- How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes?
- Cold ways to remove chewing gum from clothes
- Hot ways to
- What else to remove the chewing gum from clothes?
Chewing gum is one of the latest inventions of mankind. It helps our teeth look beautiful, whitens the tooth enamel and makes the breath fresh. However, the chewing gum has one negative feature - stick to where it is not expected. The real problem will come when you, without seeing it, sit on a beautiful dress or your favorite jeans in this dirty trick - then the question arises: how to peel the cud from the clothes?
to the contents ↑How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes?
There are several effective, low-cost financially, but requiring strength and patience ways to remove the cud from your clothes. You do not necessarily need all of the above, because it all depends on the material, color and quality of things. For example, colored things should not be treated with acetone or alcohol, they can also damage steep boiling water.
We divide the cleaning methods into:
- cold;
- hot;
- others.
Important! If you do not want to mess with damaged things or are afraid that you can not handle a simple Velcro, then it's better to take clothes to dry cleaners. But we advise you to try for yourself to peel off the chewing gum from clothes. First of all, while it does not become related to the cloth, try to tear off as much of it as possible, and then go on to the next stages.
to content ↑Cold methods for removing chewing gum from garments
These methods are the safest, so you can peel the chewing gum from clothes in such ways with virtually any fabric.
Method number 1.Frost
The most effective and proven way to remove gum from clothes is to freeze it:
- Pack the thing in a plastic bag.
- Put in the fridge freezer for 1-2 hours( in winter you can put it on the balcony).
- After the gum has frozen, remove it gently so as not to damage the clothes.
Method number 2.Ice
It is not possible to place a large size in the freezer. In this case, apply pieces of ice to the contaminated area. After the Velcro cools, remove it with a stiff brush. This method is ideal for cleaning a coat, coat, as well as carpet and carpet.
Important! For freezing, you can use a special spray( freezing), if, of course, you have it. In this case, you can remove the chewing gum from clothes at all with minimal effort.
Method number 3.Cold water
Put soiled clothing under a stream of cold water and leave for a while. The colder the water, the better. Once the fabric has gotten wet, scrub the chewing gum off the clothes.
to content ↑Hot ways of
If there is no desire to freeze clothes or you are limited in time, then apply the chewing gum with high temperatures.
Method number 1.Hot water
Impact on the Velcro with boiling water or place it under the flow of hot water. After the procedure, remove the chewing gum with an old toothbrush.
Important! Some advise that the hot stream should be directed to the opposite side of the clothing, not the chewing gum itself. So, in the process of how you solve the problem, how to get rid of the chewing gum on clothes, you will not smear it on the surface even more.
If this method does not suit you, or if you still have some of the chewing gum left, go to the next method.
Method number 2.Iron
This is one of the proven ways to get rid of troubles for years:
- Put a white sheet of paper or a napkin on the contaminated area.
- Preheat the iron.
- Turn the iron to the maximum on the other side of the clothes.
Important! Do not overdo it with the temperature of heating, so you do not have to throw away your favorite thing.
- Remove adherent gum to the napkin.
Important! If there is a stain on the clothing, use a spot remover or wash the remaining dirt with any detergent.
Some victims recommend using a cardboard sheet:
- Put the thing with the chewing gum down on the cardboard.
- Iron over the iron until the chewing carnel does not adhere to it.
Method number 3.Hair dryer
Will help to get rid of trouble on clothes and hair dryer:
- Direct warmed hair dryer to the cud.
- Clean the soiled area with an old toothbrush.
What else to remove the cud from the clothes?
If you do not want to bother using the listed methods, then buy in the store a special tool that will help to cope with the problem without much effort. Just apply the remedy on the sticky chewing gum and it will do the work for you. We offer alternative ways of using the means available to everyone.
If you notice that you have gum on your jeans, the ideal way to cleanse is to use vinegar:
- Heat a little vinegar.
- Take the old toothbrush and dip it into the vinegar.
- While the facility has not cooled down, rub a dirty place on the pants.
Important! Use only with hot vinegar. Affect the delicate and delicate fabrics( chiffon, silk, satin, velveteen) vinegar can not!
Gasoline can be purchased in balloons intended for refueling lighters. Before using this product directly on the fabric, check its effect on the color and composition of the material in an inconspicuous place. And only after making sure that when the gasoline is applied the thing will not deteriorate, use it:
- Hold the thing with the chewing gum over the steam to soften it.
- Apply gasoline to a rag, cotton pad and wipe off the problem area of the fabric.
- For greater efficiency, leave the tool to work on the contamination for 5-7 minutes.
- Use a tissue or piece of tissue to collect and remove the cud from the clothing.
Undiluted alcohol
Wipe the cotton disc with alcohol and wipe the soiled area. At one time you can not remove it, so make an effort and be patient.
Slices of dried chewing gum can be torn off with an adhesive tape. Simply glue the strip on the contamination site and tear off sharply. This option is ideal for cleaning if you decide how to peel the cud from your pants.
Alternatively, you can use one more chewing gum, which is called a "wedge wedge."Well, squeeze out the new chewing gum, and then stick it to the dirty place to peel off the stuck. He has a very good adherence to the same elastic.
Liquid for removing varnish or acetone
Chemical method with acetone is suitable only for non-shedding clothing. The liquid for removing varnish will remove the velcro from the outer clothing: coats, coats, but this liquid should not contain acetone.
Peanut Butter
This method is not popular with us, as getting this oil is problematic, and you need to carefully process clothing. Make sure that peanut butter does not fall on a clean cloth. Only apply directly to chewing gum:
- Apply it to a contaminated area.
- Hold for at least 20 minutes.
- Scrape off trouble with a blunt object or toothbrush.
- Wash the thing in the usual way.
Important! If oil has got on a clean area of clothing, then before washing, apply a liquid stain remover to the fabric.
If you can still cope with the sticky nuisance yourself, then with the remaining stains from the used products, get rid of the usual detergents: gels for washing dishes, as well as laundry soap and stain removers will do. And in the future, so as not to suffer with the removal of gum, be more careful and pay attention to those places where you sit down.