- Selection criteria
- Energy consumption
- Heating uniformity
- Functionality
- Safety
- Price
The real housewives can not do without an oven, where you can cook delicious dishes from meat, fish, vegetables and fragrant delicate pastries. Therefore, if it is not provided in the device of a conventional cooker or you have installed a hob, the question arises, what is better - a gas or electric oven? About what they differ, what opportunities they give, and also a review of popular brands and models, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Selection criteria
Before determining which oven is better - gas or electric, it is necessary to understand from the outset the criteria for comparing them. The characteristics are taken into account in this case, those that affect the practicality, ease of operation of equipment for cooking food, as well as its functionality.
The following criteria are significant:
- Power consumption and consumption.
- Warmness uniformity.
- The number of options available and the principle of control.
- Security.
- Price.
Important! It is advisable to give preference to the version of the oven that suits you for more parameters. Only with this condition you will be able to correctly decide what is best - a gas or electric oven.
to Contents ↑Power Consumption
Power consumption directly affects how much you will have to pay extra money while operating the equipment. In this respect, everything is quite simple:
- Gas - this raw material is much cheaper, although the cooking time in it will be somewhat longer.
- Electricity - available at a higher price, but this type of oven can be irreplaceable under certain conditions.
Important! Choosing a gas or electric oven to buy, take into account and the availability of this or that type of energy consumption. There may be some restrictions, for example:
- In high-rise multi-storey buildings, the only affordable way of power supply can be exclusively electricity. In this case, rationally determine the power of the device you need, so you do not have to overpay for unnecessary functionality, as the electricity is quite expensive, and the higher the power, the greater the consumption of any equipment.
- Private homes in remote areas may not have access to electricity. In this case, the only correct solution will be gas consumption, which can be obtained from both the boiler and small-volume cylinders.
Warmness uniformity
The criterion for uniformity of warm-up is relatively important. This is explained by the fact that it is not always necessary to have a uniform temperature throughout the oven space.
Therefore, in advance, think about what exactly you are going to cook and how much:
- If you are fond of culinary delights and prepare dishes that are demanding to the temperature regime, and do it often, the preference is better given to the electric oven. It will provide stable and maximum clear temperature values during cooking.
- If you cook in the oven from time to time and simple meals, you will be enough to have a gas cabinet and it makes no sense to overpay for the device itself and its power consumption during use. There are temperature differences in such equipment, but they will not have a significant negative impact.
Functionality of
If for you the number of options and the breadth of possibilities is important, then uniquely when choosing what is better - a gas or electric oven, you need to buy an electric unit. For comparison, we give the possible variants of the functional of each type of technique.
Gas ovens
Such systems, as a rule, have such options:
- temperature controller, but the values are very relative;The cooking timer of the
- is not always;
- grill - present in expensive modern models;
- convection - this option is present in some models of some manufacturers, but it is unsafe due to the need for constant airflow, respectively - the operation of such equipment has its own limitations.
Important! Despite the poorer functionality, many housewives, when determining whether a gas or electric oven is better, will choose only the gas system, since for them it is more familiar and convenient. Therefore, preference is strictly individual.
Electric oven
Electric ovens have an enhanced functionality and provide the housewives the maximum convenience in operation. Among the standard options are:
- Different ways of supplying heat. Depending on the specific model, simultaneous heating can go from above, from below, and even from the sides. And to set the direction of the flow of hot air can individually, in accordance with the specific need for cooking a particular dish.
- Natural convection, due to which the cooking process is accelerated and the products are given great softness, juiciness, and creating a crust with baking is easy.
- Timer - allows you to set the right time for processing meat, fish and any other product.
- Turbogril - gives you the opportunity to get fried chicken, shish kebab and any other dish that tastes very much like cooked food on an open grill or on a fire.
- Defrost - when using this function, you can start the process much faster. It is also important that during defrosting, the products are not spoiled and are not baked, as is often the case with microwave.
- Styli - by means of such elements of the system it is possible to measure the temperature inside the products during cooking.
- A wide range of programs, which makes it possible to set the option of cooking in a particular way or even a certain dish. Using this option is very easy, since it is enough to press only 1 button and the electric oven will automatically set the desired temperature, cooking time and any other parameters.
- Self-cleaning - due to the presence of such a function, the maintenance of electrical equipment is very simple and convenient.
Important! Proceeding from such a rich functional, it is quite natural that the oven is better than an electric oven, and not a gas oven. Among the model range of some manufacturers there are even ovens with a complete imitation of a real village oven. Cooked dishes in such an oven have the same specific flavor and aroma.
to the contents ↑Safety
If it was easy enough with the previous criterion to decide which oven is better - gas or electric, then it's difficult to do about safety. It is important to know the features and risks of each type of equipment and on this basis everyone makes a choice for themselves. The distinctive features are as follows:
- The gas oven assumes functioning due to open fire, which already carries a risk, although manufacturers hide it under the glass. The second nuance is the risk of gas leakage, which can provoke an explosion and a significant harm to the health of users. To avoid this, it is necessary that special measuring sensors and signaling devices are present in the system device. They warn users of the danger, or the system simply shuts down in automatic mode, which is more acceptable.
- The electric oven is equipped with heating elements, that is, there is no open fire. But the risk of burns still exists, as the heating of the oven takes place very quickly and in different directions. Therefore, any model also has a protective heat-resistant glass in its design. The second nuance - more important, is that there is a risk of a short circuit or fire. To avoid this, before installing an electric oven, it is highly advisable to check the quality of the wiring, its technical condition throughout the entire length of the house or apartment. As a supplement, it is not superfluous to make a special grounding - only on the oven.
The price range for both gas and electric ovens is very wide. Everything depends on the class, the design, the breadth of the functional and other features of the various models. Therefore, in order to understand what is better - a gas or electric oven by this criterion, it is necessary to consider the models within the assortment of one manufacturer.
Here the conclusions are obvious - the electrical equipment of one class with gas units will cost an order of magnitude more.
The best manufacturers of the
Oven Once you have decided which option to prefer, it is worthwhile to determine which brand line is the most suitable for choosing the right model. To do this, it is desirable to have an idea of those manufacturers who have an irreproachable reputation, and whose equipment and service are as reliable as possible.
All these requirements are met by such brands:
- Bosch - for several decades now the production of this brand is a standard of high quality, functionality, practicality. Somewhat more expensive you will have to pay for such equipment, than for equipment of less popular brands, but you will not have to doubt in reliability exactly - any device will serve you uninterruptedly for many years.
- Electrolux is another popular brand, whose pricing policy is slightly lower than the previous one, and the quality, however, stably pleases consumers. The equipment is on sale with a wide range of series of different purposes, design, quality class, so it is not difficult to choose a suitable unit.
- Hotpoint-Ariston - steadily takes popularity among housewives and those who like to prepare various delicious dishes and intensively use the oven. The whole line of equipment and the original attractive design are favorably allocated.
- Gorenie - the middle class. The manufacturer constantly applies new technical solutions, improving its equipment and increasing its safety. Due to this, there is no problem in the demand for household appliances.
Give an unambiguous answer to the question which oven is better - gas or electric, it is impossible. There are a lot of nuances that not only need to be taken into account when choosing, but which should be based on the selection of home appliances. We hope that after getting acquainted with the material of this article, you have clarified more clearly all the features of these 2 types of equipment and were able to take the only right decision for you. Cook with pleasure!