How to choose a split-system in an apartment?

  • Classification of modern air conditioners
  • Varieties of split-systems for the house
  • How important is the microclimate for urban apartments?
  • How to choose a split-system in an apartment?

In the summer, in the midst of the heat, many people are thinking about buying air conditioners. But here there are a lot of questions about how to choose a split-system in an apartment, what to pay attention to and what parameters to give maximum attention. It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of the structure of the room itself, as well as the method of securing the external unit, because it can be located on the roof or on the wall. In this article we will consider the basic criteria for choosing this technique.

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Classification of modern air conditioners

If you have no idea how to choose a split-system for an apartment, first find out what they are like. All models of today's split systems are divided into three groups according to the class of service:

  1. Prestige class. Devices included in this group are distinguished by good consumer qualities, excellent protection system and self-diagnostics. They are quite reliable and durable. The unit, located inside the room, works almost silently. They have a stylish modern design and are fully automated.
  2. Middle class. Such air conditioners have an excellent value for money. They are as reliable as elite models, only a little more noise and have a shorter period of operation.
  3. Budget class. Systems of this group have an average level of reliability and a short service life. As a rule, they are given preference in cases of a limited budget.
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Types of split-systems for the house

There is a large selection of such air-conditioners, and in fact the external characteristics of the devices are given maximum attention during the purchase. Types of modern split-systems:

  1. Wall-mounted air conditioner. Such a device is designed to cool a small room, namely one room up to 100 square meters. It is equipped with all the necessary functions.
  2. Duct device. This type of air conditioner is ideal for the simultaneous cooling of several rooms, because you can install its indoor unit in a special box or directly behind the suspended ceiling. The air is sucked through the grilles and through the tap system is transmitted to all rooms.
  3. Multi-split system. It is also designed to cool several rooms at once, but is used more often in rooms whose architectural arrangement does not allow installing any other air conditioner.
  4. Cassette air conditioner. It differs in excellent noise parameters and good air permeability.
  5. Ceiling and floor systems. They are used in cases when all previous systems can not be installed. Chilled air in this case will pass through the ceiling and walls, ensuring a uniform temperature distribution throughout the room.
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How important is the microclimate for urban apartments?

The atmosphere in the room affects not only the mood of its occupants, but also their overall well-being. Naturally, it is impossible to touch or see it, but it is quite realistic to feel it. By the way, such sensations play a more important role than stylish repairs and expensive design.

Therefore, it is very important to choose a good split-system, which can create a favorable and optimal microclimate in the house.

Important! To feel good, it is enough to keep the room temperature at 22 degrees, and humidity should not exceed 55 percent. If these indicators deviate from the norm, then the room will be uncomfortable, in particular, it concerns elderly people and children.

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How to choose a split-system in an apartment?

During the purchase of the air conditioner, many can not stop their choice on any one model, because it can cost almost the same completely different domestic air conditioners split system. How to choose the right apartment for an apartment this device can be understood if you study all the functional features and basic characteristics of modern air conditioners.

Most often, first of all, buyers take into account the reliability level of the split system.

Important! To find out how reliable the brand you have chosen is, you need to analyze the percentage of devices with an identified factory defect before the end of the warranty period. If only ten out of a hundred units turn out to be defective, then this will indicate a high level of reliability of such models. This criterion is really important, because the air conditioner is bought in order to create comfort in the house, rather than constantly repair it.

Selection of a split system based on the functional characteristics of the

Before selecting a split system in an apartment, be sure that all modern models are capable of performing the function of not only cooling but also heating. But it is important that in addition to these functions, the selected air conditioner also had additional useful operating modes.

These functions include:

  1. Turbo mode. They use it to cool the room as quickly as possible, but at the same time the system's performance is significantly increased and the time to switch to the previous mode is reduced.
  2. Swing - the function is designed to independently control the air flow, more precisely by means of the oscillation of the blinds of the system.
  3. Ventilation function. Thanks to the operation of the system in this mode, the room is filled with fresh air with well-saturated oxygen.
  4. Sleep timer. With this function, you can create the most comfortable conditions for sleeping, that is, the temperature will fall by several degrees, at the same time the system starts to work almost silently.
  5. Humidification of air. This function allows you to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room.
  6. Restart the system in automatic mode.
  7. Fan speed adjustment function.

Choosing the air conditioner according to the technical parameters of the

When buying a split system, pay attention to such data specified in the technical data sheet of the device:

  • Required functions for dehumidification, ventilation and cooling.
  • Sufficient power level. Otherwise, there may be problems with the operation of the system itself and additional costs for electricity.
  • Performance.
  • Noise level. The quietest air conditioners, as a rule, are of the highest quality.
  • Air circulation.

Naturally, each buyer makes the final decision on the choice of this or that air conditioner, but you always need to weigh all the pros and cons of such a purchase.