- Versatile ways to remove contaminants from denim:
- Ways to remove specific spots
- How to wash dirt off white clothing?- Popular ways to
- How to wash problematic things white?
- How to wash stains from white clothes?
How to wash jeans from dirt?- This question arises in every person, since jeans are now a favorite and comfortable clothes for many. For more than 150 years, this kind of clothing is at the peak of its popularity. And if earlier it was only working clothes, today jeans are a favorite accessory, both for kids, and for young women of fashion or people of retirement age.
This material quickly absorbs liquids, oils, so it is not easy to remove dirt from it. But do not get upset and rush to get rid of your favorite thing. There are many ways that will help to get the most difficult spot on jeans.
to the contents ↑Versatile ways to remove contaminants from a denim:
- If the stain is stained recently, the usual washing powder will help. Soak the jeans for 2 hours in warm water with the addition of a detergent or laundry soap.
- Dissolved in water, ammonia and salt are a very good remedy to wash jeans from dirt and stains of unknown origin.
- You can try to remove the dirt with the stain remover for Vanish carpets. Pour a little on the stain, then soak the thing in the water for 1-2 hours. Determine the thing in the washing machine, and in the second compartment for the powder fill the same "Vanish" for carpets.
- "ANTIPYATIN" soap removes any stains in an instant. Such a soap can be bought at any hardware store. Oil paint, dandelions, grass, food, mud from the puddle, engine oil - all these dirt, without much trouble, will help to remove this inexpensive remedy.
Ways to remove specific spots
Depending on how jeans are smeared, various means are used. They are selected in such a way as not to affect the structure of the fabric during the washing process, but to dissolve the contamination and completely remove it from the material. Consider the most common pollution and how to remove them.
Important! Before using any product, it is better to try it on the inside of the product or on the seams. If visible signs of tissue damage did not appear, then you can proceed directly to remove the stain.
Stain from street dirt:
- If the dirt on the clothes is fresh and damp, leave it for a while to dry it.
Important! Do not try to wipe the dirt, so you will only make it worse, because spread the dirt over the fabric and pound it deep into the fabric.
- When the contamination dries, lightly scrape off excess dirt.
Important! Do not apply rubbing movements, try to scrape it off.
- Apply a few drops of liquid dish detergent to the stain and add a couple of drops of water.
- Quickly walk on the spot on both sides with a brush.
- Wash the denim thing in the washing machine.
- After completing the wash cycle, check the clothing for stains. If they still remain, repeat the procedure.
Spot from plasticine:
- Remove clay with a denim fabric.
Important! To remove clay from the fabric, you can put the thing in the freezer for 30 minutes. Plasticine will freeze and easily go away.
- Soap the brush, rub soapy foam into the fabric.
- Sprinkle soapy stain with baking soda and continue to clean with a brush.
- Leave the treated area for 30 minutes, then rinse it and dry it.
- If necessary, repeat the cleaning procedure until the desired result is obtained.
Spots from children's juices and puree
Babies after each feeding properly cover themselves with food and no bibs help? Such stains are well soaked in a solution with citric acid, or add acid directly to the powder in a washing machine to wash jeans from dirt.
Blot from grass
The most important thing for effective removal of such stains is to send jeans to the laundry as soon as possible, until the dirt has eaten deeply into the fabric. Cleaners are used as follows:
- This kind of soiling with jeans will help to remove vinegar, in which it is necessary to soak the material for 1.5-2 hours.
- Also good removes stains of this origin gruel, made from soda.
- In solving this problem, ammonia can help. In order to wash jeans from dirt from grass, take a glass of warm water and dissolve in it a teaspoon of ammonia and a small amount of laundry soap.
Greasy stains
From this type of stain, you can get rid of table salt:
- Apply salt to the area with a spot of fat and leave for 20-30 minutes.
- Wash in a washing machine with detergent added.
Stains from the handle
The stains from the gel and ballpoint pens can be removed quite easily if one of these methods works:
- You can try to eliminate contamination with warm milk or curdled milk.
- Remarkably displays a similar mixture of glycerin and alcohol.
Spot from felt tip or marker:
- It is best to remove such stains from fabric solvents for paint or acetone.
- Try to wipe the contaminated area with citric acid.
Blood stains:
- The thing should be rinsed as soon as possible in cold running water. The blood will wash away instantly.
- When only weak traces remain, treat the jeans well with soap and leave for a while.
- Spot residues are easily removed by water.
Important! In no case soiled with blood, clothes should not be soaked in hot water. At high temperatures, the protein that forms part of the blood is folded and deeply absorbed into the fibers of the tissue. In place of the stain there will be a yellow divorce, no matter how hard you try to wash it.
Spots from wine drinks
To remove a stain from red wine from jeans - the task is difficult, but feasible. This approach is needed here:
- If the stain is fresh, then it is sprinkled with salt and treated with any stain removal agent.
- In the case when the stain from wine has long been on jeans, it can be removed with the help of curd whey, soaking the fabric for 12 hours.
- Another way to get rid of a wine spot is to soak a soiled object in boiling milk. After this procedure, the product should be thoroughly rinsed in water.
Paint from paint:
- The dishwashing liquid will easily cope with such impurities. Special substances that form part of it easily break down fat molecules.
- With the old spots of paint will help to cope turpentine.
Henna spots
Which woman tried to fortify her hair with henna or make beautiful pictures of mehendi. Of course, there are disadvantages of such beauty, because it is so easy to cover your favorite jeans in the newly painted drawing.
One of the most effective means for removing contaminants is ammonia alcohol with peroxide:
- Prepare a solution: take 1 tablespoon of 10% ammonia solution, 5 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of water.
- Apply to a contaminated area and leave for a while.
- Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
How to wash dirt off white clothes?- Popular ways of
No less popular than jeans is white clothes. It is without doubt every person. After all, the classical color is ideal for solemn events and working days, and our beloved children look so beautiful in white shirts and pantyhose. But here's the practicality of white clothing is no different. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to derive a variety of pollution from your favorite white things.
This process is a pretty responsible thing. Any small spot even at once stands out on white clothes. It is worthwhile to sweat or eat - and the spot is already there. In the workplace the same story: then with a pen, then you will draw a marker without noticing at work.
The first thing you need to do to wash off dirt from white clothes is to pick the right detergent, as the fabric itself can be damaged from the wrong choice, and the stain does not get washed perfectly. Before you start washing, determine the type and nature of the stains that are on it. This will allow you to choose the best washing method.
After you have decided on the detergent, it is better to soak the laundry. Subsequently, the process of washing will be greatly facilitated. Here, observe these recommendations:
- The best result will be achieved by soaking in a soap solution at a temperature of 40 degrees.
Important! It is not recommended to soak in hot water, as some products may deteriorate in it( for example, sit down to size), and stains of a certain nature( starch, blood) on the contrary - are even more fixed in the fabric. As a result of such processing, stains are formed on the matter, which can not be removed by anything.
- An exception for soaking are woolen and silk fabrics. Long-term soaking can break the strength of the fibers.
- For washing cotton and linen underwear, you can add turpentine in water in the proportion: 3 tablespoons per bucket of water. This tool helps whiten the laundry.
White fabrics lose their whiteness after long-lasting socks and repeated washings, whether silk, cotton or any other fabric. This is due to the fact that when washing in hard water, a raid on the product in the form of insoluble salts, and during drying in a bright sun, things tend to gradually yellowing.
You can return whiteness with chemical brighteners, which include oxygen or chlorine. The most popular now are oxygen-containing bleaches. They are more sparing than those that contain chlorine, and the choice of brands is simply huge. Such bleaches exhibit their properties at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. But there are also new oxygen bleaches, which begin to act already in cool water.
To ensure that things later are better washed and have a more elegant appearance, use the products based on starch. They have a short-term effect, which disappears after the first wash. Nevertheless, this method helps not only to wash off dirt from white clothes, but also to prevent its adherence. With the addition of polyvinyl acetate emulsion, these properties persist for a longer time.
Important! Starched things are ironed only in wet condition and through the fabric of .
to the contents ↑How to wash off the problematic things of white color?
In every house there are things of white color, which for one reason or another we are very afraid to erase in full force. How to wash such things and how to use it?
Curtains are well washed if they are pre-soaked in salted water:
- Prepare brine. To do this, 1 tablespoon dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Soak the product for 2-3 hours.
Important! If the effect of the time is not observed, then the curtain should be left to soak for another few hours.
- Rinse the cloth in cold water.
- Wash the curtain in a warm soapy solution.
Important! When washing the curtains of synthetic soapy mortar so that the curtains completely float in it.
Woolen things:
- Wool sweaters should be washed in a warm solution.
- At the last rinse it is necessary to add 1 spoonful of glycerin so that the wool does not fall off.
Nylon fabric:
- Nylon products must never be bleached with bleach or hydrogen peroxide. From the effects of these substances, the tissue is destroyed.
- For removing dirt from white nylon, it is better to soak it in water with detergent for several hours.
Kitchen towels
Kitchen towels during use acquire a huge amount of food contaminants. It is usually very difficult to wash them. To achieve a quick and more effective result after washing, it is recommended to pre-soak the towels in warm water with the addition of table vinegar.
to the contents ↑How to wash stains from white clothes?
The origin of spots on white clothing, like on jeans, can be very different. Proceeding from the fact of what exactly formed the pollution on the fabric, there will be different ways of washing clothes off of dirt.
Berry spots
If a stain from the berries appears on the white fabric, it is necessary to wash the thing urgently in warm water with shampoo. This is often enough to remove fruit and berry stains.
Greasy stains
Spot from fatty foods can be inferred in several ways:
- Chalk perfectly absorbs vegetable and animal fats:
- Sprinkle the chalk powder with a contaminated area.
- After a while, shake off the white powder.
- The easiest way is to use the usual dishwashing detergent:
- Remove the stain on the stain and wait for a few minutes.
- Rub by a soft brush treated patch.
Important! Use a clear dish detergent for washing greasy stains. There is a possibility that a colored product will color a white cloth.
Stains from paint
Stains from paint can be removed with a solvent, acetone or gasoline.
- Place a cloth under the stain that will absorb the diluted paint.
- Treat the stain with solvent or gasoline and wait a few minutes.
- Wash the product as normal.
Ink spots
Inks and paints are characteristic spots for schoolchildren of all ages, and a white shirt is a mandatory attribute of the form. To wash off dirt from white clothes of this type, use the following tools:
- Ink on white fabric can be easily removed using medical alcohol or ammonia.
- If you are dealing with a delicate cloth, you should dilute alcohol with hydrogen peroxide or water.
Blots from grass
Blot from grass with white fabric is removed with 40% alcohol solution or with the help of table salt. Be sure to rinse clothing in warm water before the main wash after handling with similar substances.
Wine stain
Stains from red wines can be washed with two proven means:
- With liquid soap.
- With ammonia.
Blood stains
Blood stains are washed off with shampoo for hair or hydrogen peroxide.
Important! If the stains are old, you need to soak clothes for a while in a solution of water with shampoo.
Spots from nail polish
You can try to get rid of nail polish stains by using dry napkins and acetone:
- Wet the napkin with acetone and gently rub the soiled area.
- After removing the stain, wash the product in the washing machine.
Important! Change periodically a napkin on pure to avoid appearance on a white fabric of divorces. Important! Do not load white and colored things into the washing drum. Joint washing will result in the fact that the white clothes will be painted and lose their original appearance.
The fact that denim and white fabrics require a special delicate approach does not mean that they should be abandoned. Now you know how to remove various stains from jeans and white things. Such knowledge will certainly simplify the washing of such products and protect fabrics from wear and damage.