- Causes of white coating on the dishes after the dishwasher
- Poor-quality detergent for the dishwasher
- Hard water
- Technical problems
The dishwasher is a wonderful invention that allows the current housewives to spend time for themselves, children, family and friends,invented by a woman - Josephine Cochrane. The dishwasher gives the dishes such a shine, which is very difficult to achieve by hand washing. But the white coating on the dishes after washing in the dishwasher is a very common problem. Of course, there is no such dishware. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to solve it immediately, otherwise you will not be able to use such a dishwasher.
to the contents ↑The reasons for the white coating on the dishes after the dishwasher
Most people buy a dishwasher in order to save time and effort. Indeed, this is an excellent device that will help you get rid of such a difficult and tedious occupation. Unfortunately, no machine can not be insured against breakdowns and malfunctions and no device is able to work forever. The dishwasher is no exception.
Over time, some mistresses begin to notice a peculiar white coating on the dishes after the dishwasher. Of course, such dishes can no longer be called perfectly washed and suitable for use. In the future, it will need to be washed again. And what for then in general the dishwasher, if after its use utensils need to be washed anew?
Naturally, no one wants to do double work and spend twice as much water and detergent. Therefore, those who have encountered this problem, we must immediately remove it. Before proceeding to the methods of removing this plaque, it is necessary to understand why the dishwasher leaves a white coating. They are of three types: easy complexity, medium and high.
The simplest reasons for
To begin with, we list the reasons for the easy complexity, but at the same time we will work out how to eliminate them:
- The dishwasher should have a salt container. Maybe the salt in it is over. To solve this problem, simply add a new portion to this container.
- Bad dishes. Yes, in the dishes, too, can have their own snags, for example, low quality. Usually it is on poor-quality dishes that divorces appear. Get the dishes of another manufacturer, which will be more expensive and of higher quality grade.
- The dishwasher has a built-in sensor that determines the level of water hardness. Its breakdown could also lead to the appearance of a white coating in the dishwasher. To solve this problem, you will have to call a master repair dishwasher. To begin with, he will check with a special device the water hardness level and, if you were right and the sensor really broke down, you'll have to repair your car.
- You incorrectly loaded the dishes in the device or selected the wrong wash mode for this type of cookware. When loading the machine, the most important thing is to read the instructions from the manufacturer, it will write the minimum and maximum number of dishes for this type of machine.
- You have not cleaned the dishwasher for a long time, it has become dirty and requires general cleaning. In order to conduct such a procedure, it is worthwhile to start an empty dishwasher without utensils, and to the detergent department simply fill in with a good chemical means for washing household appliances. Such cleaning should be done at least once every six months.
- There was dirt on the filters. In order to get rid of it, clean the filters yourself, in which particles of food can get stuck.
- Use of tablets 3 in 1 for washing dishes in the dishwasher. It is after them that there are stains on the dishes. Such capsules should be changed to usual ones. And if you still have a divorce, then change the manufacturer of the product or dosage.
- Use of a low-quality rinse aid. The solution to this problem is similar to the previous point.
Other reasons for
More serious problems include those that have grouped several previous ones. These include:
- Poor quality of dishwashing detergent, capsules, gel, in general all detergents that you fill in the dishwasher.
- Hard water. There may be a reason not in you and not in your car, but in the work of the water canal.
- Incorrect and irregular care. Precisely clear care will solve 80% of your problems with the dishwasher.
- Technical problems. This problem is the most global, because it is technical problems to eliminate the most difficult.
We will take a closer look at the reasons for the white coating on the dishes after the dishwasher and learn how to cope with each of these problems.
to the table of contents ↑Poor-quality tools for the dishwasher
Every housewife knows that dishwashers, capsules and gels are very expensive. Many, in order to spend a minimum of money, choose the cheapest and substandard goods in stores. But is such an economy really profitable?
After such savings methods, a white coating appears on the dishes, which is dangerous for health. The cheap option is completely inefficient, besides it adds unnecessary hassle. This situation is very easy to fix.
Solving the
problem You can try changing and experimenting with detergents each time, while spending a lot of money and time. Or you can just go to any forum and read reviews about all the tools. Be sure that you will find good.
Important! Earlier it was already mentioned about capsules 3 to 1. In such capsules the cheapest means are used, they can be called their raw materials. Despite the fact that the use of 1 capsule, which will replace 2 or even 3 funds, is very convenient, but at the same time it is dangerous. Due to the poor quality of the components included in such a capsule, white coating or stains will remain on the dishes. Therefore, when choosing detergents for your dishwasher, be extremely careful, because it is very important.
The best reviews are received by:
- Finish Quantum;
- Frosch Soda;
- Minel Total;
- Clean &Fresh Active Oxygen Lemon;
- BioMio BIO-Total;
- Claro;
- Calgonit Finish gel.
Hard water
If you notice on the dishes not just a white coating, but a milder shade, then be sure - the problem is water hardness. Most often mistresses forget or even do not know about the use of emollients for the dishwasher. As already mentioned, hard water can be due to the water channel, and because of technical malfunctions of the system, and because of your imprudence. But in any case, leave everything as it is impossible, from this situation you need to look for a way out.
Solving the
problem The solution to the problem of a white coating on the dishes after washing in the dishwasher due to bad water is also quite simple. It is worthwhile just to go into the store and choose an emollient for water.
Before buying anything, talk with other experienced housewives, look on the Internet or consult a seller, and only then buy a proven tool. For example, you can look at the products:
- Calgonit;
- Frisch-aktiv;
- Largo;
- Somat.
Important! The softening components for the dishwasher are very important. Therefore, to neglect such a tool is highly discouraged, because the risk is not only in the raid on the dishes, but also in the failure of the device itself. Hard water will very quickly spoil and slow down the washing process itself, making it less quality. So it's better to buy immediately after the purchase of the dishwasher emollient, and do not hesitate and wait for stains on cutlery and plates.
to the contents ↑Technical problems
Absolutely all equipment requires due attention and care. The dishwasher is no exception. Due to a technical fault, the machine may get dirty, the water may become stiffer, and the washing process may be longer and less quality.
To the technical problems solved independently, it is possible to attribute:
- a sensor failure, which determines the hardness of the water;
- the end of salt in a special container;
- contamination of filters and the machine as a whole.
How to fix
problemIn case of contamination of the machine itself, you just need to clean it. You can do this simply by running an empty machine without utensils. In this way, she will clean herself.
Instead of a dishwashing agent, it is worth adding a means for washing household appliances. If there is not one at home, you can replace it with citric acid. It is added in an amount of 1-2 tsp.in a special compartment for salt.
Important! For prevention, this procedure is best done once every six months. It is better once again to protect and clean the machine, rather than later to suffer from stains and plaque.
If the filters are clogged in the dishwasher, clean the filter yourself with fine dirt, and with a large one, it is better to buy a new filter and replace it.
The most difficult problem is the violation of the sensor. Such a violation occurs due to an incorrect dosage of emollients. Only a professional from the service center can solve this problem.
With a plaque problem in the dishwasher almost all mistresses come across. But do not despair, just take care of your dishwasher and she will answer you with crystal clear instruments.