- Causes of sleep disorders in expectant mothers
- Solving the problem of bad sleep
- Which pillow is better for pregnant women?
- Which filler is best for a pillow for pregnant women?
- Cushion material
- Cushion color
- Criteria for choosing a pillow for pregnant women
- How to use a pillow for pregnant women?
Which pillow for pregnant women is best needed to know every woman who is in this beautiful condition. A full rest and a quiet sleep is very important at this stage of life of the future mother and her baby. The body of a woman undergoes an increased load during pregnancy, and lack of sleep and fatigue can lead to irritability, exhaustion of the physical and nervous state, rapid fatigue. The latter factors are extremely undesirable for the normal development of the baby in the womb of the mother.
to content ↑Causes of sleep disorders in expectant mothers
Taking out a child is a big work. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a lot of experiences, her figure changes, the load on internal organs. Therefore it is not strange that many women in the situation experience discomfort during the rest. To ease it and you need to know which pillow for pregnant women is better, but, for the sake of fairness, we note that this is by no means the only factor.
Important! Sleep disturbance occurs in about 80% of pregnant women .
Consider the main factors that make a woman's rest during this period inferior.
Psychological causes of
This factor is especially relevant during the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman emotionally perceives her new position. Often, disturbing thoughts and experiences about the impending changes in life lead to nervousness and sleep disturbance. And if the bedding is far from good quality, then it is unlikely to add pleasant conditions for comfort and sleep. Therefore, you need a special pillow for pregnant women - which is better to choose, read below.
Physiological causes of
With the growth of the fetus, the load on the organism of the future mother increases. Often, digestion is upset, breathing becomes more difficult, pain in the legs and back, night convulsions, bloating and pain in its lower zone. The growing uterus presses on the bladder, this is the very forcing to often wake up and visit the toilet. A search for a comfortable position with every week becomes increasingly difficult, because:
- For the safety of the baby, sleep on the stomach is contraindicated.
- It is extremely undesirable to posture sleep on the back, as the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs becomes more tangible. Especially the hollow vein suffers from such a situation, as a result of which the blood circulation of the baby is disturbed. It can also lead to swelling of the feet, hands and dizziness of the future mother.
- If the chosen pose for sleep is unsuccessful, the baby may lack oxygen. He will work hard and stop it from resting his mother.
Solving the problem of bad sleep
How can we improve our position and provide ourselves with the most comfortable rest? Tips a few:
- Find a position that would be convenient for you and the baby.
- According to the recommendations of doctors, the best position for sleeping pregnant is the position on the side.
- For more comfortable location, use several pillows. Put one under your head, the second under your stomach, place the third between your knees, the fourth small in size, tuck under your waist.
Which pillow is best for pregnant women?
All the above pillows can be replaced with one specially designed for expectant mothers - a pillow for pregnant women. What to choose from a wide range of this particular product, every woman should decide on her own. Let's consider each of them in detail.
U-shaped pillow
Is one of the most popular models of pillows for pregnant women. Especially suitable is an accessory for lovers to wrap themselves in a blanket, as if in a cocoon.
- During sleep, it will evenly support the growing abdomen, back and spine, tired of the loads.
- You will no longer need to shift the pillow with you, tossing and turning in your sleep. A similar pillow surrounds you completely from both sides.
- The product is useful even after delivery, for example, for convenient placement of the child during his feeding.
- To place such a pillow and comfortably accommodate it requires a spacious bed, as this model has a large size and volume.
- Absolutely not suitable for those women who like to sleep in embrace with his second half.
Important! U-shaped pillow is usually made in two sizes:
- For those above 160 cm, a 340x35 cm size is suitable.
- For girls below 160 cm, cushions are sized 280x35 cm.
Also quite popular among future mothers,which may well be the only correct decision when choosing which pillow for pregnant women is better. Advantages:
- Almost completely encircles the body.
- With its help the head is conveniently arranged, and the back or stomach is supported.
- Suitable for a normal sized bed.
- It is necessary to choose what to maintain - the stomach or back.
- Turning around at night, it is necessary to shift this product.
Important! Dimensions of the pillow of this model - 340x35 cm
G-shaped pillow
This accessory for rest appeared on the market relatively recently. It is very convenient and functional acquisition for pregnant women. It can be safely said that this pillow for pregnant women is better than any other model at an affordable price. Advantages:
- Pillow during rest helps to relieve muscle tension.
- Its shape will fully help to take a comfortable pose for relaxation, whether day or night.
- In the future can be used for comfortable position of the baby during feeding and sleep.
- The tail of the letter G in the pillow of some pregnant women annoys and hinders them.
Important! Dimensions of such products - 350x35 cm
Pillow Big
This model also effectively helps pregnant women to have a good rest.
- Suitable for night sleep and day rest.
- Helps to comfortably support your belly, arrange your head, prop your back.
- The cushion is compact in size, which is very convenient. It is easily placed in a normal bed, it can be taken with you on trips or on a visit.
- Without a habit, the pillow can provoke the appearance of discomfort in the neck joints.
- Changing position during sleep, the product must be shifted.
Important! Dimensions 280x35 cm
L-shaped pillow
Represents a long roller with a scion for the head.
- Comfortable for rest - both during the day and at night.
- It does not take much space, you can use it while traveling.
- Support only for the back or abdomen.
- The need to constantly shift the pillow, changing the position during sleep.
- The product is small-size, so it is unlikely to provide full comfort and comfort during the rest.
Important! The length of the product is 230 cm.
I-shaped pillow or roller
The product of this form is in great demand among pregnant women, besides it is much cheaper than some models. Therefore, considering options, which pillow for pregnant women is better, take a closer look at it.
- The compactness of the dimensions allows you to take a pillow with you on a visit and a trip.
- Assists in unloading the neck joints and spine, relaxing and resting muscles.
- Helps to get rid of fatigue all over the body.
- Its price is much lower than other products of the same purpose.
Important! Available in two sizes: 190x30 cm and 170x30 cm.
to the contents ↑Which filler is better for a pillow for pregnant women?
The form - it's not all, what you should pay attention to when buying goods for the rest of the future mother. One important aspect is the pillow filler for pregnant women. Since during this period many women become more sensitive to smells and other irritants, clothes, objects, food and household chemicals should be purchased only hypoallergenic and of natural origin.
Before buying, you should know which filler is best in the pillow for pregnant women. You can find products with natural fillers: buckwheat, wool, natural fluff. But in this case, natural material is not always the best choice, because:
- Pooh and feather often cause allergies.
- Wool has the ability to quickly fall down.
- Various insects are often found in the husks of buckwheat.
Important! If the manufacturer claims that in his pillows with natural stuffing insects are not planted, then it is treated with chemicals that protect the inside of the product from this. In this case, the naturalness of the filler raises great doubts.
The safest materials for this purpose are holofiber, expanded polystyrene, artificial swan lint, and rarely use sintepon. The latter, by the way, is the cheapest option, but it quickly cracks and loses its original form.
This material is a hollow spiral-shaped fibers of small size, which are connected with each other under high temperatures. Pillows with such a filler have a sufficiently long service life, so for today it is the best filler for a pillow for pregnant women.
Such material is a small ball, the diameter of which reaches a maximum of 1 mm. Absolutely safe as a filler, as mold, mites, other parasites and harmful microorganisms do not live in them.
Pillows with polystyrene foam do not spring, pleasant to the touch and practical to use.
Important! The only drawback of this filler is the peculiar rustling of the balls during the use of the pillow. But for some women this is the opposite - an additional factor of comfort.
Artificial swan feather
This material is very similar to a holofiber. It is very light in weight does not get stuck in lumps. These pillows are airy and almost weightless.
Important! The advantages of all the above fillers are undeniable:
- Resistance to moisture and absorption of various odors.
- Materials are not susceptible to mold and microorganisms.
- Do not cause allergies.
- Perfectly washable in washing machines - for this purpose a delicate washing mode with a water temperature of 30 degrees is used.
- Do not deform when folded in a variety of ways.
Material of covers
But when choosing a material for a cushion on a pillow, it's worth paying attention to naturalness. Cotton is the best option. It has several advantages, namely:
- Pleasant to the touch.
- Hypoallergenic.
- Hygienic.
- Durable.
- Convenient for care.
Important! Please note that your pillow included at least two pillow cases. This will help maintain the necessary level of hygiene and you do not have to so often wash the pillow itself.
Satin or coarse calico is also suitable, but it is necessary to take into account the density of the fabric - it should not let dust and rub, be slippery.
Important! Before deciding which pillow for pregnant women is best, be sure to pay attention to the clasp of the boot. Optimum and very convenient option will be either lightning or Velcro.
to the table of contents ↑Cushion color
As this bedding article should contribute to a good quality rest, it is not worth buying its bright screaming colors. Coloring can be varied, just to please her owner and not annoy her, but the main tone is better to choose calm pastel tones.
to the table of contents ↑Criteria for choosing a pillow for pregnant women
To correctly decide which pillow for pregnant women is best, your purchase must meet all of the following requirements.
- Security. The product must have certificates confirming the use of only safe materials in its manufacture. Ask them from the sellers and do not buy a dubious product.
- Ease of use. A good pillow should be soft, perfectly maintain the weight of the pregnant and take the necessary shape.
- Versatility. Count on the fact that the pillow is useful to you and after childbirth. Such objects are very convenient to use when feeding a baby or for a quiet sleep of a child together with parents.
- The right size. Choose the size of the pillow, given its height and size. Do not forget that some products can take up a lot of space in bed, so consider the size of your bed.
How to use a pillow for pregnant women?
There are no specific rules regarding the use of this accessory for sleep and rest. Having bought any model of a pillow, you will be defined with the most convenient variants of its operation. Here are just a few recommendations that will help you orient in how best to apply these products:
- Do not be afraid to experiment with the purchase. Place it the way logic, instincts and desires dictate. If only you were comfortable and comfortable. Unfold and twist it to make sure it is elastic and elastic.
- Use it both at night and in the daytime. Place the pillow under the seat under your back and stomach. The product will help relieve the load from the spine, relax the joints and muscles.
- After birth, the pillow can also be used intensively. During the feeding of the child - putting it under your back and under the back of the baby. So it will be comfortable and convenient for both of you.
- When a little child grows up and begins to intensively learn the world, this pillow can become a soft barrier that will save it from falls.
Pillow for pregnant women - a very useful purchase for the whole family, because in fact it is convenient to use not only future mothers. They are convenient and useful for children, dads, grandparents - no one will give up a sweet dream with a comfortable and safe pillow.