- Do I have to kill pigeons?
- How to get rid of pigeons?
- Useful advices:
Since the times of Kievan Rus, birds have always had a special place. Each of them was assigned a special characteristic. For example, a raven was considered a symbol of "old" wisdom or a harbinger of impending disaster, the swallow was associated with the arrival of the most joyous time of the year - the spring, the dove is the notorious "bird of the world" and even the "bird of God".Many people have a special relationship to pigeons, and they do not even have a question how to kill pigeons.
to the contents ↑Do we have to kill pigeons?
But on the other hand, in the urban environment there are a lot of them, and wastes of life, in particular pigeon droppings, disfigure not only roofs, monuments and public places, but also balconies of apartments. In addition, uric acid contained in their litter damages the decoration of buildings, paint on cars and the like.
Wastes of birds contain harmful fungi and bacteria that can lead to the following diseases:
- Histoplasmosis.
- Encephalitis.
- Toruse.
Important! As we see, pathogens contained in the feces of birds are potentially dangerous for humans. Therefore it is not surprising that many people want to get rid of the neighborhood with these representatives of the fauna and not just to scare away regular guests, but to kill pigeons.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of pigeons?
We will describe various methods that you can use depending on the conditions and situation. Most of them, for the purpose of humane treatment, will still act as a deterrent, for killing a dove means convincing themselves that there is nothing terrible in depriving the life of a living being. And this is a direct indicator of degradation - as an individual, and society as a whole.
Method number 1.Installation of
barriers As a barrier, you can use:
- Anti-landing studded belts.
- Antipruritic spikes( which can be attached to any place where the bird sits, for example, on the roof of the house).
Important! The equipment can be bought at the store of household goods, as well as in the building supermarket. Adjust the device according to the instructions.
- Spring toy "Slinky".Buy it can be in the toy stores or department stores. Stretch the toy along the rail of the balconies so that the distance between the turns is not less than 3.5 cm. You can tie the spring to the rail with a wire or adhesive tape in 20-30 cm. Since the pigeons will slide off the handrail because of the inconvenience of landing,will leave your balcony.
- Adhesive chemicals. On the treated surface, the birds will become uncomfortable to sit, which means they will not approach the balconies and cornices. Chemicals buy in shops that specialize in products from pests. Use adhesives in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
- Waterproof tape. Tie the ribbon over the place where birds like to sit, and this will make it impossible to balance the pigeons - they simply will not be able to sit there.
- Spices. Since pigeons do not like sharpness, sprinkle their usual place of planting with pepper, mustard and similar spices to scare them away from the balcony. Spread spices more often, especially if the weather is humid on the street.
Important! All these methods will cause discomfort in pigeons, but they are unlikely to cause them significant damage to health. And this means that the problem will be solved, but you do not have to kill the pigeon with your own hands.
Method number 2.Blocking the inputs of the
To prevent the pigeons from penetrating into the attic of the house, close all the ventilation openings on the ceiling and attic well with the grilles. And then no one - no birds, no animals, can not get inside the room.
Often birds occupy warehouses and, getting inside, defecate on the goods stored there. Of course, the management of the storage room suffers financial problems due to the fact that customers refuse to buy contaminated goods.
We suggest to get rid of the problem by performing the following actions:
- Lock large openings and doors with heavy curtains or a polymer tape.
- To prevent nesting on shelves, as well as lighting fixtures, change smooth surfaces to sloping surfaces.
- Lock the walls of buildings where pigeons can be nested with galvanized mesh or a polymer bird net.
- In large, open structures, sheds, warehouses, be sure to block the spaces above the rafters with an industrial grid from the birds so that the pigeons do not sit or nest there.
- Above the places where doves usually nest, stretch the nets to prevent them from getting there.
Important! Humane technology will not allow you to compromise with your conscience and look for real ways how to kill pigeons. The problem will be solved quickly and without violence.
Method number 3.Reduction in the number of
Alternatively, you can consider the method of birth control of birds, because pigeons bring offspring 6 times a year, and in each clutch there can be 2 eggs. If you sterilize a flock of pigeons, the next generation will not hatch from the eggs. As a result of natural extinction, the number of birds will decrease.
Important! Leading groups for the protection of animals is the birth control is recommended as the most acceptable in relation to birds to reduce their numbers.
Method # 4.Exclusion of food source
To prevent birds from settling near your house and surrounding areas, do not feed pigeons on any pretext, and do not allow people in your private property to feed birds. It is the feeding of pigeons that helps to strengthen the image of your home in their beautiful memory as a place where they can always find food.
Important! These very simple measures will allow you to forget about the need to look for a method how to kill pigeons.
- If one of the people feeds near your home or the work of pigeons, ask for help from local authorities.
- Make sure that there are no pigeon food sources on your lawn, the area:
- Plant seeds.
- Fruits of olives.
- Berries are pyracanthus.
- Food for cats and dogs.
Important! By removing the power source, as well as controlling access to food, you will reduce the number of birds.
Method number 5.Repelling
To scare away birds from your balcony, house, plot, you can use the following options:
- Systematically water the pigeons with water. They definitely will not be pleased with the water flow, but to keep the birds away from your house forever, repeat the watering procedure as often as possible.
- Use reflective objects. Install a reflective film, foil balloons or an alarm system in the places where the birds appear. Although this method has a short-term effectiveness, but using it along with some other method of scaring, you will forever get rid of pesky birds.
- Use noise. For example, buy a few "Party Snaps" and place them into the birds' landing sites. As soon as the pigeons sit down, the crackers begin to explode.
Important! Claps are safe and will not harm children. In a relatively small space, this method can be quite effective.
- Call on the help of birds of prey. If you do not have a predatory bird( owl or hawk) at home, then use plastic or concrete predator figurines, and put them in places where pigeons sit down at night. But as soon as the pigeons get used to the presence of a motionless statue, the effectiveness of the method will be zero.
Method number 6.Using ultrasound devices
If it's difficult for you to get rid of pesky birds using the above methods, then use ultrasound devices. The devices have proved themselves well and have shown high efficiency in attics, in warehouses with high roofs, dry docks, as well as other spacious rooms with high ceilings.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- Do not do harm to pigeons for no apparent reason. All their expulsion must be humane and comply with the laws protecting animal rights.
- If the problem of the presence of birds becomes unbearable, call the professionals who will help you get rid of the pigeons.
People have long believed that in the image of the "winged postman" angels fly around the world and watch over us, so to kill a pigeon is considered from time immemorial a sin. In addition, according to popular signs, this heralds the famine and death of livestock. We hope that the issue of "how to kill a dove" does not bother you anymore and you have found an acceptable humane way to scare away or get rid of unwanted feathered guests.