- Mirror and its colossal potential
- Mirror surfaces in rooms with different designations
- Mirror in the living room: tips and ideas
- Light sources and mirrors
- Mirror and mysticism
Since ancient times, various characteristics have been attributed to the mirror - magical, mystical, psychological and many others. But in this article we will talk about how you can use a mirror in the interior, consider possible options for transforming the various rooms of your home. Professional designers are constantly using such techniques, but it is not necessary to spend money on their services, because you can independently decide on a more winning idea.
to content ↑Mirror and its colossal potential
The mirror surfaces are an effective assistant in creating a unique room decor. Carefully look around, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the room in which you want to use mirrors in interior design.
This element is able to hide the shortcomings of the layout, emphasize the style and complement the interior of the room, adding to it the lightness and elegance. Putting them right, in the end, you can achieve various visual effects:
- Designers widely use the ability of mirrors to visually increase the space. In small, small apartments with small rooms and narrow corridors, this is especially true.
Important! One small mirror in a narrow corridor can not visually expand the room. To do this, you will need to use the composition of the mirrors. Here, one should not place mirrors opposite each other, since there is a risk of getting a distorted picture of the interior, and also, multiple self reflection can create psychological dissonance.
- The ability of mirror surfaces to reflect and diffuse light is useful in dimly lit and dark rooms. If properly positioned, the light flux will dissipate and provide uniform illumination of the entire space.
- Without overloading the interior with a large number of decorative objects, thanks to the mirror reflection you can get a feeling of an abundance of objects in the interior.
- Mirror in the interior is able to visually adjust the proportions of the room. So, the vertically placed oval mirror allows you to make the ceilings higher.
- If there is an object on which you want to focus attention( for example, a refined chandelier, a vase, a picture, etc.), you should place a mirror in front of it. The object selected in this way will not go unnoticed.
Mirror surfaces in rooms with different purposes
Modern housing abounds with mirrors in interior design. They can be found in the hallway, bedroom, bathroom and even in the kitchen. In each of the rooms designers use this element to perform certain functions - for the main purpose or as a decoration. Let's consider, how it is possible to use mirror surfaces in various premises of dwelling.
Living room
Concerning the desirability of placing mirrors in the living room, discussions are under way, but with this element you can create various visual changes:
- a mirror on a long wall in a rectangular room can expand it in half;
- if placed in the same room on a narrow wall, gives the impression of a long narrow corridor:
- when beautiful objects are reflected in it - the number of items is doubled, while the interior looks richer;
- can create the effect of an additional window or door;
- mirror ceiling will make the room higher.
Using the following basic principles of placing mirrors in the interior, you can choose the right product and avoid common mistakes in the design of the living room:
- Mirrors mounted opposite each other visually create an intricate labyrinth. Try not to allow such an arrangement, as this can adversely affect the emotional and psychological state.
- The effect of visual expansion of space can be achieved if the design is made in light tones, if rooms with a dark mirror interior conceal it.
- Make sure that no more than two large interior items are reflected in the mirrors, otherwise - the room will look sloppy.
- The mirror ceiling of the room with high ceilings makes them even higher, which can cause dizziness.
- Psychologists do not recommend placing mirrored surfaces in a prominent place, as some people feel nervous tension with prolonged eye contact with them.
- Using a mirror as an element of decor, place it at a height of not less than 1.5 meters from the floor.
- When installing the backlight on an object reflected in the mirror surface, the light will evenly scatter around the room.
When using a mirror in the interior of the living room, there are options for placing it:
- above the fireplace;
- above the sofa;
- composition on the wall;
- installation for furniture( usually a mirror wall behind a sofa or armchairs);
- leaning against the wall( heavy construction);
- built-in furniture( wardrobe or triple);
- mirror tiles.
The most common use of mirrors in the interior of the bedroom is the door of the built-in closet:
- This method is practical and convenient, since a large mirror surface visually increases the often small space of the room for rest and sleep.
- Also, going to work, a party, will allow you to evaluate your image in full growth.
Important! If the space of the room allows, instead of the door of the wardrobe, you can use a large mirror in the frame, which is mounted on the frame.
Other Ideas:
- Decorates and adds uniqueness to the interior of the bedroom above the headboard of a bed of mirror parts or a composition of mirrors.
- The bedside tables with mirror facades are gaining popularity. They have the ability to "dissolve" in the interior of small bedrooms.
- And the tables, the facades of which are assembled from small mirror elements, add notes of gloss and glamor to the interior, creating unusual optical effects.
- The same effect can be obtained with the mirror finish of the bed frame.
Important! Having arranged mirrors behind the table lamps with lampshades, you can increase the amount of diffuse, soft lighting.
Children's room
Kids love to consider their reflection, so this element in furniture will be interesting to them.
Important! To improve safety it is better to use mirror surfaces covered with a special film. Such a film prevents the formation of fragments if the mirror breaks.
In the children's room, mirrors must be securely fastened to the base or frame of furniture, while paying attention that its edges are smoothed and processed. It can also be attached to the wall, placed in a frame without sharp elements.
Dining room and kitchen
When using mirrors in the interior design of the dining room and kitchen, place them on the wall at the height of the eyes of a standing person so that when you eat, you will not see your reflection.
Important! This is undesirable from a psychological point of view, negative feng shui and, in general, a bad omen.
Decorate the mirror elements in these rooms can not only walls. Such elements can be found in the facades of furniture or in the design of display cabinets for storing dishes - tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, etc.
The interior of the kitchen is saturated with reflective surfaces, especially in the Hi-tech style - it can be worktops, glass inserts on household appliances and furniture, stainless steel elements. These properties bring the spirit of modernity and gloss to the interior.
The layout of standard apartments does not provide for a large bathroom. Designers recommend that when decorating such premises use light shades, glossy and mirror surfaces, which will help visually increase space.
How to use the mirror:
- In the vast majority of cases, the mirror in the bathroom interior is located above the washbasin.
- In addition to this placement, small mirrors can be used in a small room to partially decorate the wall in this area.
- If the area of the room allows you to place not one but two sinks in the bathroom, the issue with mirror surfaces can be solved in two ways - to place one large mirror above them, or two identical models, while maintaining the symmetry of the design.
- It is also possible to mount on a flexible tripod small mirror elements with a magnifying effect - it will be convenient to do hair styling or apply decorative cosmetics, adjusting the level of the object in front of the face.
- To create a modern style when decorating a bathroom, choose concise and simple solutions. For this, it is permissible to place mirrors completely without a frame or use them, simulating part of the wall finishing.
Important! If the mirror surface is large, it is possible to use additional light sources for effective illumination.
to the contents ↑Mirror in the living room: tips and ideas
To create your own unique design, some ideas on the arrangement of mirrors in the interior will help.
Do not hang but put
Such a design solution can be found in the classic interior:
- The heavy mirror design is framed by a tree that harmonizes colorfully with the furniture of the room and looks stylish and rich. It is appropriate to install it near the object you want to allocate - it can be a large flower in a pot, an elegant chair, etc.
- You can use two such designs, placing them symmetrically on both sides of the interior, which will serve as a chest of drawers, curbstone, armchairand so on.
Important! To fix such a rather massive construction on the wall will be problematic, since unreliable walls in a dwelling can not hold its weight.
Exceptional beauty
Create an exclusive design of the mirror will help used for its decoration techniques:
- painted;
- film pasting;
- mosaic;
- sandblasting;
- fusing.
Given that the mirror in the interior of the living room is used as an element of decor, this design decision in the design of a mirror canvas is appropriate. It can be performed in the form of imitation stained glass, apply a natural landscape or floral abstraction - it all depends on your imagination.
Important! There are ready-made versions of such mirrors already on sale, you may find a suitable option among them. For a minimalist interior it is better to use mirror surfaces with sandblasting.
Fireplace area
Fireplaces are very common in the interior of modern living rooms. Traditionally, near it are placed a prop, such as forceps, poker, etc., chairs and other small things. On the fireplace put candlesticks, vases and other trinkets. But here the space above it looks unattractive and empty.
The best solution to this problem will be to use a mirror on the wall in the interior:
- Firstly - because the exposed items( it can be collectables, figurines, watches, etc.), will not need to be picked up, sinceto consider the object from the reverse side can be in the mirror reflection.
- Secondly - installed on the fireplace burning candles will help improve lighting.
Important! In addition, the glare of the flame helps to relax and act soothingly.
Mirror wall
To increase the space of a small room, one of the walls can be:
- To make a mirror surface, at the same time to achieve the desired effect, the surface must occupy at least a quarter of the wall. The wall, designed in this way, will help make the room more spacious and lighter.
- If the dimensions of the room allow, you can install a wardrobe with beautiful mirror doors.
- It is also possible to use a mirror tile. In this case, in most cases it will be necessary to find a master for cutting the material to the desired dimensions. You can decorate yourself, gluing the tile with liquid nails or a special adhesive.
Mirror on the ceiling
This arrangement of the mirror in the interior is ideal for rooms with low ceilings, where you need to visually add height. But:
- You should not attach huge mirror sheets to the ceiling, it will be wrong.
- Use a coffered design that does not overload the space.
- With the help of small pieces of mirrors you can really decorate the interior, and work with them more conveniently.
Important! Another solution to visually increase the height will be a mirror ledge, launched along the perimeter of the ceiling.
Mirror gallery
For interior decoration in this way mirrors are framed. This option is great for rooms with high ceilings - their chaotic arrangement breaks the wall into several sections, which visually makes it lower.
It should be noted that the location of the mirrors also plays a role - horizontal placement can visually lengthen the short wall, and by placing vertically, you can increase the height.
Important! The decoration of the room in this way makes it more comfortable.
Compositional receptions
This design solution can be implemented in such ways:
- The first - placed in the same frame mirrors can be entered into a block of photos that hang on the wall.
- The second way is to place a large mirror in the center, and around it arrange photos within( although the frames can be of different shapes, but the texture should be the same).
Mirror furniture
Interior decoration can be furniture made of mirror surfaces. It is not necessary to buy a finished piece of furniture made of this material. You can mirror the already existing furniture you have with a mirror.
In addition, the solution with mirrored furniture will help in the interior of the premises in a disproportionate shape - for example, by installing a mirrored cabinet along the long wall, you will visually expand the walls.
Important! Carefully approach the installation of mirrored furniture in the rooms, which are decorated in contrasting and bright colors. Use such furniture in rooms that are painted in calm pastel colors.
Having a design taste and understanding the laws of light reflection, you can create a unique and elegant interior, while achieving unique effects.
Mirror in the living room: stylistic outline
As you can see, the mirror in the interior design is used actively. Consider how to do this as effectively as possible:
- The window-snag will be an interesting solution in the design of the room. At the same time it can be covered with bindings, framed in a frame and even use the same curtains and curtains, as on a window.
- If the living room is made in the style of classicism, use carved wooden frames.
- Bronze frames suitable for living rooms in the style of Rococo and Baroque.
- The wrought-iron frame will decorate the room in a Victorian or Gothic style.
- Style Modern proposes the application of natural motifs on the mirror surface. On the frame must be present floral ornaments, plant elements, curls, etc.
- Country style assumes correct geometrical proportions and framing with simple branches, rattan, broken ceramic tiles and shells.
- Minimalism does not accept superfluous details, so one large mirror framed by a simple frame( or without it at all) will be the ideal solution for this style, and it is better if the frame is light.
- The modern Hi-tech style is characterized by simplicity, strict shapes and clear lines. Use in such an interior square, round or rectangular mirrors in a thin frame or without it.
Light sources and mirrors
The correct illumination of mirror surfaces can hide the flaws in the layout:
- When creating stylish images, pay attention to the reflection - it must be flawless.
- Mirror in the whole wall or a wardrobe with mirrored doors can be illuminated with miniature lights located on the ceiling or floor.
- With the lack of natural lighting of the room will help to cope properly installed mirror, while it must be placed so that it reflects the light source.
Mirror and mysticism
The magical properties of the mirror are known from childhood. They can be skeptical or believe in them, but:
- These objects are actively used by scammers and fortune tellers when performing mystical rites. They consider the mirror surface a conductor to another world.
- Psychics believe that a mirror can tell a lot about a person who looks at him, as it absorbs the energy of this person.
Whether a person is skeptical or not, he still avoids looking into the shards of a broken mirror and tries not to break it, because there is a bad omen - if you break a mirror, then seven years will be pursued by misfortunes and misfortunes.
Using a mirror in the interior design of housing, make sure that its surface is holistic and clean. When chips and cracks appear on the mirror surface, be sure to replace it with a new one. Create unique unique interiors with mirrors and enjoy the comfort and coziness of your home. If you feel that the information is not enough, consult with designers and experts who will help you find solutions in the most difficult issues and avoid common mistakes.