- Reasons for problems with the digestive tract
- Products that promote the consolidation of the
- chair Products that help relax the
- chair Problems with the use of products that provoke constipation
- How do fixing products affect the human body?
- Preventing the negative effects of products that cause constipation in the human body
- The emergence of children's problems with the intestines
- How people were treated in ancient times?
- Recommended menu for unstable bowel operation
In case of problems with the intestines, an important role is played by the products we consume every day. Some have the property to stimulate the activity of the intestines, while others - on the contrary, fix the work of the intestinal tract and slow the process of emptying. Given the properties of the products used, you can avoid unpleasant moments with the gastrointestinal tract, if you limit their use in your diet or add. For the regenerative function of the intestine, the use of laxative drugs alone, with unregulated nutrition, does not give the desired results. In this article, we'll look at what products the chair is fastening.
to content ↑Reasons for problems with digestive tract
The presence of unpleasant problems with the gastrointestinal tract directly depends on our lifestyle. Serious problems most often occur when:
- lack of a flexible lifestyle;
- excessive use of refined products;
- unbalanced and improper power mode;
- excessive employment, regular stress and overwork.
Important! Basically, women suffer from constipation, because they have problems with metabolic disorders, they very often experiment with various diets, many of them are engaged in work activities characterized by a "sedentary" way of life.
In healthy people, bowel movements should occur once a day. Sometimes adults and children have a regular daily stool, but with insufficient fecal excrement. Do not let constipation occur. It is better to prevent it than to treat it later when it becomes a serious problem.
Important! The use of laxative drugs and enemas is the latest and most radical solution to the problem. The most effective methods include balanced nutrition and proper daily meals.
to the table of contents ↑Products that promote the fastening of the chair
Products that are easily and quickly absorbed by the human body are called fixative. They do not require any additional efforts from the gastrointestinal tract, but are instantly split by gastric juice, enzymes present and completely absorbed into the blood. It is necessary to distinguish products that fix the stool in an adult.
Important! With insufficient water intake, constipation occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to drink plenty of liquid for the full operation of the intestine, since water promotes dilution of stool.
Fruits and berries:
- The consumption of green, not quite ripe bananas, contributes to the absorption of fluid in the intestines, thus slowing the procedure of peristalsis.
- Apple puree fastens the stool, while raw apples and pears serve as excellent sources of pectin.
- Application of quince and persimmon in any form fixes the intestine.
- The use of pomegranate, especially decoction of peel and pomegranate juice, causes the stool to become stiffened.
- Sour or dried pears contribute to constipation.
- In the tea, infused with blueberries, blueberry jam, jam and mousse, especially dried blueberries, there is a large amount of tannins with astringent properties.
- Application of jelly beans, which contain black chokeberry, bird cherry, dried blueberries also promotes constipation.
- The use of black grapes and raisins promotes the fixing effect of the intestine.
- Black currant - both fresh and dried or steamed with boiling water, causes intestinal fixation.
Pasta and cereals:
- Manna porridge, especially rice, causes intestinal fixation. Decoction of rice is the leader among products that have a fixing property. Viscous cereal causes constipation.
- The use of pasta made from durum wheat, promotes the consolidation of the intestine.
- The use of hot bread and products from high grade flour leads to the consolidation of the stool, as the grain is removed from the outer shell and the digestion of gastrointestinal products takes place very quickly. That is why they are related to the products that strengthen the chair.
Important! Good intestinal peristalsis is provided by foods that contain fiber. It is she who facilitates the natural movement of stool to the outside.
- Crackers, bagels, biscuits and biscuits cause intestinal fixation.
- The use of cakes, pies, pastry, cooked on baking soda with the addition of margarine and a large amount of sugar, promotes the consolidation of the stool.
- The use of any kind of chocolate and chocolates causes intestinal fixation.
- Not recommended for constipation to use toffee.
First courses:
- With the use of cream soups, mucous soups on cereal broths, a stool becomes attached.
- Crumbled, crushed in the blender products and rich broth, cause constipation.
- The use of hot and warm dishes reduces the motor activity of the intestinal tract and causes relaxation of the intestinal walls.
- When using mashed potatoes cooked on water, without oil and milk, the chair is fixed, since this product contains a lot of starch.
- Raw beet promotes constipation. Although for some it is a laxative product.
- Carrots, used in any form, contribute to the normalization of the intestines.
- When using boiled cauliflower and eggplant in any form, intestinal fixing occurs.
- Application of radish, horseradish causes constipation.
- Cocoa, strong black tea, green tea, coffee, natural red wines, as well as in blueberries, contains tannin. Such a substance promotes inhibition of all processes in the intestine.
- Compotes from dried fruits cause intestinal fixation.
- The use of vodka causes constipation.
Dairy, meat products, eggs:
- Unlike other dairy products, the use of milk in adults serves as an active stimulant and causes bloating. Lactose is necessary for complete digestion of milk. With age, the human body loses the ability to produce such an enzyme.
- Kefir, cooked more than a day ago, causes intestinal fixation.
- Not curd cheese, which was cooked more than a day ago, fixes the stool.
- Yogurt with lactobacilli causes constipation, although some may be weak.
- Raw chicken eggs have a fixing property.
- Eating a hen's egg protein, which is hard-boiled, helps strengthen the intestines. Boiled lean meat fastens the stool.
- The use of fried, smoked products, salted fish, various varieties of sausages, cheeses promotes the process of fixing the intestines.
- Mushrooms and mustard cause constipation.
Decoction of plants:
- The steamed bark of oak contributes to the fixing effect of the intestine.
- Teas prepared from mint and chamomile cause bowel firming.
Products that promote relaxation of the
chair In addition to the products that fix the bowel and stool, there are quite a few products that have a relaxing effect and normalize the bowel.
- Cold dishes, especially dishes with herring, such as herring paste, herring "under coat".
- All sour-milk drinks, waters from mineral sources, kvass, lemonades.
- Not too tender meat, meat products with tendon fibers.
- Fiber in food products made from second-quality flour, and cereals with raw, unpolished grains. In the shells of such cereals contains a large number of PP vitamins of group B, pantothenic acid. Vitamin elements in whole grains are much better preserved than in refined products.
- For the normalization of the intestine in cereals and soups are added rice, wheat, rye, oat bran.
- Nuts are very rich in fiber.
- The use of raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cherries, cherries, plums and other very acidic berries helps normalize the intestines.
- Application of dried apricots, figs, prunes, pumpkins activates intestinal peristalsis.
Problems with the use of products that provoke constipation
Constant use of light, fast-digesting products causes problems and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Consider the most common:
- occurrence of damage to the intestinal surface of the intestine;
- is a disorder of the stomach;
- abnormal transmission of nerve impulses;
- hormonal disorder;
- reduction in the tone of contraction and muscle strength;
- occurrence of disturbances of reflex reactions of an organism at propensity to gynecological diseases, and also at predisposition to cholecystitis, hemorrhoids and ulcers;
- disorders in the endocrine and nervous system;
- intoxication and toxic poisoning;
- overdose of vitamins and minerals;
- impaired muscle ability to actively decline.
Important! To eliminate constipation, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that provoke the fixation of the stool. Sometimes, at first glance, the usefulness, diet and vitality of even the most exotic dishes can lead to serious problems in the activity of the intestine.
to the contents ↑How do anchoring products affect the human body?
For healthy people, the normal activity of the intestine is in the presence of a food lump that, under the influence of certain enzymes, moves easily in the rectum. When eating easily digestible food, there is a violation of the formation of a food lump of the required consistency. As a consequence, a fast reaction of the cleavage occurs, the food, without delay, is instantly digested. Thus, there is no required volume for the procedure of pushing food by the intestine.
Important! Constipation also occurs when in the daily diet there are foods that do not require the increased work of the digestive tract for processing. The presence of enzymes and gastric juice causes a very fast process of splitting of such food, as a result of which it is absorbed into the blood.
It is necessary to abandon the use of products that cause constipation, to people who have serious problems, such as:
- , a syndrome of delayed bowel activity;
- weakened peristalsis;
- process of formation of polyps;
- weakening of the functional ability of smooth muscles.
Preventing the negative effects of products that provoke constipation in the human body
How to fix a loose stool? Consider recommended advice for those who are prone to problems with bowel movement:
- You need to consume enough fluids.
- Use products containing a large amount of indigestible substances.
- Include in the diet food that is rich in fiber.
Important! The main feature of cellulose is the ability not to be digested. Such a product already creates a volume. Getting into the human body, fiber against the background of the fluid swells. Moving along the rectum, the formed food lump clears the intestines with ease, thus normalizing the act of defecation. In addition, there is removal of excess cholesterol, glucose, carcinogenic substances from the body.
- For people prone to spastic constipation, you need to eat less fiber, and replace it with small portions of baked or boiled vegetables.
- You need to eat bread products based on bran and cereals.
- Constantly adhere to the diet.
- Before breakfast you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon.
- Use a grated vegetable salad, which contains carrots, greens, beets, cabbage, seasoned with sunflower oil. Favorite pasta and fast food can be successfully replaced with a green salad.
- As much as possible to eat dishes from tomato, pumpkin, zucchini, sweet pepper, cucumber. Such vegetables are especially valuable in the soaked form.
- The ration should contain raw pumpkin seeds, which have an effect with a lax effect.
- Use whole grains of cereal, in which you can add raisins and walnuts.
- Do not give up the use of white cabbage, which can be used in its raw form, used for cooking steam dishes and casseroles, and include in the recipe stewed, boiled and baked dishes.
- The elimination of permanent constipation is recommended by the use of rare vegetable soups.
- Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir, ryazhenka or curdled milk with a spoon of olive oil.
- Be sure to adhere to the regime of the day.
- It is necessary to abandon "unhealthy" foods and "malicious" starchy foods. In extreme cases, meat delicacy should be consumed with a large amount of green salad.
Important! From the calorie, balance, utility and consistency of food depends on the normalization of the intestine, consisting in the periodicity, ease and number of feces. Correction of the diet helps to avoid problems with gastrointestinal diseases, normalize metabolism.
to the table of contents ↑The onset of childhood problems with the intestines
Children's problems with constipation are sometimes associated with the child's psychological state, when a malnutrition leads to a stiffening of the stool for several days. Psychological consolidation of the stool is mainly associated with a timid state when emptying the intestine or against a background of severe shock. Thus, the resulting stress becomes the cause of constipation or diarrhea. The memory of the child keeps the pain, as a result of which the process of defecation is inhibited and the problem is further aggravated.
Important! We must not forget that bowel evacuation should occur once a day. Sometimes there may be an option in which a child commits an act of defecation once every two days. Irregular release of the intestine contributes to intoxication, which is very harmful to the growing body.
In addition to the prescribed treatment, the pediatrician adjusts the diet. Parents should also explain to the child the importance of a daily bowel movement. It is possible in a game form to inform a small person of the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. If the conversations and games prove to be effective, then the problem with the daily emptying of the intestine will gradually be resolved.
Important! Parents constantly need to monitor the diet of baby food, monitor the lack of child stress, and avoid quarreling with each other.
to the contents ↑How were people treated in ancient times?
Folk methods of eliminating intestinal fixation were known in ancient times. People tried to be treated with the use of plant dues.
Consider some of the prescription treatments:
- Collecting leaves of dioecious nettle( 40 g), bark of buckthorn( 60 g) and yarrow( 20 g) is mixed, poured into one glass of hot water and infused. Take half a cup every day before going to bed.
- The composition of the buckthorn fruit( 65 g), fennel fruit( 15 g), licorice root( 25 g), anise( 15 g) is ground, mixed, poured into a glass of water and simmered over a small fire for 10 minutes. Take half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.
- Composition of buckthorn bark( 35 g), fruit of anise( 15 g), leaves of zoster( 35 g), leaves of cassia( 35 g), licorice root( 15 g) is ground and mixed. One tablespoon of the formulation is brewed in one glass of water. Take half a cup before going to bed.
Important! For women who are breastfeeding, use this collection with caution in order to avoid diarrhea in infants.
to the contents ↑Recommended menu for unstable bowel operation
To adjust the intestinal activity and to avoid relapse, it is desirable to take the first time to take products that help to strengthen the stool. In addition, you can use neutral drinks.
What should be included in the diet:
- Soup is a must when disrupting bowel activity. In its composition must be present vegetables or it should be cooked on a light broth of rabbit meat, fish, lean chicken, beef. First you need to use only broth from chicken with bread crumbs. Then you can enter in the diet of rice, buckwheat and vegetable soups.
- Use liquid porridge. First use rice porridge, then every morning - oatmeal. All porridges for dietary nutrition are prepared on water without sugar and butter. Honey, dried apricots, raisins can be used instead of sugar.
- It is necessary to completely exclude fatty and meat dishes. You can use meat from rabbit, chicken, low-fat fish, natural beef. Cooking is necessary under the cover for a couple or use the method of prolonged longing. First, garnish is used rice, then gradually you can enter a puree of potatoes, pasta.
- As drinks it is best to eat jelly, compotes, cooked from dried fruits, unsweetened black tea. Green tea reduces pressure, so it is undesirable to apply it.
Disorders of the intestine are a frequent problem of modern society of any age category. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of proper nutrition. To eat it is necessary fractional, small portions, not allowing at the same big intervals between meals and without loading the stomach before going to bed. You can not prepare food for future use - it is better to use freshly prepared porridge than the heated soup of yesterday.