- Simple ways to freshen the air in the apartment
- How to freshen the air in an apartment with the help of natural products?
- Use of natural flavors in a home
- How else to refresh the air in the house?
Any house is a whole world, living by special laws, in its own rhythm, filled with its own special smells. The house is the imprint of the human soul, and the smell is his character. But not all the smells that are in our house are pleasant. Therefore, it is important to know how to refresh the air in an apartment to be there it was easy and pleasant.
to the contents ↑Simple ways to freshen the air in the apartment
Cleanliness is a guarantee of health, and a pleasant smell in the house is a good mood.
Cleaning the whole house
The cause of home unpleasant odors can be a trash can, a refrigerator with stale products, plumbing and just accumulated dust. In order to get rid of them and freshen the air in the apartment, it is necessary to eliminate its sources.
To do this, you just need to properly organize the cleaning process:
- Regularly take out the garbage, and rinse the bin with soda or vinegar.
- Try to do wet cleaning as often as possible. Pay special attention to the corners, bookshelves, chandeliers, window sills, batteries. It is in these places that the greatest amount of dust accumulates, which can exhale unpleasant odors, cause allergies and asthma.
Important! During the wet cleaning you can add a few drops of natural apple cider vinegar, essential oils - citrus, pine. So you not only remove the unpleasant ambre, but fill your home with pleasant fragrances.
- Often unpleasant odors accumulate in carpets, upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains. Therefore:
- Curtains are recommended to wash every three months or periodically shake out dust from them.
- With carpets and upholstered furniture dust will help collect the vacuum cleaner. Do not forget to clean the cleaner from the contents after each cleaning.
- During operation of this device there is also an unpleasant smell. To avoid it, put a cotton ball or a piece of bandage impregnated with essential oil into the dust bag before cleaning.
- If your carpet smells unpleasant, sprinkle it with plenty of soda. Leave for several hours, or better - at night. Then thoroughly vacuum - this will help get rid of the sharp odors.
Cleaning the kitchen
Our kitchen does not always meet us with mouth-watering smells. And if it was here that you had to face such a situation, in order to refresh the air in the apartment, do such work.
Step 1
First check the contents of the refrigerator:
- Get rid of expired products.
- Make sure that the covers of all containers are snug.
- Store different product groups on separate shelves.
- Once a week, wash the inside of the refrigerator with soda. If the smell still persists, you can pour soda or activated charcoal into the saucer - these adsorbents perfectly absorb odors.
Step 2
The odor source can be a sink:
- Fill in a drain hole ½ pack of dry soda, pour ½ cup of vinegar.
- Close the drain with a cloth and leave for 30 minutes.
- After the passage of time, rinse the sink with boiling water - this will help to remove blockage and unpleasant odor.
How to freshen air in an apartment using natural products?
Are you against use of chemistry in everyday life? Are you annoyed by the sharp, artificial smells of synthetic aerosols? Then we will tell you how and how to refresh the air with the help of natural products.
To get rid of unpleasant odors, take a couple of spoons of your favorite spices and heat them in the oven or microwave. Appetizing smell spread throughout the apartment. To achieve the same effect, boil the water with cinnamon for 10 minutes. The aroma of cinnamon will help not only to freshen the air in your apartment, but also dare annoying mosquitoes.
Important! If you have a stick of cinnamon in your house, put it in a vase and sprinkle it with warm water from time to time. A pleasant aroma is guaranteed to you.
Remember, how in the mornings we are excited by the smell of coffee. Its subtle scent penetrates into all corners of consciousness. Pour fresh milled coffee into shallow open containers and place it throughout the apartment. When only the fragrance becomes weathered, fry the coffee again and return to its places. In such a simple and pleasant way, you can refresh the air in the apartment for a long time.
The smell of tangerines, lemons and oranges brings pleasant memories of childhood, holiday. And these fruits will help you easily cope with the task, than to refresh the air in the apartment. To do this:
- Mix freshly squeezed juice of any citrus fruit with water and soda. Then spray using a spray gun throughout the apartment.
- Finely chop a lemon or an orange, arrange in saucers throughout the apartment. This is an indispensable way to quickly refresh the atmosphere.
- To achieve a persistent aroma in the apartment will help to boil the citrus peel in water for 10 minutes.
Usage of natural flavors in the home of
We are constantly asking ourselves how to freshen the air in the apartment. A huge interest among adherents of the eastern culture is caused by aromatherapy, the healing effect of which has already been evaluated by many people. It is also suitable for making the air in the house more pleasant.
How to refresh air with essential oils?
The most suitable are citrus oils - lemon, orange, bergamot, lemon verbena and tea tree oil, eucalyptus, anise, fir, spruce, lavender. These oils are used individually or from them aromatic mixtures are made. Also, the mixtures are impregnated with cotton balls, which are laid out throughout the apartment.
Important! Beautifully and subtly will look aromatic lamps. They will not only add comfort to your interior, but also help to make the air in your apartment fragrant. Pour a little water into the lamp's bowl, add butter or a mixture that you like and light a candle.
Fragrant Sachets
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, knowing about the beneficial properties of herbs, collected and dried them. Of these, medicinal infusions were prepared from all sorts of ailments, seeds and leaves were added to the food, and bunches of dried flowers hung in corners and near the oven to make it easier to breathe in the house.
Stylish decoration of your apartment will be a sachet that can be filled with herbs:
- Small bag of fine natural fabric fill:
- with dried herbs - thyme, mint, St. John's wort, lavender, juniper, sage;
- pieces of dried fruits and berries - apples, barberry, dog rose, currant, lemon;
- spices - anise, carnation, pink pepper, thyme, cardamom, tarragon;
- petals of flowers - rose, iris, jasmine, marigold, chrysanthemum.
- Bag on the shelves, coffee tables, you can hide between the sofa cushions.
- When the fragrance begins to fade, you can add a few drops of essential oils or replace the mixture with fresh ones.
Important! If you want to eliminate the musty smell in your cabinets, put linen bags filled with lavender and jasmine between the things. This will give a light aroma to the contents of the cabinet and will scare away the mole from your things.
to the contents ↑How else to refresh the air in the house?
Urbanization and industrialization have led to the fact that around us there are fewer wildlife and more "stone jungle".Therefore, in our apartment we want to breathe clean air and see more natural, natural. We can achieve this in the simplest way - to fill our house with living plants:
- In the kitchen, be sure to put pots with chlorophytum. This unpretentious beautiful plant will not only delight your eyes, but also absorb the products of combustion of gas, thereby releasing oxygen.
- Mandatory flower for the bedroom and living room - geranium. Most microbes do not survive the neighborhood of geraniums, perishing from the bactericides it secrete. And in the warm season, the geranium left on the windowsill will scare off the insects.
- Aloe is famous for its antibacterial properties. This flower is ideal for sleeping rooms, because it distinguishes it from other flowers that the most amount of oxygen it secrete at night.
- Asparagus is an indispensable plant for urban apartments. It destroys harmful bacteria and absorbs heavy metals. Also has a beneficial effect on the work of our lungs.
Japanese writer Isuna Hasekura said: "Do you know what remains in memory the longest? Smell. You know, smells remember the longest. We so easily forget everything that we have seen and heard, and only fragrances remain in the memory quite clearly. "
So let's make our houses cozy, comfortable and filled with pleasant aromas.