Cleaning the house - useful tips for keeping the apartment clean


  • Moving from the top down
  • How to do the job quickly and efficiently?
  • Cleaning without chemistry

Storm warning: tomorrow my mother-in-law will visit her friends. The first thought: how quickly to make cleaning in the house so that my husband's husband could not find a speck of dust and could not think that her son lives in a real pigsty. The most wrong decision is to panic in a panic with a rag from corner to corner, trying to do everything at the same time. Better drink a cup of coffee to relieve the excitement and calmly think about the plan for the upcoming work. Quick cleaning here does not help, it is necessary to do general. Promise the children the most delicious ice cream, and the husband - a night of unearthly love and send them to shake rugs and bedspreads, clap carpets and pillows. Now you can start to turn an ordinary apartment into a real palace of purity.

Moving from the top down

To do the job quickly and do not miss anything, start the house cleaning from the topmost plane. Examine the ceilings, sweep the web. We move a little lower: wipe the dust and curtain rods from the dust. It was the turn of the shelves and closet closures - clean them of dirt and debris. Walk around the walls with a vacuum cleaner.


The stains on the wallpaper can be cleaned with a crumb of bread or an eraser.

Pay attention to the contents of cabinets and shelves: do you use all these things or do they just collect dust and litter the apartment? Than to grind and place unnecessary items in places, it is better to take them to the trash or to the service of social assistance and to please poor families. They will find use of a out-of-fashion costume, a worn bag, and worn boots. The room will become more spacious, and you will be easier to clean up.

It remains to wash the windows and doors, and you can remove the ladder in place, everything else you do from the floor. Arrange the order on the tables and nightstands, vacuum clean the upholstered furniture. Rinse the tiles and plumbing fixtures. The husband and children have already brought home soft dust-free things, check if there are spots on the carpet that need to be removed. In the end, wash the floors, and you can enjoy cleanliness and comfort. Now you know how quickly to clean the apartment, and no sudden guests will not take you by surprise.


When doing a weekly house cleaning, start each time with different rooms. While you are full of enthusiasm and strength, the work goes well, but by the end you will be tired and will not put things in order so qualitatively. If you constantly clean up the same scheme, the first room will become a sample of cleanliness, and the latter will have a slovenly appearance.

Do not forget about safety: if you are not a prizewinner in acrobatics competitions, do not try to reach high places with unstable chairs or pyramid boxes. Do not try to make a device that can be cleaned from the floor with cabinet covers: when working blindly, you can drop sharp objects on yourself. The industry produces a variety of convenient ladders that will facilitate your work. There are models with a platform on which you can place a bucket and a rag;the legs of many stairs are firmly on a slippery floor. For those who have problems with the vestibular apparatus, ladders with reliable handrails and fences are produced.

How to make work quickly and efficiently?

With one hand, you will not do anything;using only a bucket of water rag, take a long time. Go to the store for home goods, there you will find useful tools to facilitate the work of the hostess:

  • special buckets and mops for washing floors;
  • devices for washing windows;
  • all kinds of wipes and swaddles to clean the surfaces from dust;
  • brushes, which can be reached in the narrowest and most difficult places, for example, inside the radiator.

Look in the department of household chemicals, you can find all kinds of means for washing and cleaning of any materials. If you prefer natural compounds, you will need:

  • soap brown;
  • soda;
  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar and citric acid;
  • chalk or dental powder;
  • ammonia.


Always keep in the house a strategic supply of funds necessary for cleaning, so that you do not have to change clothes and run to the store for the finished component in the midst of the work.

To make general cleaning in the house quickly and efficiently, use the achievements of the chemical industry. Trade offers a whole arsenal of tools for the rapid cleaning of surfaces from rust, lime, dirt, grease and stains. With their help, you easily remove dirt from carpets and wallpaper, quickly clean the plumbing and gas stove. Drugs will not harm neither you nor family members and pets if you carefully read the instructions and follow all recommendations.

Taking care of the beauty of the apartment, do not ignore the beauty of your hands - when using any detergent, wear rubber gloves. They not only protect the skin, but can also become a kind of cleaning tool. Rubber materials adhere well to hairs and lumps of wool - an indispensable aid to those who keep pets. Some models reliably keep slippery objects, in them you can wash the dishes, not being afraid to break a crystal glass or a plate from an expensive service. There are products with a rough surface, they can be used as a soft brush. Get different types of gloves and experiment - their useful properties will help you to perform various household tasks easier.

Cleaning without chemistry

During the cleaning of the kitchen, the bathroom and the toilet there are many problems that slow down the work. Wipe the dust on the cabinets - a matter of minutes, but on the kitchen furniture, all the fine particles are tightly adhered to the greasy film. Take 2 tbsp.spoons of soda and 1 tbsp.a spoon of vegetable oil, mix and rub with this composition lockers and mezzanine. Clean the plumbing from the plaque salts will help vinegar. Pour acid into the sinks and toilet bowl, and wrap the instruments of complex shape with a cloth impregnated with vinegar. Half an hour do other things, then just wipe everything with a wet rag.


Wash greasy dishes with mustard powder or laundry soap.

Do not panic when you see a cooker, cover it with a cleaning agent, and after about half an hour wash it. Open the oven and apply soda on all surfaces, then sprinkle it with vinegar from the spray gun. Half an hour later, collect the resulting foam with a damp cloth. Then connect equal parts of detergent, silicate glue and water and wipe all the outer surfaces with this compound, next time you will only have to wipe the plate with a damp cloth and the dirt will be easily washed off.

Wipe the windows and other glass surfaces with chalk diluted in water. When you are finished, the first glass is already dry, remove the rest of the composition with toilet paper. If the frames or doors in your apartment are covered with oil paint, do not use soap to clean them. Wipe the surface of the composition of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp.spoons of ammonia, and they will become fresh and shiny.

A carpet that can not be carried outside can be cleaned at home without moving it. Sprinkle the whole area with a damp tea brew or sprinkle with a solution of soda: 4 teaspoons per liter of water. After half an hour vacuum. If the colors are dull, moisten the cloth in a cabbage brine and wipe the pile, the color will immediately become brighter. To remove stains, you can use the composition: 1/4 cup vinegar and ammonia, 3 teaspoons dishwashing detergent, 8 tbsp.spoons of water.

The apartment shines with cleanliness, and the mother-in-law has nothing to complain about. To further arrange it to yourself, start a conversation about the household, ask for useful tips on cleaning the house, share your secrets of high-quality and quick work. Perhaps it will reveal to you and the main secret, known to all experienced hostesses. To keep cleanliness is not a big deal, keep order constantly. Teach the children to put things in their place, wash the dishes immediately after eating, and not once a day. If you give it at least one hour a day, a weekly quick cleaning of the apartment will not seem like hard labor, but an easy warm-up.