- Disease of the genitourinary system
- Nature of the odor - identify the problem
- Diseases due to metabolic disorders
- Unpleasant odor of urine in the child
- Which doctor to go to?
- External factors
The urine of a healthy person has a light yellow color and an unpleasant odor is absent. However, if you notice that you or, for example, your child's urine smells very specific - you should immediately contact a specialist. This may indicate undesirable abnormalities or pathologies of the work of various internal organs. In this article, we will explain why an unpleasant smell in the child's urine may appear and what to do in that case.
to Contents ↑Genitourinary Disease
The most common answer to the question of why urine smells bad is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. These are diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and so on.
The reason lies in the fact that many pathogenic bacteria enter the urine.
Important! It should be noted that the appearance of a peculiar odor of stool is one of the first and warning symptoms of the disease, which can appear long before other, even more complex symptoms. This also proves the fact that you can not pay no attention and urgently need to see a doctor.
Concomitant symptoms
In diseases of the genitourinary system also very concerned:
- pain in the lumbar region;
- pain and burning during urination;
- appearance of a more murky color of urine or sediment in it.
The nature of the smell - we determine the problem
By how the urine smells, you can understand what kind of disease you overcame.
Important! Confirm this knowledge is necessary to the analysis carried out in special laboratories.
What can smell urine:
- Such a common disease as cystitis, can be caused not only because of bacteria, but not of an infectious nature. Often this is due to the prolonged use of drugs that affect the mucosa of the bladder. In this case, the urine smells of chemical or pharmacy ambre.
- If the fragrance has a putrefactive slope - this can mean a serious inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the formation and accumulation of pus, as well as the formation of rectal fistulas( fistulas in the genitourinary or intestinal system).
- In men, the appearance of such a phenomenon can mean the appearance of prostatitis( inflammation of the prostate gland).
- If a woman smells of urine, there may be a development of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as a violation of the balance of the microflora of the vagina.
Diseases due to metabolic disorders
So, it is already clear that the answer to the question why urine smells bad is the development of diseases of the internal organs or the genitourinary system.
In addition to the aforementioned ailments, there may be others - more serious and rare:
- A fragrance with a fish tint may indicate the formation of a rare disease that is associated with a metabolic disorder in the human body, trimethylaminuria. The appearance and accumulation of a substance called trimethylamine and leads to the formation of the aroma of rotten fish.
- In the case of leucinosis, there is a smell of maple syrup or burnt sugar. This pathology is hereditary. The reason - the activity of the enzyme system, which ensures the oxidation of amino acids in the human body, is reduced. Since this is a genetic disease, the symptoms also appear from the first days, and require urgent treatment.
- In phenylketonuria, a murine flavor is observed. This disease is genetic, and involves a violation of the amino acid exchange phenylalanine, which leads to the accumulation of matter in the human body, as well as in the urine, which explains this strange smell.
Important! When many other, less common diseases occur, a specific aroma of sweat, sulfur, rotten foods and so on can appear. However, unambiguously the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine is abnormal and one should immediately contact specialists.
to the contents ↑Unpleasant odor of urine in a child
Exercises of newborn babies have almost no pronounced flavor. Over time, the child's urine gets a smell, like an adult's. Unpleasant smell of urine in a child can be associated with the same pathologies as in adults:
- If this disease is hereditary, then it is diagnosed in the maternity hospital and treatment begins there.
- Urine may have a smell due to the inflammatory processes of the urinary system.
- It can also be associated with diseases in which there is an increase in body temperature, the concentration of urine increases, and this becomes the reason for the unpleasant odor of urine in the child. In this case, you need to give your child more fluids.
- In very young children who are breastfeeding, the mother's diet can affect the formation of a specific flavor. In order to eliminate the disease, you need to see a doctor.
Often, the reason that the urine smells like a child is trivial, but you can not leave it undetected in any way.
to the contents ↑To which doctor should I go?
One of the most frequently asked questions on this topic is the question, to which doctor should I apply?
- If you are an adult and you are wondering why the urine smells strongly, consult a urologist.
- A child should be shown to a pediatrician.
Important! To determine hereditary diseases, contact a geneticist and a nutritionist.
to the contents ↑External factors
Naturally, the formation of an unusual flavor of urine can at the same moment frighten any person. However, not always everything is as critical as a person can imagine, because even the most healthy person has a moment when the urine smells.
Important! If this is not a disease, then the smell itself disappears after a short time - 22-30 hours.
So, the following factors can influence the appearance of the odor of urine:
- Vitamins from group B.
- Some types of antibiotics, such as ampicillin. But at the time of stopping the use of medications - the smell disappears.
- Alcohol, salted or spicy dishes( not all).
- Dehydration of the body, which leads to a violation of the balance of fluid and metabolism.
- Diet.
Important! Remember that an improperly chosen diet, as well as an unbalanced diet can lead to an unusual smell of urine.
So, if you are worried about the question why urine smells bad, this article can get all the answers. As we managed to find out, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant smell. They range from metabolic disorders to very serious diseases of the genitourinary system and other internal organs. It is important to know and understand that your health - and especially your children - is the most important thing. Therefore, never close your eyes to such serious changes, spend several hours to visit a specialist.