- Aquarium selection
- Aquarium decoration
- Buying fish
- How to feed fish?
- Cleaning the filter in the aquarium
- Replacing the water in the aquarium
- Cleaning the soil in the aquarium
Fish are one of the most problem-free and therefore very common pets. But every animal has its zamorochki and problem areas, so that the content of fish, too, has its own nuances. Let's figure out what will happen to care for the aquarium and fish for beginners.
to the contents ↑Aquarium selection
You begin to take care of the fish before they appear - when choosing an aquarium. Yes, this moment can be called the most important and difficult among all. Size, shape, volume - with all this, it will be decided in advance, because the aquarium is the home of your future pets. It is very carefully to plan its layout, because it will depend not only on the convenience of fish habitation, but also on how easy it will be for you to care for the aquarium.
When buying a tank, you should pay attention to the following:
- The larger the size of your aquarium - the easier it will be for him to look after. But do not forget that cleaning at least once a month is a must, regardless of the size you chose the model.
- The size of the house for fish can not be chosen in any order, it will have to be coordinated with the future tenants, or rather with their sizes.
Important! For fish 5 cm is enough 4-5 liters of fluid. Based on these data, be guided with the total size of the aquarium.
- Give due attention to the design and design of the house - this is also very important, including for yourself. From the design features and decor will completely depend on how convenient and fast will care for the aquarium. In addition, here, too, you need to know what kind of fish you want, but not by size, but by physiological characteristics. For example, some fish like a lot of thickets and different kinds of vegetation, and the rest - empty water.
Important! If you are wondering how to care for the aquarium and fish for beginners, you definitely should not immediately give priority to those types of ornamental fish, which are particularly prone to environmental conditions. Do not complicate your life.
- Responsible for selecting the shape of the aquarium. Do not buy extra-shaped and incomprehensible capacity tanks. Think first of all about how you will wash it. Acquire an ordinary rectangular aquarium - and money will save your nerves.
Aquarium decoration
There are many decorative ornaments for aquariums, but how to choose which one is right for your particular? To begin, rustle the Internet and learn about the living conditions of fish that you want to run there.
Different stones, soil, films with patterns that are glued to the back wall, algae( live and artificial) - all this is easily accessible and can be purchased at a normal pet store.
Important! It is really worth trying to make the most approximate conditions to the wild nature - only then will your underwater inhabitants really get accustomed to it. They should not feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Yes, you will certainly have to spend a lot of strength and money. But these are temporary troubles that will end, and they will be replaced by cute fish that will please the eye and all to calm down after a hard day's work.
Care of the aquarium will begin already from this point. Before placing anything in it, it's worth disinfection, because there are a lot of microbes on ornamental rocks and stones that even boiling water does not kill. That's why aquarists with experience advise to handle all new items of potassium permanganate and only then put them in the aquarium.
Important! In no case should not overdo it - if you sketch in the aquarium everything that was seen in the pet store, then this will also be of little use. In any case, you need to leave plenty of room for the free swimming of the inhabitants.
to the contents ↑Purchase of fish
And now the most important and responsible moment is the purchase of the fishes. Here, try to pay maximum attention and make every effort. When buying fish, there are also a lot of rules that must be adhered to if you want to keep them for a long time:
- Thoroughly get the fish one to one if you plan to mix several of their species. There are heat-loving and cold-resistant, predators and civilians, the diet of many fish is also significantly different. Therefore, choosing the inhabitants for the aquarium, it is worthwhile to properly compare them with each other.
- Do not buy fish that require a phenomenal effort and time, because soon you will get tired of such an aquarium care and you will abandon this case. Buy inexpensive, quiet and low-cost water inhabitants.
- When you choose them in the store, be sure to look at each fish, watch its behavior, ask for food and watch the appetite. Often there are cases when it was in the store selling a sick fish, which naturally did not get along in another aquarium and soon died, in which the owner blamed himself.
Now, if you already have aquarium and its inhabitants, let's consider all those problems that you may have during the week, that is, the same care for the aquarium for beginners.
to the contents ↑How to feed fish?
Proper feeding of your pets is already half the battle. Here, follow these rules:
- Feed them best at the same time.
- Just before the feeding process, go to the aquarium and tap it lightly on it, so the reflex develops in the fish. In the future - every time you do so, they will rise up and wait for food.
- The most important rule in feeding aquarium fish is not to overdo it. They absolutely need to eat 1 time a day. Otherwise - with overfeeding of fish, they can float upwards with a belly.
Important! Many people ask themselves: what kind of food will be chosen best - dry, refined, frozen, live? All this is better to alternate, because diversity in nutrition is a plus not only for people, but for pets. But be as cautious as possible with live food, they can enter into the aquarium some kind of infection.
to the contents ↑Care of the filter in the aquarium
Caring for the filter in the aquarium requires its regular cleaning. To do this:
- The sponge that is inside the filter must be rinsed out in order to avoid reducing the flow of water that it can clean.
- Please note that a dirty sponge is much more effective than just bought from a store. The reason for this lies in the fact that the surface of a dirty sponge is inhabited by bacteria that purify water, and turn chemicals into natural substances.
Important! In order to ensure the most proper care of the aquarium, do not go to extremes. Strongly run a sponge, too, is not worth it, because a dirty tool reduces the amount of oxygen that is necessary for the life of these bacteria.
- The frequency of the sponge change depends on the power of the internal filter pump. A filter sponge with an average power is worth changing every 2 weeks, and with a high one - once a month.
- No detergent can be used to wash the filter. Will help ordinary tap water, which contains chlorine. He perfectly kills all the bacteria.
Replacing water in an aquarium
Aquarium water care is the most important attribute of caring for fish. First, the so-called "substitution" of water is needed. This is not a complete replacement, but only 15-20%.
Important! If you decide not to replace water at all, but to partially replace it, then you need to do it about once a week, at least. The main task of substitution is to support the mineral balance.
Complete replacement is the same 100% replacement of water in the aquarium, which must be done once a month.
In order to replace or replace water, it is worth initially preparing it. Just tap water from the tap can not, because it contains a lot of chlorine.
The rules of aquarium care are as follows:
- Water should be passed through a normal filter.
- Water should be at room temperature.
- A couple of days it should be settled, only then it can be poured into the aquarium.
Cleaning the soil in the aquarium
The filter, of course, protects the aquarium from contamination, but waste from fish and food particles still remain and lie on the bottom - in the ground. Therefore, it must also be cleaned regularly.
For this, there are special devices - siphons. They come in different shapes, sizes, power and price. The principle of operation of this device is that the water pressure is directed to the ground and thus cleans even the smallest particles of dirt.
Important! The only drawback of this device is the high water consumption.
Fish are wonderful pets that will always give you a good mood, and all the minor troubles concerning the care of the aquarium should be done with pleasure, because it's worth it.