- How to choose the right wallpaper with a pattern?
- Adhesive wallpaper with a pattern correctly
- Nuances that arise when gluing wallpaper with a drawing
When planning the design of rooms, we strive to create comfort and coziness in your home. Most often we help with this wallpaper. With their help, you can change the stylistic direction of the interior, hide defects, visually increase the room, even zadekorirovat ceiling. To date, the proposed range of such a finishing material is simply limitless. A variety of colors and textures can please even the most demanding customers. But, unfortunately, because of his ignorance, how to glue wallpaper with a picture, we try to acquire something unattractive and monotonous. But if you know some of the nuances and technology, you can easily master the technique of gluing wallpaper with a picture and easily design your house correctly, stylishly, and most importantly - cozy!
to the contents ↑How to choose the right wallpaper with a pattern?
- The most important factor when choosing is to choose wallpaper in the style of decorating the room, its lighting, dimensions and the desired color scheme.
- If you want to accent one wall, then you need to choose wallpaper with large patterns for it.
- For background finishing, use light colors, with small prints and neutral shades.
- For small rooms do not take large drawings and different storylines.
- Wallpapers with a horizontal pattern visually increase the width of the walls, and with the vertical - their height.
Important! Always focus on the style of the room:
- If you design in the style of Provence, you should pay more attention to the flower patterns and cage.
- For classics suitable monograms and damascus.
- If modern style prevails, the wallpaper with geometric and abstract compositions will look best.
Adhesive wallpaper with a pattern correctly
Very often during repair, we are faced with the fact that one roll is missing in order to finish the gluing, or vice versa - they took more than required. Therefore, before buying, it is necessary to calculate exactly how many rolls you need.
For this you need to know the height of the walls in the room and the perimeter of the room.
How to calculate the number of rolls?
The length of the walls can be easily measured using a tape measure or a laser rangefinder. Next:
- If you know the perimeter of the room, then you can easily calculate how many solid stripes of wallpaper you need. Simply divide the perimeter by the width of the canvas in a roll.
- The next step is to calculate the height of the ceiling. It is equal to the height of the wall. The strip should be taken with a small margin, in case there are small discrepancies in the measurements.
- In order to know the number of pieces in a roll, the total length of the roll should be divided by the height of your ceiling.
- Next, we divide the total number of pieces needed by us into the number of pieces in a roll. The number that we get is the number of rolls you need to purchase.
Important! Do not forget about the door and window openings. Measure the height above and below the openings. According to the above scheme, calculate the required footage and add to the total number of rolls.
Materials for the work of
After you have decided on the required number of rolls, you should consider an auxiliary tool that will be your faithful assistant. For gluing and cutting of wallpaper you need to have:
- container for glue dilution( most often use a bucket);
- brush for applying glue( most convenient to do this with a roller);
- stationery knife or scissors( knifes with segment blades are best suited);
- pencil;
- plumb line;
- long ruler;
- measuring tape;
- spatula;
- rubber roller( thanks to it you can easily smooth the wallpaper during the gluing).
When you have everything ready, purchased all the inventory, it's time to go directly to the wallpapering.
Rules for gluing wallpaper with a picture - preparation
In order to properly glue the wallpaper with the selection of a picture, you need to know some rules. Thanks to them, you will save your time and money:
- The first thing to do is prepare the room. Furniture should be completely cleaned, or covered with a film.
- Clean the walls of old wallpaper. You can help yourself with a spatula.
Important! If you have difficulties with the fact that you can not remove the old wallpaper from the wall, you should water them with water and leave for a few minutes.
- We fill the gap, various holes and other damages in the wall with putty. It is at this stage that, if possible, everything should be eliminated so that the wallpaper is laid flat.
- If you have edges on the wallpaper, then you must cut them off, but you should consider how you will glue the walls:
- If you glue overlap, the edge should be cut off from one side.
- If you glue the wallpaper in the gash, then the edge must be cut from both sides.
We do it very carefully using a ruler and a clerical knife. After you have cut the edges, carefully examine the obverse of the wallpaper clip. This is necessary in order to identify defects and correct them.
Important! Tear off the edge is not recommended. Use a scissors or a writing knife to do this.
Cut wallpaper with a picture of
Measure the height of the wall and cut off the same length of the canvas, without forgetting to add about 10 centimeters in reserve. But just "took and cut off" will not work when you paste wallpaper with a picture, because in the roll, the canvases go one after another. If the cut is uneven and curved, then all subsequent ones will be similar to the first one.
There are several ways how you can trim the wallpaper exactly:
- Cross cutting. Here, in addition to the length of the canvas, it is important to take into account also the angle of cut. If the angle between the vertical and horizontal edges is not 90 °, then problems can arise. You need to combine the edge of the workpiece with the edge of the blade. Since the intersecting parallel lines of the secant crosswise the angles are equal, we obtain angles of 90 °.It follows that our edge is perfectly even.
Important! Thanks to this method of cutting, you can trim the wallpaper as before the pasting, and those ends that we left in reserve. It is best to cut with a wide spatula and knife.
- Cutting along the fabric. Cutting occurs similar to the transverse, only produced by scissors. To do this, you need to measure the width of the canvas and quickly, in one move, cut off excess material.
Kleim wallpaper:
- On the cut canvas, apply glue. Do not forget to pay special attention to the tips. It is very important that, while you are lubricating the canvas with the adhesive, the tips do not become dry, but are well smeared with glue.
- Already lubricated canvas should be left for a few minutes. During this time, it is necessary to glue the wall against the width of the wallpaper strip.
Important! To the underside of the wallpaper to stretch on the floor during the transfer to the wall, do not forget to select the reverse edge of the cut.
- Cloth glued from top to bottom. The lateral edge should be leveled by a plumb line. If it is difficult for you, then you can make notes and align the sides in advance.
- With a brush or rubber roller, we smooth the fabric. Movements must be exclusively top-down and diagonally. Remove excess glue with a clean damp cloth.
Important! During the wallpapering of the wallpaper in the room where you work, there should be no drafts. Close all windows and doors.
- Excessive - cut off the perimeter of the ceiling and the floor skirting.
- All other fabrics are glued according to the same scheme.
Important! Very often the place from which the wallpapering will begin, causes difficulty, especially for beginners. If you will glue the wallpaper overlap, then start from the window. Thanks to this technique, you can visually hide the seams. If the sticker will go through butt, you can start with any place that you like.
to the table of contents ↑Nuances that arise when wallpapering a picture with
When gluing the walls, very important is the gluing of the wallpaper with the selection of the picture. Therefore, at this point, we will dwell in more detail.
Combine the drawings
Before cutting and pasting, you need to compare the drawings of the canvases. This can be done in two very simple ways:
- After the first sheet has been glued, the pattern for the second sheet is aligned directly on the wall. If the drawing is joined, then marks are made, by which we will cut. It is very difficult to use this method alone. In this case, you will need an assistant.
- Considering the measurements of the wall, cut one sheet and turn it face to face. Next roll the roll. The canvas is shifted by the necessary distance to align all the elements of the pattern. After that, cuts are made, along which the cutting is done.
Important! Sometimes for this method it is necessary to use several wallpaper rolls.
Wallpaper gluing with picture
There are patterns and drawings that do not require special fitting. If you have purchased more complex variants, we offer you methods that will facilitate your task.
Wallpaper gluing without displacement of the drawing:
- Roll in full accordance with your calculations cut with canvases, with a small margin and multiple steps of the picture.
- The gluing does not start from the corner, but from the vertical line along the plumb line next to it. After the opposite wall to the window was pasted to the corner, we return to the line from which we started. Further we move again from it.
Sticky wallpaper with a bias pattern
If you have elements of the picture on the edges of each strip do not match in height, then the next strip should be glued with a shift relative to the previous one. Thanks to this method, you can paste the walls without breaking the picture with the least expense:
- Take two rolls and cut the strips of the necessary length to you, laying them out in stacks.
- The cut lines are adjusted so that when the strip is pasted from the first roll, the pattern coincides with the image on the pasted first cloth from the second roll.
- At the further cutting of the cloths, multiple to the step of the figure, it will coincide without any additional efforts.
If we talk about wallpaper with a picture, they can be characterized as follows: "not so terrible a wolf as it is painted."Taping the wallpaper with the selection of the picture is not difficult, if you take into account the above recommendations. And if you add a little patience and practice, you can easily make repairs not only in one room, but in the whole house.