs about 700 g, a pillowcase - 200 g, a cotton T-shirt - 100 grams, jeans - about a kilogram. Jeans and a dozen T-shirts, two duvet covers and a few pillow cases are not that small, considering that the wash cycle is several orders of magnitude shorter than that of the drum machines.
- "Fairy-2" is bought by the owners of spacious apartments, mainly as a second assistant. If you need to quickly wash something or allocate a separate machine for children's underwear - nothing better to think of. It is worth such an assembly at times cheaper than its larger "colleagues".
- The machine is pretty light, you can not only rearrange it in an apartment, but also take it out to a dacha even in a backpack. Moreover, "in the field" it will have to be very useful. For such an assembly, water supply is not necessary, water can be poured simply with a bucket.
What stops customers?
Some landladies refer to activator machines with caution. There is a myth that the activator is tearing the underwear. This really does happen, but only in cases where the machine is faulty.
Normally working washing machine "Fairy-2" not only does not tear anything, but it erases much more gently than a drum machine.
Important! During tests conducted by each solid manufacturer, it was found that after 25 washes in a drum-type machine, cotton linen was worn out by about a quarter, and in the "Fairy" - only 18%.
to the contents ↑What is the difference between an activator machine and a drum machine?
The activator is a large screw with blades. It is located at the bottom of the machine - mounted in the wall or bottom. The screw turns and makes the laundry move. Due to this, the contamination is removed.
The drum rotates in the drum machine, washing occurs due to friction.
Important! Blades of "Fairies" and other machines are arranged so that they do not cause harm to the laundry - their edges are rounded.
In activator machines, the reverse principle of screw rotation is applied. This is to ensure that the fabrics are not crumbled during washing. In drum machines, this happens quite often.
to the contents ↑Disadvantages of "Fairies"
There is no perfect technique in the world, so even the "fairy" washing machine has its drawbacks:
- not all models have a spin function;
- almost minimum capacity - no more than 3 kg, more often 2 kg;
- washing class F, which is considered low;
- small number of functions;
- noisy operation;
- plastic housing.
Important! How can you deal with these shortcomings:
- Lingerie is often necessary to squeeze manually. However, some "Fairies" have a spin function. Therefore, here it is enough just to choose the model you need.
- With regard to the class of washing, it is considered low, but there is nothing to prevent several cycles with the same batch of laundry, because it will take very little time.
- "Fairies" are quite noisy. But this drawback, again, means very little, since washing takes only a few minutes.
- The disadvantages include a plastic case. He serves long enough, but you must not allow too heavy objects to be placed on the machine. With this nothing can be done - only careful and correct operation of the equipment is needed.
What are the "Fairies"?
Do not think that under the brand "Fairy" you can find only miniature cars. There are several classes of these aggregates:
- CM;
- "Fairy 2P" and "Fairy 2M".
Important! The aggregates of the SMPA class are large and heavy. SM - medium and small."Fairy 2P" and "Fairy 2M" - medium and large.
The classification is not very convenient, so when choosing it, do not pay attention to it, but rather focus on other parameters:
- specifications;
- whether or not there is a spin function;
- is there a carrying handle;
- availability of water heater;
- weight.
Important! The weight of a miniature car is about five kilograms. Large "Fairies" weigh about 18 kg.
to the contents ↑All about "Feye-2"
Washing machine "Fairy-2" belongs to the class of SM.It's a miniature car.
Specifications "Fairies-2"
Its technical characteristics include:
- type of loading;
- type of control;
- dimensions;
- installation type;
- maximum load;
- washing class;
- power consumption;
- temperature selection;
- timer.
If you understand more, we see the following picture:
- Loading of all machines of this type is vertical, that is, linen is put in the tank from above, after which the machine is closed with a lid.
- The control type is mechanical, that is, the switch is manually turned.
- The machine has a timer, which allows you to set the desired wash mode.
Important! Washing machine "Fairy-2" consumes very little electricity - for 1 kg of laundry it takes only 0.3 kW.The warranty for such units is usually 2 years.
Washing machine "Fairy-2" - features of model
When working with "Fairy-2", as with any activator machine, it should take into account its significant differences from the drum machines:
- The temperature is set manually and adjusted with a mixer - usually it is notabove 55 ° С.
- "Fairy" is not connected to communications - water is recruited through a hose, one end of which is put on a water tap, and the second - goes down into the tank. The waste water is also drained through the hose, directly into the toilet bowl or into the tub. Thanks to this feature, washing is much faster than in automatic drum machines, because you do not need to waste time heating water.
Important! Among the "Fey" is a washing machine with heating - "Fairy-2P".
Install "Fairy-2"
Before you put the car, you need to choose a place for it. This should be a room that meets certain conditions:
- You can not allow the washing machine "Fairy-2" to stand in a cold shed, where the temperature drops below zero - so the unit will not last for a long time.
- For washing the machine can be put on the floor, in the bath or on the bedside table. The main thing is that it should stand exactly, the angle of inclination of the surface should not exceed 1 °.
- Try to have a working socket next to it. If the washing takes place in the bathroom, it is better to put an outlet that tolerates high humidity. If necessary, you can use an extension cord.
- With regard to the plumbing and drain, they must be at a distance so that the filling and drain hoses can be freely drawn.
Important! Hoses must be complete and of sufficient length. If they are too short, it is better to buy new ones, rather than trying to lengthen the available ones by domestic means. To nothing, except leaks, it will not.
Selection of detergents
The "Fairy-2" has 4 washing modes. You can set the desired using the rotary mechanism. One of the advantages of this miniature unit is that any detergent can be used:
- universal;
- for automatic machines;
- for activator machines;
- for hand washing;
- grinded laundry soap;
- self-made powders and pastes.
Important! In this case, and this option is possible: wash one piece of laundry, unload it and put the next batch in the same water. But such an "economical method" is possible, if the first batch was not very dirty.
We connect the machine
It's done quite simply.
Important! This model has automatic protection against overload and overflow, as well as a cover lock sensor. So do not worry, you will not pour too much water anyway.
To correctly use the washing machine "Fairy-2", the instruction is observed as follows:
- Connect the "Fairy-2" to the mains.
- Put one end of the hose on the water tap.
- Place the loose end into the tank.
- Turn on the water by adjusting its temperature by simply turning the mixer knob.
- When the tank is sufficiently full, add detergent according to the instructions.
- Immerse the laundry.
- Close the cover.
- Set the washing mode by turning the switch.
Important! After the end of washing, the unit will turn off automatically.
to the contents ↑Basic Faults "Fairies-2"
Practice shows that the simpler the device, the less it breaks. Activator machines in this sense are not an exception. Work "Fairy-2" can be many years and even decades.
Important! However, individual nodes still fail over time. Is it possible to repair the unit yourself? Very often it is possible and even necessary - repair in the service center is often worth as much as a new machine of this class.
Most often, such malfunctions occur: the
- activator does not spin, and the engine hums;
- the laundry is torn;
- motor overheats;
- in the engine can hear an abnormal knock;
- centrifuge does not work;
- the water does not come out;
- the machine leaks.
Activator does not spin or tear the linen
This is the most serious malfunction that can happen with such a machine. Most likely, the screw with the shoulder blades will have to be replaced. However, you first need to check the machine:
- See how much laundry is loaded - it should not be more than the maximum allowed.
- Take away some of the things.
- Try restarting the machine.
- See the status of the activator rings and rubber gaskets.
Important! If the sealant or gaskets are worn, they must be replaced. It is very possible that after this the unit will operate normally. If he still tears the clothes or does not want to rotate, he will have to replace it already.
If the motor hums and the activator does not rotate
It also happens that you have loaded the machine and it seems to have started working. But after a few seconds the screw stops, and the engine continues to buzz. This happens if the capacitor has failed.
To check it, you need a multimeter:
- Remove the back wall of the "Fairies".
- Check the capacitor.
- If it's all right, rotate the rotor one way and the other way.
- If the rotor rotates normally - it will be necessary to replace the engine, and at the same time and the stuffing box.
The engine is working fine and the activator is not spinning
In this case, too, it is necessary to climb inside the "Fairies", but you will have to check other nodes:
- Remove the rear panel.
- Tighten the drive belt.
- If necessary, replace the belt - this part, too, often wears out.
The centrifuge
does not work. In this case, the first thing to do is to do electrical work. It's simple enough:
- Check the cord - it must be an integer, which is easy to check with a multimeter.
- If the cord is OK, check the wiring.
- Wiring without holes - look for the cause in the thermal relay.
- Remove the rear wall.
- Check the relay.
- If the thermal relay is OK, check the capacitor in the same way as in the previous case.
- After confirming that the capacitor is normal, check the motor.
Water does not go away
It also happens that the centrifuge is in perfect order, and the machine does not want to press the laundry persistently. In this case, it is necessary to inspect:
- drain hose;
- filter;
- drain pump.
It is possible that they are clogged. All these details must be just cleaned up properly. The drain pump is reliable, but there are situations when it needs to be replaced.
There are leaks
It also happens that your "Fairy-2" worked perfectly fine, but on one not very pleasant day it suddenly began to leak. The reasons can be different:
- Check the activation of the activator - it should not be loose;if it is fixed too loose, it must be tightened.
- Check the seal - replace if worn.
- Inspect the activator for damage. If this is found - the screw should simply be replaced.
We remove the activator
This part must be removed to check the seal, the oil seals and the activator itself.
You can do this:
- Locate the plug that is located on the side of the activator.
- Pull it out.
- Unscrew the fasteners.
- Remove the handle.
- Remove the washer, gasket.
- Unscrew the housing fasteners.
- Remove the cover.
- Hold the impeller with one hand, unscrew the activator.
If the "Fairy-2" is noisy as usual
Are there any strange noises in the car? This is unpleasant, most likely, you will need repair. However, do not rush to grieve, first you have to check everything, and you can do it yourself:
- Check the machine for loading - it is overload that often causes extraneous noise.
- If there are too many things when pressing, remove the part.
- Check for foreign objects in the centrifuge.
How to prolong the life of the "Fairy-2"?
Despite the fact that many skeptics consider the washing machine "Fairy-2" to be obsolete models, this unfashionable unit will continue to help young moms, students and those who are forced to rent an apartment for a long time.
But in order for the machine to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to observe some simple rules:
- Do not forget that the laundry must be sorted according to the type of fabric, color and degree of soiling before washing.
- Do not overload the machine.
- Do not use aggressive bleach when laundering.
- Do not forget that after washing the machine must be washed and thoroughly dried.
- Do not plug the "Fairy" into a broken outlet and do not use a defective mains.
From this article you learned all the necessary information about the device, the operation principle, characteristics, faults of the washing machine "Fairy-2".We hope that this review helped you decide whether you are suitable for such equipment for the home, and if so, that it is properly set up to get clean clothes as quickly as possible thanks to a compact "helper".