How to eradicate iodine from the skin?

  • Interesting facts
  • Removal tools for iodine
  • How to use
  • Useful advices:

Everyone in life had to use iodine. But it is not always possible to cover the wound carefully, especially if the tube with the medicine is closed with a tight little stopper. It is easy to separate it, but then the question always arises how to eradicate iodine from the skin. And, not only with the hands, but how to erase iodine from the face or even from clothes, from furniture, and almost any piece of furniture, because the drops quickly spread and eat into any materials. How quickly to solve such a dilemma you will learn from this article.

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Interesting Facts

Iodine is a medicated product that has a specific color and is quickly absorbed into various surfaces. With its help, even decorate and decorate various interior items. On the skin, this liquid can stay a couple of days, and if the spot is small, iodine can absorb completely at all within a few hours and there will be no trace left of it.

But, even if there is not so much to wait for you, and you did not plan your furniture or flooring with iodine, use the means that will help dissolve the saturated dye and wash iodine from the skin or the material you need.

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Removal of iodine

Depending on what is stained, you can use one of the following:

  • remove iodine from the skin with peroxide, laundry soap, lemon juice or acid, acetone, nail polish remover or anyalcohol-containing solvent;Spots of iodine from clothes can be removed with the help of ammonia mixed with water in the proportion of 5 drops per 1 tbsp, paste from potato starch or even dishwashing liquid( it is better to take undiluted concentrate);
  • with linoleum is the easiest way to clean this tool with any chlorine-containing cleaning agent;
  • furniture or metal objects - remove the stains from medrazure with raw potatoes or ascorbic acid solution.
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How to use

The principle of using each of these means in order to wash iodine is the same: you must moisten any suitable device for this purpose - a sponge, a rag, a cotton disc or a stick, and rub the right place until the result is obtained.

The exception is the use of starch for tissues - it must be applied in the form of gruel to the soiled places, leave to dry completely, remove the mixture with a brush and, if necessary, wash the whole thing.

Important! Note that to erase iodine from the skin of is not always so easy right after it is applied. Maybe you have to spend on this and up to half an hour. An interesting variant of combining "pleasant with useful" is to wash any dirty thing in hand with powder or laundry soap. The spot will quickly come off during the washing process, but you need to use hot water for this.

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Helpful Hints:

  1. If you can not remove stains with the selected tool, try using another one or repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Try in any situation to apply initially more sparing, and then - more aggressive means. So you avoid allergies or spoilage, discoloration of clothes or finishing materials.
  3. Next time, when you need to use any medical solution, apply it with a cotton swab, and when opening the tube, place a tissue or a napkin under it. So you will warn a problem situation, and will not be wondering how to erase iodine from the skin.

We hope that now, even if you have such an unpleasant situation as a spilled iodine, you will quickly cope with it.