- Why wash the microwave oven?
- Cleaning the microwave for the lazy
- Cleaning the microwave by modern means
- Removing the odor from the microwave
- Useful tips:
Many people today do not imagine the conduct of everyday life without the modern miracle technology of the microwave oven, because it can be used not only for heating up already prepared food, butand to create real culinary masterpieces. Moreover, all this is possible with minimal time and effort, but only if you know how to wash the microwave. Will you learn about this from this article?
to the contents ↑Why wash the microwave oven?
Even with the use of special lids or closed dishes, during the cooking of food in the microwave, drops of fat fall on the walls, which when hardened form an unattractive yellow coating on the walls. And with frequent use of this household appliances, aromas of all cooked dishes accumulate in it. Over time, cooking in it becomes not only extremely unpleasant, but also unsafe for health. Therefore, the question arises, how to wash the microwave from the fat inside, without spending a lot of time on it.
Important! There are many ways to solve this problem, which will not require you to make any significant effort. These are the options we outlined below in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Cleaning the microwave for lazy
If you do not have the time or the desire to thoroughly wipe off any droplets of fat that has come up, take one of the options below for cleaning the microwave. The result you will definitely like. And if you use them at least once a week, you will not have to worry about the purity of your home appliances.
Option 1
The easiest way to wash the microwave inside, does not require you to use any special cleaning products - this is its undeniable dignity. It's necessary to act like this:
- Take a sufficiently large heat capacity - a deep glass dish with a wide bottom and top is perfect.
- Fill it with water.
- Place it inside and turn on the microwave for the maximum operating mode for 10 minutes.
- Water will boil, will evaporate, dissolving fat on the walls.
- Open the door and wipe all surfaces with a clean rag.
Important! This method of how to wash a microwave is perfect when you wash your microwave regularly, do not cook it too often, and thick thick crusts do not form on the inner panels.
Option 2
If the situation is more complicated and the pollution is sufficiently thorough, the problem is also solved. To do this:
- Pour into a large container, suitable for use in microwave 3 tbsp.l.baking soda.
- Fill it with water with a volume of ⅔.
- Place the inside of the appliance on the plate and turn on the device for 10-15 minutes with maximum power.
- When the work cycle is over, do not remove the container, but leave it inside for another 15-20 minutes.
- After - remove, wipe all panels with a soft sponge, then with a clean dry rag.
- If old contamination persists, repeat the whole cycle.
Important! The principle of this method, how to wash the microwave from fat, is the same as in the first version. But there are still added cleaning properties of soda, which splits fats perfectly. If you do not have soda in your household, but there is citric acid or vinegar, you can use them. In this case add water to the water in such quantity:
- table vinegar - 2 tbsp.l.;
- citric acid - 1 pack.
An additional advantage of this method is that soda, vinegar and lemon will help you to remove simultaneously all extraneous smells inside the microwave oven.
to the contents ↑Cleaning the microwave by modern means
If you are not looking for a way to quickly wash the microwave inside and are more used to using modern household chemicals, then you will find the following tools useful:
- sprays for cleaning the ceramic hob;
- sprays for cleaning glass ceramic hob.
The way of using these tools is simple:
- Armed with a soft sponge.
- Apply the spray to the desired surfaces in sequence.
- If the dirt is very strong and old - leave the cleaning agent on the panels for 15-20 minutes to dissolve the fat deposits.
- Clean all surfaces with a sponge or cloth.
- In the end - always wipe with a rag, wetting it with plain water to wash away the remnants of the chemistry itself. This should be done several times, since the smallest residues can get into food when heated, even at the same time it becomes more toxic.
- Wipe all panels dry, so that no ugly stains and stains remain.
Removing odor from microwave
Usually, in the absence of proper regular maintenance of household appliances, not only does fat accumulate inside the microwave oven, but also unpleasant smells from all the food previously cooked. From it, too, you need to get rid of, otherwise - all your new culinary masterpieces will have completely unnecessary additional flavors. For this purpose, you can use such methods.
Method 1
- Put a thick layer on a plate of salt.
- Leave a plate of salt for the night inside the microwave oven, not including it.
- In the morning, take out and evaluate the result - all the "scents" are gone.
Important! For more severe cases, it is possible to use crushed activated carbon - the effect will be even more effective. The principle of use is similar.
Method 2
- Collect a deep container with water.
- Slice a few slices of lemon into the water.
- Place in the microwave for 10 minutes - do not forget to turn it on.
- Remove the container at the end of the cycle and wipe all surfaces.
Useful advices:
- Do not forget that the microwave oven must be washed and outside - for this purpose any cleaning agent for cooking surfaces, for glasses, a soap solution is suitable.
- Before cleaning the microwave from the outside, be sure to disconnect it from the mains and do it carefully so that the water does not leak into the appliances.
- Do not use abrasive powders and sponges to wash the microwave inside - you can ruin the coating and cooking in such a technique will become unsafe.
Now you know all the simplest and most effective ways to wash your microwave inside and out. Do it regularly and enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of your dishes, boldly using new ideas for cooking!