- Correct selection of fireplaces
- Types of fireplaces
- Fireplace door with glass with your own hands - order of manufacturing
- Care questions
Fireplaces are becoming increasingly popular. People install them if there is a technical and financial opportunity. The fireplace has a number of advantages over other heating systems:
- Efficiency.
- Aesthetic appearance. Never look at a blazing fire through a glass door.
- Making a fireplace with their own hands with the appropriate building skills is a very real thing.
The topic of today's material is not the arrangement of the fireplace itself, but how to make the heat-resistant glass with your own hands to equip the door in it.
to the contents ↑Choosing the right chimney glasses
Before you start making a door with glass for the oven with your own hands, decide on the scenario for using the fireplace. If you plan to use it as a heating device, then you have to choose two- or even three-layer glass.
Important! If the room is small, then there will be enough and one layer.
In any case, fireplaces should meet the following requirements:
- Resistance to high temperatures.
- Operating time. This indicator is indicated in hours and shows how much the door can withstand in this mode.
- The strength of the product directly depends on its thickness, indicated in millimeters. As a rule, it is from 3 mm.
- Soundproof effect. It is important that the material effectively muffles the "buzz" in the oven. Of course, this is very romantic, but the constant noise still irritates.
Types of fireplaces
There are open and closed constructions:
- The closed oven is equipped with a cast iron door providing the greatest safety. The main advantage of closed kilns is that they provide the greatest efficiency.
- Open kilns look aesthetically pleasing. They are equipped with a glass screen, allowing you to observe the burning of firewood. Heat resistant glass is good at high temperatures, provides fire safety and prevents the penetration of combustion products into the room.
Important! For a fireplace screen, you need to choose a quartz glass with a low value of linear expansion when heated.
Despite the darker shade, the transparency of such a product is good. The glass product can be made in such variants:
- The simplest flat screen with one glass.
- Segmental screen with three panes.
- Circular construction. Suitable for a stand-alone fireplace.
Important! Cases when the fireplace is considered as a self-sufficient heater is a rarity. But in terms of aesthetics, the fireplace is beyond competition. Therefore, the door made of transparent refractory material is so relevant.
to the contents ↑Fireplace door with glass by hand - the order of manufacture
You will need to work:
- Silicone sealant.
- 4 window panes to fit the screen.
- Stones for decoration.
- Metal mesh or grille.
- A metal box, the size of which coincides with the base of the screen.
The algorithm for manufacturing glass for the fireplace with our own hands is as follows:
- Apply silicone sealant to all 4 panes around the edges.
- Fix the glass at a right angle so that a parallelepiped-shaped design is obtained.
- Firmly press the planes against each other and wait until it is completely solidified.
- Cut the silicone residue with a knife or razor blade.
- The screen is ready, now it remains to execute the base. Apply sealant to the bottom of the glass box and press the glass to the metal box. It is necessary that the sides of the metal box have a width sufficient to accommodate the grid from the metal mesh.
- Now we equip the furnace. In the middle of the box, install a jar of helium fuel. Lay the metal mesh on the sides( it can be laid in separate pieces).On top of the grid lay the stones, not forgetting to leave between them the ventilation slots.
The original fireplace of the simplest design is ready!
to content ↑Maintenance issues
Even surfaces with a self-cleaning effect require periodic cleaning. You can clean the fireplace glass only after it has completely cooled down. Working with hot surfaces is not safe, and the material may be damaged. It is desirable to clean the glass with a special compound, as it not only eliminates dirt, but also creates an additional protective layer, which greatly facilitates the cleaning in the future.
Important! Abrasives can not be used - the surface may be damaged.
An attempt to manufacture heat-resistant glass by oneself at home is a fire and traumatic risk. You can make a screen yourself if you have the appropriate skills. If these skills are not present, do not tempt destiny, address to "pro".