- What is sweating?
- Sources of unpleasant "fragrances"
- What diseases do you associate with the smell of sweat?
- We get rid of the delicate problem of
Many people in the warm season have a serious enough problem - excessive sweating. Ugly wet circles on clothes and sharp strong smell of sweat in no way add to the person's attractiveness and self-confidence. How to get rid of the unpleasant "ambre"?Read this article - find out.
to content ↑What is sweating?
Sweating is a natural function of the body, aimed at cooling the body in the heat, under stress or emotional overload. In addition, sweating helps to regulate metabolic processes in the body, maintaining the water-salt balance. Since then, toxic and harmful substances are eliminated from the body.
Important! With significant physical exertion and in heat, sweat is the only remedy that prevents the body from overheating.
How do sweat glands function?
There are sweat glands in the dermis - the middle layer of the skin. Sweat is released to the surface of the skin along the ducts that go out. Its basis is water, in which salts and metabolic products are dissolved.
It turns out that the structure of sweat glands is different:
- ¾ glands are designed to regulate body temperature. They function regardless of the person's consciousness.
- ¼ sweat glands secrete, along with sweat, pheromones - substances responsible for the sexuality of men and women, attracting the attraction of people of the opposite sex.
Important! The sweat glands are unevenly distributed throughout the body. Most of them on the forehead, under the arms, on the palms and soles of the feet. The glands responsible for pheromone secretion are located around the mammary glands, behind the ears, in the genital area, around the navel and between the buttocks. They react to stress, sexual or emotional arousal.
Reasons for increased sweating
Perspiration and sweat odor can be caused by the following reasons:
- Excessive emotionality. If a person is angry, frightened or very nervous, he begins to sweat violently. As a rule, feet, face and palms sweat. The area of the chest and armpits sweats less often.
- Various diseases accompanied by high fever. The causes of fever can be colds, malignant neoplasms and many other factors. In this case, sweating is observed throughout the day, regardless of the temperature of the air.
- Hormonal disorders. Often excessive sweating affects women during menopause or after childbirth.
- Some diets( for example, coffee) and medications( analgin, no-shpa, dimedrol, morphine) contribute to increased sweating.
Important! People of different ages smell differently:
- The smell of a baby is the aroma of milk or the complete absence of foreign smells.
- The sweat of a teenager smells quite strong, because the sweat glands begin to work hard at the time of puberty.
- Men sweat more intensely, the smell of male sweat is sharp enough. The sweat of women has a slightly acidic tint.
Sources of unpleasant "fragrances"
The sweat itself is odorless. Of course, if a person does not eat too much spices and garlic, do not abuse alcohol and coffee. The smell appears after the contact of sweat with the surface of the skin. The upper layers of the skin are saturated with keratin, and the liquid softens it. This is a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. The products of microbial activity are decomposed, hence the unpleasant "ambre".
Important! The ancient Romans used as a remedy for the smell of sweat bath with aromatic substances and rubbed the body with essential oils. The courtiers of the French King Louis XIV literally showered themselves with perfume, hoping to drown out the unpleasant smells of the unwashed body.
to the table of contents ↑What diseases are associated with sweat odor?
Many diseases are associated with metabolic disorders. This means that the composition of the sweat and its smell vary:
- People with malignant neoplasms, problems with the liver sweat smells of acetone.
- With urogenital infections, pyelonephritis, kidney failure from the patient smells of urine. This is because the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired, and the sweat glands partially take on this role.
- With tuberculosis or diabetes, sweat acquires an acetic odor.
- The appearance of an unpleasant sour smell in the area of the mammary glands in women indicates the beginning of mastopathy.
This is far from an exhaustive list of the smells of a sick body. Smells of sheep's wool, rotten apples, honey, or even "old age" - all this indicates a variety of diseases of the body, which the person at first does not even guess.
Important! If you are sure that you are not sick at all, and the unpleasant odor of sweat persecutes you, consider rethinking your diet. For example, exclude spices and spices from it.
to the contents ↑Get rid of the delicate problem
So, you found the cause of excessive sweating. If the "fragrance" is not too harsh, you can limit yourself to ordinary hygiene products and reconsider the diet.
Deodorants and antiperspirants - which is better?
If the usual hygienic procedures are not enough to combat the unpleasant odors, cosmetic remedies - antiperspirants and deodorants - help to cope with them. Many mistakenly believe that these are synonyms, however this is not the case:
- Deodorants contain ethyl alcohol, which disinfects the place on which it is applied. So - there are no conditions for the reproduction of microbes and associated unpleasant odors.
- The principle of antiperspirants is different. Sweating is reduced by more than half, due to the narrowing of the ducts of the sweat glands. Do not use antiperspirants in situations associated with excessive sweating( for physical work, sports).Without standing out, sweat can cause swelling in the armpit area. And sometimes abuse of antiperspirants can lead to a heat stroke.
Looking for the universal tool
Here are some tips to help you effectively overcome the strong smell of sweat:
- Take a shower in the summer more often.
- Get rid of the hairline in the underarm area. Hairs are a good breeding ground for microorganisms.
- Choose the right shoes and socks. Synthetic "non-breathable" materials contribute to the rapid growth of bacteria and the appearance of unpleasant odors.
- A drug called "Urotropin" helps to get rid of the sharp smell of sweat. At the same time, its value is not great.
Folk remedies
Solutions that help you get rid of an unpleasant ambret can be prepared with your own hand:
- Take advantage of the ancient recipe - take a bath with infusions of cypress, pine and essential oils.
- Lemon juice with soda helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat.
- A good natural deodorant is a tea mushroom tincture.
- Despite the fact that the smell of tar soap can not be called pleasant, it well destroys microorganisms - the source of the "fragrance".
- Drink infusions of mint, chamomile, water with lemon juice. These natural soothing agents help to cope with stress, which means they help to reduce sweating.
- Orange oil is an excellent natural remedy for sweat odor. Strike a small amount of it in problem areas, and forget about the unpleasant problem.
If you have tried every possible means, and the result is zero, make an appointment with a doctor. Maybe a strong smell of sweat indicates a beginning illness.