- Metal whistle
- Whistle whistle
- Whistle
- Fix whistle
For sure, everyone will appreciate the functionality of the whistle for the kettle, which tells us about the readiness of water for making hot drinks and does not allow the vessel to boil in vain. However, it happens that these useful things are lost, broken or simply missing when buying a teapot. In this case, you need to know how to make a whistle for a teapot with your own hands. Folk craftsmen are inventing various ways to make useful adaptations to home teapots from improvised materials with a minimal set of tools, so let's look at the most interesting options together.
to content ↑Metal whistle
The shape of this device often resembles a short cylinder. Although, the upper part of it can have absolutely any design. Here the main thing is that the system of adaptation and its functionality should not be lost. However, if you want to make a whistle on the kettle with your own hands, it's better to stop at the cylinder.
To the craftsmen, who at least once worked on metal, it will not be very difficult to make a device made of copper or zinc plates. Having not exposed to corrosion metal, it is possible to execute such simple device:
- For this purpose it is necessary to cut out some details under the size of a spout - two circles and a rectangle for the cylinder.
- After that, solder them together, getting an excellent accessory in the form of a hat.
Whistle whistle
To make a whistle for the kettle by your own hands is original, but, at the same time, quite functional, it is possible from ordinary plugs, which are mostly covered with bottles of lemonade and beer:
- With a soldering tool, two such plugs are put together.
- After that, holes in 3 mm are cut into them.
Important! To produce a more voluminous whistle for the kettle can help soldered from a durable and light metal cylinder, which is placed between the plugs.
to the table of contents ↑Whistle
For ordinary teapots with thin spouts, the children's whistle, which, as a rule, is able to fully adhere to the surface, is quite suitable. If, on the contrary, the teapot has a wide filling part, then a metallic cup can become a wonderful base, in which, with the help of a thin nozzle of an electric drill, it is very easy to make a hole.
Important! To make a whistle on the kettle with your own hands, which will be of high quality and safe to serve for a long time, it is necessary to go to the choice of metal for it with the mind.
A whistling thing can not be made of aluminum or plastic. Preference should be given to materials that are resistant to corrosion, for example, copper, zinc or galvanized.
to the contents ↑Fixing the whistle
The need to make a whistling attachment to the kettle is very often caused by the breakdown of the old device. In this case, one of the best options is simply to repair the failed part.
Important! Often the breakdown is the falling off of the whistle plate inside, which is not always welded to the conscience.
If you have this situation, you can fix the accessory by the following actions:
- Pull the whistle out of the casing - this requires a conventional screwdriver that will help to pry the edge of the part.
- Hold the whistle in your hand, remove the spring under it, prepare the surface. For this, four mating surfaces should be sanded.
- In the process of soldering, you will need soldering acid, which in the future will be needed for neutralization.
- After careful preparation, you can proceed directly to soldering, and then carefully clean the parts.
- At the end of the last step, neutralize with alkali.
Important! For this purpose, it is also possible to use conventional ammonia alcohol, however, remember that this procedure is necessary in the open air.
- To neutralize the corrected whistle, place in a shallow glass beaker and fill with 10 or 25% ammonia.
As you can see, making a whistle on the teapot with your own hands is not so difficult. If you make it correctly and out of good material, most likely he will survive and the kettle itself. The presence of metal, a soldering iron and minimal experience can completely solve the problem with a broken whistle or its absence.