Baker - what to choose?

  • Features of the Bakery
  • How
  • works What to look for when choosing?

If the apartment smells of fresh bread, it immediately becomes much more comfortable. But we are constantly working, there are a lot of domestic concerns and there is absolutely no time left for baking homemade bread. In today's world everything is done to facilitate the domestic work of a woman, so the bread maker was invented. Thanks to her, you can get delicious homemade bread by spending a minimum of time. Let's try to find the full answer to the question, bakery - what to choose and how different models differ?

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Features of

Bakery The modern household bakery machine can be of various sizes: both as a microwave oven and as an oven. Thanks to it it is possible not only to get fresh bread, but also other baking.

The breadmaker produces the whole cycle of bread baking. It is enough to add the necessary amount of ingredients and turn on the device. Immediately start kneading the dough, at a certain time, the necessary ingredients will be added to it, then it will settle and bake, with or without crust.

In the bakery cooking is possible:

  • Wheat and rye bread;
  • Non-yeast and saltless bread;
  • Sweet buns, cakes and cakes;
  • Bagetov;
  • Pies with fillings.

There may also be functions for cooking jam, jam.

Important! Baker is especially necessary for those people who have health problems, since it is possible to prepare dietary, low-calorie or gluten-free bread.

The standard baking process will take approximately 3.5 hours. If there is an accelerated cooking function, the process will take only two hours. It will take, of course, more time than going to the store. But the fresh hot bread is worth it, besides, the owner does not have to do much.

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works Before choosing the right bakery for your home, let's look at how it works. It is based on the given programs. Even in the simplest model, the actions are performed sequentially:

  1. Select the recipe, measure the ingredients, add them to the form, set the program.
  2. The machine mixes dough with removable blades. The blades may have different shapes - different materials are used for their manufacture.
  3. After the batch ends, the blade stops and the operation of the heating element begins. With it, the content of the mold is heated, thanks to the built-in temperature sensor, the temperature is maintained at the level necessary for yeast fermentation, and then for baking.
  4. After baking, the device beeps. This means that the bread can be pulled out of the mold.

Important! In a breadmaker, the dough is kneaded twice. First time - at the very beginning, in the second - when the dough is a little fit.

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What to look for when choosing?

Baker is not the cheapest household appliance, so I would like it to last long and well. Before choosing a bread maker for a house, expert advice should be reviewed. Experts recommend paying attention to a number of nuances.


This is where the bread is made, so the material of manufacture is of great importance. The vessel is made of aluminum or stainless steel. The non-stick layer is applied to the base material.

The containers can have a different volume: from 450 to 1500 g. If the family is small - one or two people, a minimal amount is enough. If the family is large, a capacity of at least a kilogram is required.

Important! In a large container, you can cook both a large and a small loaf. True, this device takes up more space.


Plastic or stainless steel is used to make the case:

  • The price of plastic is not high, care of it is very simple, but it breaks faster.
  • The strength of stainless steel is much higher, but it needs more care.

Important! Everyone chooses the material based on their preferences, most importantly - that the joints on the body are reliable and there are holes for the steam. There should be no cracks, sharp corners and uneven edges.


To correctly choose a bakery, we must pay attention to the quantity and quality of the blades. Depending on the model, one or two blades can be installed:

  • In practice, it is clear that one is enough, the main thing is that the power of the device is sufficient.
  • A weak point in any tank is a rubber gasket surrounding the agitator shaft. It often comes into contact with liquid and oil, which leads to spoilage of rubber, and, accordingly, to leakage of the container.

Important! In the case of the presence of two blades, there is a double likelihood of failure.


Available models with a power that varies between 450-1650 watts. For devices with a lower power, there are usually fewer programs. For example, they are unlikely to be able to cope with a pasta or dumpling test. But the powerful bakery significantly increases the consumption of electricity. In this case, you just need to decide what is more important - saving or more functions.

Popular software

How to choose a good bread maker for your home? It is necessary to determine the list of necessary programs. Each model is equipped with four basic programs:

  • Standard;
  • Accelerated;
  • Baking;
  • Mixing the dough.

Let's consider more in detail program functions:

  • With the help of the standard program bread is prepared. Usually it will run for 3.5 hours.
  • The duration of the accelerated program is only two hours, but it is rarely used, because the bread is not so delicious and lush.
  • French bread is the longest program, thanks to which bread is made especially soft and airy.
  • With the "Bake" program any baking is prepared.
  • Kneading test in different models occurs in different ways. In some models, it is possible to mix only the yeast dough, in others - only rye, and in the third - a variety of options, for which use different blades.
  • The function of baking cupcakes can also vary: in some bakeries the process is from the beginning to the end, in some - only baked.
  • The function of cooking jam is used quite rarely, since a lot of electricity is sharpened. Although, according to the producers, in this case, all vitamins are kept as long as possible.
  • There are a lot of additional functions: baking baguettes or loaves with a variety of additives.

Additional functions of

As a supplement to the bakery, a variety of options are used. They are represented by:

  • Timer, so useful and necessary. Thanks to him, the start of the program can be delayed.
  • Dispenser - a special compartment, from which various components are added to the dough. Such an addition is quite expensive, and instead of it you can simply open the lid and pour the ingredients manually.
  • Child protection, with which the lid is locked during operation.
  • Inspection window, thanks to which you can control the entire cooking process. Users note that too large a window leads to significant heat loss, so the bread is not so ruddy.

To choose expensive or cheap model - business only yours. The higher the cost, the better the quality of the components, the greater the number of functions. Fifteen programs are not always required, but quality must be given special attention.

For long and successful operation, the bread maker needs care. The surface below it should be flat. Do not use sharp objects or a metal brush for cleaning.