Effective bath cleaner

  • Basic cleaning rules for all types of baths
  • Cleaners for cast-iron baths
  • Cleaners for acrylic baths
  • Ceramic baths and baths made of artificial stone

We clean the bathroom regularly, but we can not always get rid of stiff spots, and alsoTo restore primitive whiteness to plumbing fixtures. What is the most effective bath cleaner?- This question can not be answered unequivocally. If earlier all of them had identical cast-iron baths in the bathroom, now technical progress has taken a long way. In our houses are installed steel, acrylic, quarry, ceramic, stone baths, and cast iron is covered not only with enamel, as before, but with polymers. Therefore, they need to be cleaned in different ways and substances, to everything - their own approach. About all the nuances of choosing the best cleaning agent for the bathroom, we'll talk in this article.

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Basic cleaning rules for all types of baths

Regular maintenance is the basis for maintaining the cleanliness and durability of any object and room. In this case, one should adhere to such advice.

Rule 1

In order not to spend any extra time and effort on general cleaning, not to seek out "magic tools" for bath cleaning, take yourself for the rule:

  1. Just rinse it thoroughly after water procedures, washing or washing children's scooter, for example. It is much easier to remove fresh dirt than an old one.
  2. Then be sure to wipe the dry bath, spattered tile, faucet, shower. Drops of water after drying will necessarily leave a calcareous deposit, and when it accumulates, it's hard to get rid of it.

So "the best cleaning agent for the bathroom" is the timely prevention of contamination.

Rule 2

In order not to damage the surface of the bathroom, never use:

  • metal wool;
  • brushes;
  • abrasive agents;
  • strong chemicals, such as acid.

They damage the top layer of the product. After all, you have to restore the bathroom or change it.

Important! Sometimes, after the use of powerful drugs, everything seems to have brightened brilliantly, but the damage, which can immediately be unnoticeable, will manifest itself very soon. Dirt and rust will be eaten even faster.

Rule 3

In time, repair and replace faucets, shower. If they leak, the red spots will appear constantly, and the rust is the hardest to get rid of.

Rule 4

During cleaning, use only those folk remedies or household chemicals that suit your particular bathroom type.

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Cleaners for cast iron baths

Cast iron baths are still installed in most apartments. Some people have been standing since Soviet times, and someone bought a new one, also cast iron, not trusting the novelties of sanitary engineering.

Important! Cast-iron bath is durable, reliable, with low thermal conductivity, therefore its position in the plumbing market does not give up. Old products of this type are enameled( containing zirconium salts, which are prone to rust and lime deposits), and new ones - with an elastic polymer coating.

Than them to wash?

  • The most important thing is not to allow strong contaminants, try to wash everything off immediately so that you do not then have to use "heavy artillery".
  • Always wipe the bath dry after use, otherwise - do not avoid plaque, yellow stains, rust.
  • For prophylaxis once a week, wash it with laundry soap, rinse well and wipe.

Important! For steel baths covered with enamel, cleaning recommendations are the same.

Folk remedies

Usually used for cleaning are those that every landlady has at hand: soda, vinegar, salt, citric acid, ammonia. How to apply them?

Application of soda:

  1. Make a slurry of soda, apply it to the surface of the bath.

Important! Do not rub the surface with dry soda, otherwise it will act as an abrasive and simply scratch the product.

  1. Leave for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Take vinegar or diluted citric acid, pour on a rag and walk around the entire area.
  3. Rinse everything thoroughly with a shower, and after - do not forget to wipe dry.

Use of vinegar essence:

  1. You can fill the bath with warm water, and then add 200 ml of acetic essence.

Important! Divorced in such quantity of water, the essence does not damage the enamel.

  1. Let this solution stand for at least 3 hours. Can be longer.
  2. Then drain the water, rub the walls of the bathroom with a washcloth, rinse and wipe.

Application of lemon

You can simply squeeze 1 lemon and this juice to treat the surface. It not only removes dirt well, but also imparts a whiteness to the product.

Application of laundry soap:

  1. Take half the bar of laundry soap, grate it on the grater.
  2. Add half a glass of water, melt the soap in a water bath, stirring.
  3. Add in this mixture 2 tablespoons of glycerin and juice of one lemon( can be replaced with citric acid).

Important! To get a better result, the housewife is recommended to pour into the remedy a tablespoon of vodka.

  1. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, apply it on the bathroom wall with a sponge.
  2. Wipe well, rinse, wipe the surface dry. This tool copes well with different types of contaminants.

Application of ammonia

One of the most effective means against lime scale is ammonia:

  1. In the container, combine 3-4 tablespoons of liquid laundry soap, 2-3 tablespoons of soda, and a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Apply the prepared compound to a dirty surface, hold it for a while, then wash it off.
  3. Do not forget to wipe dry after rinsing.

Important! Keep in mind that this product gives off a pungent unpleasant odor, so take care of the respiratory system and after ventilating the room.

The use of other improvised tools:

  • Many use just a mixture of vinegar and water 1: 1( usually take a glass of each liquid).This is an effective bath cleaner, but it is worth noting that you will come across a strong vinegar smell. Not everyone likes this. It is necessary to keep the bathroom open when processing, and then - to ventilate the apartment.
  • For the return of pristine whiteness, some housewives advise to moisten wipes or cloths in vinegar, cover the bath with them from inside, leave for half an hour, then rinse.
  • If you need to get rid of a small area of ​​contamination, you can rub it with toothpaste. She will clean it very delicately.
  • If you encounter rust stains, use a mixture of borax and vinegar( 1: 1).Mix the ingredients, apply with a sponge, wait and wash off a little.
  • Rust removes the gruel from salt and turpentine.
  • Also a good mixture of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide( 2: 1), but again, you will find an unpleasant odor.
  • From soap as well as limescale helps to get rid of not only lemon juice, but also a slightly diluted water mixture of soda with dry mustard( 1: 3).

Household chemicals

It's worth noting that even manufacturers of cast-iron baths themselves say that the less you use household chemicals for cleaning, the longer you will serve the product. The main thing - do not run and wipe the surface every time from moisture. But, of course, there are times when you can not do without household chemicals. For example, you rented an apartment, and the bathroom is simply in terrible condition, or you come to your country house after winter, and the bathroom is not at all pleasing with whiteness. What means will suit?

Effective household chemicals:

  • Put in a warm water bath, and then stir in it a pack of oxygen bleach( for example, "BOS-plus").Leave overnight, and then rinse the surface with a shower.
  • "Cif Ultra white".This agent in the form of a cream or gel perfectly copes with severe impurities. It must be applied, and after 5 minutes washed off.
  • Comet "7 days of cleanliness".It removes dirt, lime and even leaves behind a protective film that does not allow re-settling of contaminants on the surface. But this remedy is not particularly effective against rust.
  • "Cillit Bang", "Mr. Muscle", "Mr. Chister" are suitable for regular cleaning, but with stained spots can not cope.
  • "Frosch" and "Bathroom cleaner" from Faberlic. A more environmentally friendly series of household chemicals. It is also a means for regular cleaning, but as a radical measure - not suitable.
  • Gel for cleaning the bath "Phenolux" quickly eliminates soap and rust.
  • "Sanox" - perfectly removes rust, dirt, calcareous deposits, kills the E. coli and staphylococci. But it has a rather unpleasant smell.
  • If the bath is not particularly sorry( old, in a rented apartment and the like), then you can resort to chlorine-containing substances, like "Domestos" or "Whiteness."They will not only cope with stains of different origin, but will also disinfect the bath.

Important! Take into account that for the enamel these substances are very aggressive, they will gradually destroy it.

  • Powder cleaning agents are also good at cleaning the surface, but they contain abrasive particles that will lead to micro-scratches of the enamel. The most innocuous of this category is "Pemolux", which is made on the basis of soda.

This is not the whole list of affordable household chemicals. On the shelves of shops you can find a large number of samples for cleaning cast-iron bathtubs. But when choosing a remedy, be sure to carefully read the instructions and the composition of the substance when buying.

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Cleaners for acrylic baths

Acrylic bathtubs have long and firmly established their positions in the plumbing market. They are not particularly expensive, light, have many shapes, colors and sizes, they are also noiseless and have low thermal conductivity. Although acrylic is very sensitive to mechanical influences and various chemicals, but the dirt in its surface is not strongly eaten, and rust does not particularly stick. But you should be careful with the coloring matter, if they get to the surface, they can no longer be withdrawn.

Strong bans:

  • For hard brushes, metal wool and abrasives should be forgotten and use only special household chemicals for acrylic bathtubs or proven folk remedies.
  • It is worth considering that acrylic is afraid not only of abrasives, but also of chlorine, acid, alkali, gasoline, acetone and ammonia.

Important! For baths from quark - recommendations for cleaning are completely similar.

Folk remedies

Acrylic has a dirt-repellent properties, so microbes, mold and other mucks do not particularly linger on the surface. That is, there is no need for disinfection. If, after water procedures, the acrylic bath is rinsed with soap and dried with a cloth, then you will not need any staining remedies.

Important! In such a bathroom it is not recommended to soak laundry, put pelvens and buckets in it, wash pets and children's vehicles in it, so many of the problems characteristic of cast-iron baths disappear.

But during operation, of course, we can not avoid dirt, soap and limescale. How to deal with them?

  • Lemon juice or table vinegar will help with lime deposits. Simply moisten a rag or sponge in one of these liquids and wipe the contaminated area.
  • If almost the entire internal surface of the bath is covered with a water stone, then fill it with water( 20-25 degrees) and add 1.5 liters of 7% citric acid or vinegar. Leave for the night, and after - drain the water, rinse the bath and wipe dry with a soft rag.

Household chemicals

If you go to the store for household chemicals, be sure to make sure that it does not damage the acrylic, and before using, read the instructions. So, what is suitable for cleaning this type of bath?

Important! Manufacturers of such sanitary ware recommend the use of funds for cleaning acrylic bathtubs no more than once every 2 weeks. If you follow all the preventive measures, then more often it will not be necessary.

Effective household chemicals for acrylic baths:

  • "Triton"( in the form of a spray) is an effective bath cleaner that acts quickly. It removes fat deposits, water stone and rust from acrylic, tile, shower cabins, mixers. It is necessary to put the product, distribute it with a soft sponge on the entire surface and wash it off.
  • "RAVAK Anticalc" from the Czech manufacturer, is delicate for acrylic, but does not cope with all the contaminants.
  • "Sanklin" - a spray, is inexpensive. It removes yellowness from the walls of the bath, relieves plaque, rust and has no sharp odor. Suitable also for washing the sink and tile.
  • "Acrylan" is a foam that actively combats rust, soap and lime deposits, dirty stains and mold, leaving behind a protective film that prevents the appearance of new contaminants.
  • "Tim-pro" - an environmentally friendly product that not only removes various contaminants, but also removes unpleasant odors, disinfects. After cleaning, acrylic returns to its original shine and remains a dirt-repellent coating.
  • "Cillit", "Sarma", "Acryl-Net", "Star-Acrylat", "Bass" - also do a good job cleaning.
  • There are domestic manufacturers of household chemicals for acrylic baths - "Cinderella", "Mr. Chister", "Tim-pro".All of them are applied to the napkin, which you are treating the surface of the bath.
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Ceramic baths and baths made of artificial stone

Such plumbing is not so common, as it is not cheap, but it is necessary to mention the care of such products. On the baths of the composite material, spots of lime and rust appear quite quickly. The most important thing in the care of such baths, as in previous cases - rinse after water procedures and wipe dry.

Important! As well as other types, stone baths are contraindicated abrasives, acids and alkalis.

Folk remedies:

  • Can be removed with mustard powder or gruel from baking soda.
  • From yellowness and rust rid of vinegar and lemon juice( citric acid).
  • Small spots can be washed with gel toothpaste.

Household chemicals

For such products, suitable for artificial stone, acrylic and composite materials. Usually in the sanitary ware salons you will be offered a choice of professional care products for such baths:

  • You can safely use chlorine-containing substances( "Domestos", "Dosya", "Whiteness") to remove yellowness from white baths.
  • Suitable series for acrylic from "Ravak", "Frosch".

If you care for your plumbing regularly and correctly, then there should not be any special problems with cleaning. Always consider the type of material from which your bath is made, because the choice of the means and the way it is washed depend largely on this. As you can see, there are many people's effective means for cleaning the tub. Using the helpful recommendations from the article, you will definitely return your product the original whiteness, without damaging the surface in the process.