- What is a pressure cooker and multivarker?
- Comparison criteria
- Cooking speed
- Functionality
- Ease of use
- Quality of food
- Price
- Conclusion: what is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker?
- Rating of popular models of
Modern household appliances allows housewives to solve a number of household chores - with washing, ironing, cleaning. Correctly selected equipment allows you to quickly cope with the task. Not an exception is cooking food - for this, today, manufacturers of household appliances offer the widest range of all kinds of adaptations. One of the most urgent questions in this respect: what is better is a multivarka or pressure cooker, after all such original pots allow you to cook even the most exquisite delicacies without much time and effort. What should I give preference to?- With this you will be able to decide after acquaintance with the material in this article.
to the contents ↑What is a pressure cooker and multivarker?
Before deciding for yourself what is best - a multivarker or pressure cooker, one must understand the fundamental difference in the device. It consists of the following:
- Pressure cooker - a metal pan that is equipped with a sealed lid and special valves. Due to such a device, the processing of products placed inside for cooking is carried out by high pressure. This principle of action also contributes to the fact that the cooking time is significantly shortened, respectively - the device is called a pressure cooker.
- Multivark is another type of pan, the production of which is also made of metal, mainly stainless steel. The way of processing the products you can choose here purely individually - according to their preferences on this or that day. Setting modes and control, the process is controlled by an electronic system.
Important! The multivark device itself and the name gives an understanding that this technique provides more opportunities for cooking. Therefore, when deciding what is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker, you can immediately answer that in principle a multivariate is more interesting.
to content ↑Comparison criteria for
There are several important characteristics and properties for which it is possible to determine for yourself what is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker. The most significant are the following:
- Cooking speed.
- Functionality.
- The quality of the dishes.
- Management.
- Cost.
Cooking speed
Proceeding again from the title, we can conclude that by the criterion of the cooking speed of the pressure cooker is better. But here there are some nuances:
- the cooking time, due to the action of high pressure, is greatly reduced;
- additionally requires the time to pre-pressurize and reset the pressure at the end of the cooking process.
Important! Knowing about such features, you can understand that when cooking dishes that require a significant waste of cooking time, you can really speed up the process and win a certain number of minutes. If you plan to cook instant food or just to warm up the already prepared food, then the multivarker for this purpose will do better.
to content ↑Functionality of
The functional is determined by the number of modes, programs and processing methods. Here the conclusion that it is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker, will be in favor of the first:
- Pressure cooker. Standard models provide, as correct, the possibility of cooking stewed and steamed. Some types of equipment have additional functions - "frying", or "baking", but in this case the device of the system will be more complicated. The cooking will occur when the valve is open, respectively - and the cost of similar models will be higher.
- Multivark. Any model of this technique makes it possible to prepare products in various ways. Standard functionality includes the following modes: cooking, stewing, frying, baking, steaming, deep frying. Also there are, depending on the specific model, options for preparing specific dishes and products, for example: yoghurt, jam, porridge, vegetables, fish, pizza, dessert, etc. Even there are such functions as pasteurization, sterilization, preservation, heating of baby food. In the configuration usually there are auxiliary accessories - measuring cups, mixing paddles, soup bowls, as well as bowls for steaming.
Important! Considering different models of multivarieties, you may have a question: the function of a pressure cooker in a multivar - what is it? This option allows you to cook food on the same principle as in the pressure cooker. Therefore, if you plan to use different household appliances in different ways and want to get a full set of all possible functions, choose a similar model and use it at any convenient time.
to the contents ↑Ease of use
The ease of use of the multivark is also much more convenient and affordable, especially for those housewives who previously had no experience with such devices. An additional advantage of multivarkers is that during the preparation of a dish, the lid can be opened and checked for the degree of readiness and taste of the product.
This option is not available in the pressure cooker, so you must immediately set the right time for the correct cooking of a dish, and do this from the first time is not always possible.
Thus, according to this criterion, the choice of which is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker, is uniquely in favor of the former.
to the table of contents ↑Quality of dishes
Regarding the quality of dishes and taste qualities, it is difficult to choose what is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker. The device of both technologies presupposes the preservation of all useful substances in the products during processing. The natural color and taste also remains unchanged, regardless of the selected mode.
Important! According to experts, more useful is still food, cooked in a pressure cooker. Due to the fact that heat treatment lasts less in time.
to the contents ↑Price
For price values, multivarques are more profitable. And electricity consumption is affected not so much by the principle of device engineering, as the indicators of its power and the selected cooking mode.
to the contents ↑Conclusion: what is better - a multivarker or pressure cooker?
To sum up all the above, once again for each item we compare these types of useful in household appliances:
- The pressure cooker makes it possible to get stewed or boiled food, and the multivarker provides various options.
- Based on the cooking time, the pressure cooker can bring even the toughest meat to its softness in just half an hour. The same number will be cooked and soup, but you will get the potatoes in ready form after 8 minutes. In a multivarquet, such dishes as soup or meat will be cooked for about 2 hours.
- Useful properties of products are preserved when cooking in a pressure cooker due to a short period of exposure to high temperatures and lack of oxygen. In the multivark, the principle of processing products is based on the principle of a stove - food is long languishing, which also allows you to save all vitamins and minerals in almost the original composition. In addition, the multivark uses a minimum of fat for cooking, so there is the opportunity to provide the whole family with dietary food.
- The multivarker can be opened during cooking, and the pressure cooker is not. Therefore, if you forget to put some ingredient, you can not improve the situation.
- The dimensions of the multivark are universal for kitchens of any size, and for a large pressure cooker you will have to look for a special place for installation.
- During cooking, the pressure cooker case is heated by steam, so when using it, you must be especially careful not to get burned. Multivarka is safe, even children can use it.
- If you need to prepare a meal later or submit it to a specific time, and you need to leave, you can use the delayed start option in the multivark. For this it is enough to load all the ingredients in the bowl, set the desired mode and time - everything will be cooked just in time. The pressure cooker does not have such a function.
Rating of the popular
models. Once you have decided that it is better - a multivark or pressure cooker for you, it is necessary to decide on a more suitable model of technology. This must be done very competently, because the reliability of the manufacturer and the quality of the model itself directly depends on how long you will use the equipment and how it will be convenient for you.
To facilitate the buying process, we offer a rating of the most popular models according to consumers models:
- Redmond RMC-M11 is a pressure cooker with a working bowl capacity of 2 liters. Such equipment deservedly gained popularity as a reliable and easy-to-use unit. Ideal for a small family of up to 3 people. An advantageous feature in terms of ease of use - the possibility of using the valve as a multivark. Additional options include even options for delayed start and heat maintenance after cooking.
- Mystery MCM-1015 is a model of a pressure cooker with a capacious bowl for 5 liters and a large capacity. Perfect for preparing a large amount of food, for example, if your family consists of 5 or more people, or you often invite guests. The valve in this model is also removable, so you can use the device in multivark mode, simply with a poorer set of modes. Manual adjustment of temperatures and time is not possible, so you have to adjust only to the functions that the manufacturer itself offers.
- Philips HD 3039 - is somewhat more expensive than the previous two models, but in general it still applies to the category of budget equipment. The volume of the bowl for cooking is 4 liters. The heating device is made using a new 3D technology, which ensures a very uniform heating of the products from 3 sides. Due to this, the dishes are made homogeneous, and their quality does not cause any doubt after the sample. Functionality consists of 9 standard modes, 5 of which are semi-automatic.
- Moulinex CE7011 - this equipment is truly considered the best in this price segment. The breadth of the possibilities of this pressure cooker is determined by 100 programs, half of which is available for manual setting of parameters. No less advantageous is this technique from the point of view of management - it is implemented by a jotyk, a return button. Visualization of the settings takes place on the display. The only nuance - you must carefully read the recipes in the attached book and slightly adjust them, because there are typos.
- The Bork U600 is one of the best multivarches that has 3D heating and extremely simple and convenient touch control. The bowl is thick-walled and has a multilayered protective coating, which determines the reliability and durability of this model. Programming is possible both automatic and manual. All technically important elements are sorted out, so washing does not cause any difficulties. If you decide to buy such a multivariate, be prepared for the fact that it is quite expensive, but the price is fully justified.
- Redmond RMC-PM190 is an excellent compact multivarker, although its weight is about 7 kg. Available functional includes 23 programs, among which there are even the modes "pasta", "yogurt", "popcorn", "heating".
Now you know the full information about household kitchen appliances for cooking food and for sure not only could decide for themselves what is best - a multivarker or pressure cooker, but also to choose the suitable model. Cook with the soul and pleasure, that every day to give pleasure to your relatives and guests!