- Definition of lice
- What is the danger of these parasites?
- Lice varieties
- How are lice transmitted?
- Can I kill lice and nits with hair dye?
Unfortunately, despite a lot of special tools in our time, the problem of pediculosis does not lose relevance. There is an opinion that hair dye kills lice, and therefore most women resort to this method of fighting parasites. How effective is the coloring of hair and all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of dealing with trouble, we will tell you in this article.
to the contents ↑Definition of lice
Before you get rid of parasites, you should understand who they are and where they come from?
Lice are parasitic insects that feed on human blood and are very easy to attach to the body. The duration of their life is only 30 days, but in this short period they manage to leave a large number of offspring. It is because of the high speed of reproduction of lice that getting rid of parasites is not so easy.
Important! These insects are equally parasitic on both children and adults. In addition, lice can attack as owners of magnificent hair, and those who actively grow bald. For parasites, it is important to have at least some hair, for which you can catch, and its color, density and volume do not play a special role.
There is a widespread opinion that lice parasitize on representatives of disadvantaged groups of society who do not adhere to the basic rules of hygiene. On the one hand - it's true, but in fact, even completely clean and civilized people can become infected with these parasitic insects. After all, lice are just a few seconds to settle on your head.
Important! Immunity from these insects there is no one, because its production is simply impossible. Therefore, preventive hair treatments with the help of specialized means - the occupation is quite meaningless. Either lice do not live on your hair, or they still exist and you need to apply a remedy for the destruction of lice and nits .
to the contents ↑What is the danger of these parasites?
In addition to the discomfort that lice bring to humans, they can also be carriers of serious diseases:
- age-related typhus;
- Volyn fever;
- irritation of the skin.
If you have a lice, you can learn about them by the following symptoms:
- strong itching of the hair;
- sleep disturbance;
- infected wounds on the head and on the body;
- irritability;
- headaches;
- purulent diseases.
Important! The effects of lice on your body are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous enough, so you should get rid of parasites immediately, using a suitable remedy for lice and nits.
to content ↑Lice varieties
There are three main types of lice in nature:
- Head lice are the most common type of parasites that are easily transmitted and most commonly found in humans.
- Pubic hair - the smallest of insects of this species, take root on a small scalp - pubic, eyebrows, etc. Infect these parasites during sexual intercourse.
- Females.- Do not live on the person himself, but on clothes or in bed, most often appear on dirty fabric, which is rarely exposed to washing.
Important! Solve the problem of how to kill lice, it is only when you decide what kind of insects you are dealing with. In addition, be sure to conduct prophylaxis, so that the achieved result is not lost in the near future.
to the contents ↑How are lice transmitted?
Before deciding to kill lice and nits, you need to understand how you could get them. Determining the source of infection and timely destruction of it will significantly help not only in treatment, but also in preventing the re-emergence of parasites.
Important! There is an opinion that lice jump from a sick head to a healthy one. However, this is just one of the common misconceptions. Lice do not know how to jump or fly, but these parasites perfectly creep, swim and run.
The most common are the following methods of infection with lice:
- through clothing;
- bed linen;
- personal care products - combs, bows and hair clips.
Important! Do not be afraid that you can get infected in the hotel, taking advantage of their underwear. The fact is that without human nutrition, lice live very little, and for their death it is enough to just spread out the bed set. Accordingly - from the former tenant the chance to catch a scanty, unless you lie on an infected bed a couple of minutes after him.
The most common spread of lice we can observe in places such as:
- pools;
- baths;
- hairdresser's;
- orphanages and boarding schools;
- of the prison;
- military barracks.
Important! Most often, infection with pediculosis can be observed in groups where people freely share common things and are in constant close contact. That is why this problem is most common among children of kindergarten and school age - the children freely communicate with each other and are not afraid of any consequences.
to the contents ↑Can I kill lice and nits with hair dye?
Many in unsuccessful attempts to control parasites are looking for the most effective and quickest ways to destroy nits. It often happens that a variety of shampoos simply do not give the desired effect. If you dye your hair with a permanent and chemically stable hair dye, the lice will die.
That is, hair dye actually kills lice and nits, but this method of dealing with parasites has its drawbacks:
- a sharp change of image may not be part of your plans;
- staining has a negative effect on the structure of the hair;
- as a result of a hair color change, the immunity of your skin is significantly reduced and this action can cause a repeated infection with lice;
- hair dye should be applied no more often than once a month.
Important! Even after the application of hair dye, it is best to carefully check the hair and patience, select from the head the remains of nits, in order to avoid re-infection.
Do not forget that the hair dye helps from lice due to its chemical composition, which is still not safe for human health. Therefore, if you have not previously dyed your hair and are not going to do this in the future, then perhaps you should refrain from such experiments.