- To wash or not to wash?
- Vacuum cleaner and laminate
- What is a laminate?
- We choose a vacuum cleaner
- A few words about the manufacturers
- Some tips for cleaning
Laminate flooring is now used quite often. Manufacturers offer more and more new types of this material, so it is not problematic to choose what is suitable for your interior and will not cause irreparable damage to your wallet. However, the question of cleaning is still open. Is there a vacuum cleaner for a laminate in nature, and if so, how to find it on the counter or in the catalog? This is what this article will be about.
to the contents ↑To wash or not to wash?
Ten years ago, when asked whether it was possible to wash a laminate, you would have received a definite answer - no. All manufacturers of laminate in one voice claimed that the floor from such a gentle material can not be washed, only dry cleaning is permissible.
In extreme cases, you can wipe the laminate with a damp cloth and wipe off special stains, which periodically appear even in the most well-kept and well-maintained apartments. However, home appliances manufacturers are constantly working to ensure that their products meet the needs of customers, and now you can find a vacuum cleaner for laminate.
Dry cleaning
Nevertheless, many prefer dry cleaning. For this you need:
- mop with a soft brush;
- scoop.
- common vacuum cleaner.
Dry cleaning should be done daily. A mop with a soft nozzle is needed in order not to scratch the protective layer. This type of cleaning is suitable for laminate of any class. However, the usual vacuum cleaner is more effective in this situation, but the nozzle should also be soft. The laminate is cleaned the same way as any other coating.
Wet cleaning
Even if you have the lowest-grade laminate floor, sometimes you need to do a wet cleaning. Not wet, when the entire floor is washed with a lot of water, and then wipes, but it is wet. To do this, you need a soft cloth that absorbs water well, and again a mop with a soft nozzle:
- Wet a rag.
- How to press it.
- Wipe the floor so.
- Dry the laminate dry.
Detergent vacuum cleaner and laminate
The girlfriend boasted that she learned to wash the floor of the laminate with a vacuum cleaner and so do you? Well, let's see if it's possible to wash the floor in your apartment. For starters - a couple of words about laminate classes. When you bought it, you probably saw on the package figures - 21, 22, 23 or 31, 32, 33( or maybe you were lucky and you bought a brand-new laminate with the label 34 - then you will not have any problems at all).
So, what does the marking say and when you can use a washing vacuum cleaner for a laminate:
- Marking, starting with a deuce, means that you have a laminate for residential premises, and a low class. As a rule, it is very sensitive to moisture, and here it is definitely not worth washing.
- If the marking starts with a triplet, then, as they say, options are possible. You can try to find a good washing vacuum cleaner, which will perfectly take care of your sex and will not do him any harm.
What is a laminate?
Why laminate does not like water? Because this material is made from several layers, pressed together in one way or another. Laminate consists of layers such as:
- protective;
- decorative;
- basic;
- is stabilizing.
A laminate is produced by pressing at different pressures. In the instructions you can read how the panels that you have placed in your apartment are made:
- DPL - direct lamination;
- HPL - high pressure technology;
- DPR - direct printing laminate;
- CPL - continuous pressure.
What this information gives:
- If your laminate is labeled DPL, you can not wash it. The slightest ingress of moisture can lead to irreversible consequences.
- When labeling HPL, wet cleaning is permissible, but it should not be done too often, it is enough to wipe the floors with a damp cloth once a week.
- The same applies to material marked DPR.
- Finally, if the laminate is manufactured by a continuous pressure method, it has a sufficiently reliable coating to wash it with a vacuum cleaner.
During cleaning, you deal mainly with a protective layer - a special film that is not always resistant to moisture. If the laminate is high-class, it is covered with a moisture-resistant film, so you can usually wash it. But there is another problem - fastening:
- laminate can be glued;
- lock locks;
- click locks.
Laminate glued to the floor can now be found quite rarely. With this type of attachment and a waterproof protective film, the floor can be washed in any convenient way, including using a washing vacuum cleaner.
In modern apartments most often there are floors with lok and clik mounts. They are easy to lay, if necessary, panels can be swapped. But there is a significant drawback - water can get into the seams, and then into the layers of the laminate itself. So during the wet cleaning it is necessary to be careful. In these cases it is much more preferable not to use a bucket with a rag, but a modern washing vacuum cleaner for laminate and tiles.
to the contents ↑Choosing the vacuum cleaner
So, you carefully studied your laminate and came to the conclusion that you can wash it with a vacuum cleaner. Yes, but which vacuum cleaner is better for laminate? Let's try to figure it out.
Ask the seller what kind of vacuum cleaners are used to wash the laminate. This should be indicated in the passport, as well as on the price tag or in the annotation in the catalog. It is most important. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:
- consumption of detergent;
- is there a drying mode;
- suction power;
- filtration system;
- volume of the water tank;
- dimensions;
- design.
Of all the proposed models pay attention to those that spend the least detergents. This is not only a matter of economy. With a small consumption and remove the detergent can be less water.
Drying mode is very useful, because for laminate of any class it is very important to remove moisture quickly after cleaning. In any case, you need to dry the floor, and where it is more convenient and faster to do it with a vacuum cleaner.
The washing vacuum cleaner for laminate should be powerful. This not only speeds up the cleaning, but also promotes the quality removal of dust and dirt. Laminate, with all its merits, the material is quite capricious - the old spots of dirt are removed from it quite heavily. Therefore, a vacuum cleaner with a suction power of 450 watts or even more - just what you need.
Pay special attention to the filter system. Very good if this system is combined with cleaning. In fact, for a washing vacuum cleaner this combination is the only possible option, because in this case the water will not be in the garbage bag, but will fall into a special container.
It depends on the filters which air comes out of the vacuum cleaner into the apartment. The better the filters, the better. In modern vacuum cleaners are water filters, providing almost a hundred percent cleaning. The aquafilter absorbs almost all the dust, that is, cleaning is most effective. This becomes possible due to the fact that dust and other small particles are interconnected and do not fall back into the air. Dust collectors have no such models, dirt is removed with water. Vacuum cleaners of some models are able to compress dust - small briquettes are obtained.
It is very good if aquafilters are combined with coal filters - in most models it is so. At the same time, modern manufacturers, as a rule, install separators, and this gives almost complete air purification.
Water tank
The water tank is an important part of the detergent vacuum cleaner. On sale you can find a variety of capacities, there are even washing vacuum cleaners for a laminate with a reservoir volume of 10 liters. True, for an apartment of medium size this is a bit too much. If you have three fairly large rooms, it will be enough to have a 5-liter reservoir.
Pleasant trifles
What else to look for when buying a washing vacuum cleaner for laminate? Of course, for convenience. Parts such as:
- tube;
- vacuum nozzles;
- cord;
- wheels;
- rubber bumpers.
What are the recommendations:
- Most modern models have a height-adjustable handset. This is very convenient, because all members of the family can do the cleaning, regardless of their growth.
- Pay attention to vacuum nozzles - they make cleaning more efficient.
- A good vacuum cleaner is equipped with several nozzles - a minimum set includes seven for different types of cleaning, but there may be more.
- Sometimes even a plunger is included.
- The cord should be long enough. It is extremely inconvenient to pull out the plug from the outlet when switching from one room to another, so the longer the cord, the better.
- Finally, the wheels. The vacuum cleaner travels along the precious laminate, and it is necessary that it does not cause any damage to the coating. So the rubberized wheels are just necessary.
- Very useful thing - rubber bumpers, they are bumpers. During cleaning, the vacuum cleaner regularly comes across furniture, and such bumpers strongly soften the impact.
- Note also whether there are tanks above the engine. The noise level depends on this. If there are tanks - the vacuum cleaner works quieter than others.
A few words about the manufacturers
From the abundance of models of washing vacuum cleaners in stores and in the catalogs of the eye run. It seems that every company now makes such devices. What to focus on, in addition to the already listed features of the vacuum cleaner? Of course, it is always better to choose a product from proven manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market.
Its washing vacuum cleaners for laminate offer customers such recognized manufacturers of household appliances, such as:
- Samsung;
- Phillips;
- Thomas;
- Soteco;
- Karcher.
What does the price depend on?- The brand plays a role in pricing. However, there are other components:
- modification;
- equipment;
- number of functions;
- materials;
- design.
We should not think that only high-quality firms produce high-quality vacuum cleaners for laminate flooring. You can find excellent household appliances from the manufacturer, which is just beginning its journey in the market. The price in this case can be much lower, but there is a certain risk.
to the contents ↑Several cleaning tips
First you need to pick up detergents. In the store you will find special means for washing the laminate - this is indicated on the package. It is best to use them. As for baits, then to clean the entire apartment they will need at least two - in order to put in order hard-to-reach places, you will need a narrow nozzle.
Before starting the cleaning, make sure that the water does not leak to the floor with a too large jet. As for the order, it will be something like this:
- Remove large dirt from the laminate - using a conventional vacuum cleaner or brush.
- Wipe away any noticeable spots if there are any( for this you can use both special products and home remedies, such as lemon juice or ammonia).
- Wash the laminate with a vacuum cleaner according to the instructions.
- Dry the floor with a vacuum cleaner, and if there is no drying function, wipe it dry with a cloth that absorbs moisture well.
- Paint, if necessary, the place where the laminate is rubbed.
- Even if the vacuum cleaner is perfectly adjusted, make sure that as little moisture and detergent as possible get into the joints of the panels.
If you choose the right vacuum cleaner and take into account all the nuances of laminate care - household appliances will serve for a very long time, and the laminate will retain its attractive appearance for many years. Therefore, do not deny yourself modern technical capabilities to facilitate routine work around the house, because you deserve more rest, and not more laborious washing of the sexes.