The most popular sports in the world

Sport has always been an important component of a healthy and busy life. Active games help you gain energy, confidence in yourself, and just have fun with your time. At present, the world is developing rapidly, new types of sport are emerging, old ones are being improved. But the most popular - remain unchanged. They are time-tested, they are dealt with by millions of people around the world. In this article we will tell you which are the most popular sports in the world.



To play cricket, you need only two components: a ball and a bit. There are two teams of 11 people in each. They play on the grass. Who has more points by the end of the game, he won. The match is divided into several periods( innings).One serving team, the other is a batter. In the next inning, they, respectively, change. This one of the most popular sports on the planet is common in India, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand.



Baseball is very similar to Russian bass. For the game you need a ball and a bit( yes, baseball is very similar to cricket).There are two teams in the game: one is attacking, the other is defending. The attackers take turns standing at the base and hit the ball sent to them as far as possible. During the flight of the projectile, the player needs to run from one base to the other. The task of the defending side is to catch the ball and get them into the running player of the opponents.
Baseball, which is one of the most popular sports in the world, is considered the national game of the United States. It is common in Canada and Cuba.



The goals of the game are elementary: you need to score the ball with a stick in 18 different holes located on the grass field. But not everything is so simple. The rules of this game are listed in 50 pages! The fact is that golf is played on different continents, where the weather differs significantly from each other. Therefore, the rules in different countries are changing. And they all need to paint!
Golf is by right considered the most expensive sport. Only rich people play it. In order to enjoy golf, you need to buy expensive equipment. The ground for the game should be with short-cut grass. But not everyone can afford to buy land. Therefore, to popularize the game, which takes 8th place in the rating of the most popular sports in the world, came up with mini-golf. The rules are the same, but the playground is smaller.
Golf is popular in Australia and America.


Table tennis

The game requires a table divided by a grid, two players, two racquets and a ball. Purpose: to hit the ball with a racket so that it does not fly out of the table. Going to a decent level in table tennis is not easy: you need to have an increased reaction and concentration of attention. In the process of training these qualities come by themselves, the possession of the racket improves and the ball sent by the player flies to where it is needed. This one of the most popular sports is distributed everywhere, it is played by millions of people. Most of them are in China. Tennis players from this country consistently bring prizes from international tournaments.



Two teams, 15 people each and 80 minutes of game time( 2 halves of 40).Players of each team must pass the ball to each other with their hands and feet, land in the field beyond the territory of the opponent, or score the ball in the H -shaped gate.
To play rugby you need to have a physically developed body, strong nerves and strong health. The game, ranked 6th in the ranking of the most popular sports in the world, is common in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina. Periodically, rugby championships are held in the world, which also contributes to the popularization of the game.



This popular sport is much more spectacular than its younger brother. After all, it is played on a large court: grass, ground or synthetic.
The player must have endurance, speed, response, and the ability to analyze the situation.
There are women's and men's tennis tournaments. The most popular is the Grand Slam tournament, which includes championships in France, Australia, the USA and Wimbledon.
In the big tennis play mainly in America and Europe.


Ice Hockey

Purpose of the game: to score a ball or puck with clubs in the opponent's goal. At the same time, you have to go ice skating.
This game, which occupies the fourth place in the list of the most popular sports, is played by physically developed and hardy people. After all, there is a lot of struggle and physical tension in hockey. In this regard, the game is similar to rugby, only on ice.
Hockey is popular in northern countries: Canada, Russia, Sweden, Finland, USA.Almost each of the listed states many times became the world champion on this kind of sports.



The aim of the game is to throw the ball into the basket, suspended at a height of 2.5-3 meters. Participants are divided into two teams of 12 people. On the field play for 5 players. Game time : 4 periods of 10 minutes.
Basketball is widespread all over the world, but incredibly popular in the US, which is considered the birthplace of this popular sport, which took the bronze of our rating. The strongest and most expensive players play in the NBA, the national basketball association in the states.



Volleyball is popular both among men and women. It is played on any sports rest. In the world there are a lot of professional and amateur volleyball teams. Volleyball is very common in the US, where it is one of the favorite games of the population.
Volleyball, ranked second in the list of the most popular sports, is played on the beach, indoors, on the street. It is the versatility of the game that made it so popular.



Football is considered to be the most popular sport on the planet. After all, the whole world plays in it. To kick the ball is taught since the childhood of every boy. World football championships are becoming a world-class event, gathering millions of viewers from the whole planet from television screens.
To play football players are divided into two teams of 11 people. They need to score a leather ball into the goal. For each hit - 1 point. The team, who scored the most goals in 90 minutes of the game, wins.