- What is needed to repair a leather jacket?
- How is the leather on the jacket torn?
- Step-by-step instruction on repairing a leather jacket - situation №1
- Step-by-step instruction for repairing a leather jacket - situation №2
- Useful advices:
Leather jackets are an integral part of any person's wardrobe. They are very practical and durable. But still, sometimes there is an absurdity - you grabbed a carnation or put your hand awkwardly in your pocket, and the question arises - how to seal a leather jacket at home? Of course, numerous ateliers offer a variety of clothing repair services. But if this option seems too expensive for you, then we propose to cope with the problem on our own, especially since it is not very difficult.
to the contents ↑What is needed to repair a leather jacket?
Prepare the necessary materials and tools:
- Adhesive for working with skin and cloth. Use "Moment" or any glue for shoes.
Important! You can not use PVA and super-glue.
- A piece of thin leather or suede. Choose the material of the same color as your favorite product. The size of the patch should be more than a torn place or a cut of 2 centimeters on each side.
Important! If a hole or a cut is of small size, then on the patch, let go of an old leather or suede glove.
- Sharp small scissors.
- Thinner for degreasing.
- Rigid brush.
- A pair of toothpicks.
- Paint or cream paint for the skin.
Important! You may need a heavy object to crush the glued space during how you deal with the problem of how to seal a leather jacket. All work is best done in a well-lit and, preferably, ventilated place.
to the contents ↑How is the leather on the jacket torn?
The most common types of damage are:
- Break "corner"
- A piece of skin is ripped out.
Important! The ways to bridge the gap in each of these situations will be different. Carefully read them, so that the result of the problem, how to seal a leather jacket at home , was very high quality.
to the table of contents ↑Step-by-step instruction for repairing a leather jacket - situation number 1
If you tore the material off the corner, then follow the next order of work to repair the leather jacket.
Step 1
- Remove the leather jacket on the wrong side.
- On the lining of one of the sleeves, locate the seam stitch outward and straighten it.
- Put the jacket on a flat, well-lit surface( for example, a kitchen table).
- With your arm inside, get to the point of rupture from the wrong side.
Step 2
Tear the place well with solvent to degrease.
Step 3
Prepare a piece of skin or tissue patch. The size of the shredder should be greater than the gap area by 1.5-2 cm on each side.
Step 4
- Glue the patch surface with the adhesive.
- Walk with a brush or cotton swab with glue around the place of break.
- Do not cover the gap itself.
- Allow the glue to dry for 20-30 minutes( see glue application instructions).
Step 5
- Apply one more thin layer of glue.
- Wait until it is dry.
Step 6
- Gently glue one side of the rupture.
- Align the edges and glue the patch to the cut completely.
- Well press down the junction of the torn area.
Important! The thinner the joint, the less noticeable will be the seam.
Step 7
- Remove the jacket.
- Bend the skin along the rupture line so that the joints of the edges part out.
- With the tip of the toothpick, gently apply a little glue between the edges of the rupture.
- Densely move them.
Step 8
- Align the jacket on the table.
- Press down the glued place with the load for 24 hours.
Step 9
If necessary, tint the cream-paint line of the appropriate color.
Step 10
Sew a lining.
to the contents ↑Step-by-step instruction for fixing a leather jacket - situation number 2
If you tore out a piece of leather, then follow the instructions below to easily seal your leather jacket at home with your own hands.
Important! For work you will need, in addition to the above funds, tape and tweezers.
Your actions:
- Pincers gently insert the torn piece into the hole and seal with adhesive tape.
- Unscrew the jacket on the wrong side and get to the point of rupture from the wrong side, as in the previous case( steps 1, 2, 3).
- Prepare the prepared piece of cloth not on the joint, but on a piece of skin.
- While the fabric is not stuck, it can be moved, so unscrew the jacket carefully and remove the adhesive tape. Fingers correct patch, press it, and leave to dry.
- Sew a lining.
Important! If you did everything right, then the gap will be absolutely imperceptible.
to Contents ↑Tips and Tricks:
- Before using adhesive tape, make sure it is tacky on a piece of skin that is not visible. Most of the things are being painted with special films. In this situation, you can not glue the leather jacket, but remove the surface layer of the dye.
- Make sure that you remember the instructions well before work, because during the work you must be concentrated on the goal and not be distracted.
- The adhesive should not dry before you repair the break, as it will be difficult to apply a second layer of adhesive, and the quality of the joint will deteriorate.
- To sew the lining, use a needle for sewing leather. Otherwise, you can damage both the machine and your clothes.
- If you are embarrassed that the patch will be visible, then use the design solution - sew a couple more pieces of skin all over the surface.
- If during the operation the glue has fallen outside the hole, then carefully remove their traces with a dry rag. The material itself can not be wetted in any case.
- Before work, make sure that the glue, tape does not leave any traces on the material, and the paint perfectly passes through the color of your product.
As you can see, the situation with the spoiled thing is not pleasant, but it is completely solved. Carefully study all the tips and instructions and this will help you to repair your favorite wardrobe item quickly and efficiently.