- Is it possible to do without sealed water meter?
- When is the process of filling the counters?
- Who puts a seal on the water meter?
- How do I put a seal on a water meter?
- Tips for acquiring water meters
The installation of water meters in urban apartments is mandatory from July 2012.However, it is important not only to install a water meter, but also to register it. After installation, such devices must undergo the commissioning procedure, which includes the installation of seals. The device is sealed to prevent access to the mechanisms of the device in order to change the readings. Since the registration of water meters, the owner of the apartment is obliged to pay for the actual water consumption, without changing the readings of the appliances. Today we will tell you who should seal, as many tenants ask how to put a seal on the water meter yourself. We note at once that it is impossible to independently fill a water meter, since during the installation of protection, it is absolutely necessary to issue an act on the health and tightness of the device and the validity of the seal.
to the contents ↑Is it possible to do without sealing the water meter?
According to the current legislation, the accuracy of all meters used in the room must be confirmed. One way to confirm - seal. Without a protective brand, it is not possible to register a water meter.
Important! Without a certificate of serviceability and tightness of the water meter and without sealing, payment for the services provided to the tenant will be charged at the general rate.
to the contents ↑When is the process of filling the counters?
Install the seal on the water meter( hot and cold) required:
- After initial installation of the sensor. If you are installing a water meter for the first time, sealing is mandatory for its registration. The absence of a protective mark on the water meter for the management organization is equivalent to the absence of the meter itself.
- After the life of the sensor has expired. If the meter has expired, it is necessary to install a new sensor and seal it.
- In case of replacing a faulty water meter. If the water meter is out of order prematurely, it must be replaced with a new one and sealed for registration.
- In case of replacement of the pipeline section. If pipes, valves and other elements of the water supply system change, then it is necessary to dismantle the sensor, and consequently - to remove the seal. After repair work, it is necessary to install the device and put a seal.
- After the accident, which caused the destruction of the seal.
- For accidental or intentional damage to the seal.
- After buying or exchanging an apartment.
- If the sensor setting( new or replacement of the old one) is done by yourself. In case of self-installation of the device it is necessary to call employees of the management company who will confirm the correctness of the installation and issue an act on the health of the water meter.
Important! It is not the counter that is to be sealed, but the place of its connection to the pipeline. Correctly installed seal does not prevent the water from overlapping if necessary and does not affect the operation of the water meter.
to the contents ↑Who puts a seal on the water meter?
Only a licensed company can place a seal on a water meter, which has the right to issue all the necessary documents for sensor registration.
Important! Usually this work is done by the services responsible for water supply. But water meter devices and other companies licensed for this type of activity can be sealed.
The following facilities can be installed and sealed by the following institutions:
- An organization that delivers water to the house. If you have a direct contract for the supply of water with a certain company, and you pay for this service directly, then contact the settlement center of this organization. Write an application for sealed water meters, do not forget to bring a technical passport with you to the new device.
- Management Company. If you do not have a direct contract with the service provider, contact the management company.
- A private company licensed to provide this service.
Important! If you installed the water meter yourself, then before contacting a company for sealing, call a water utility or a management company to certify the correct installation and serviceability of the sensor.
When choosing a company to conduct work, pay attention to the presence of the following documents and facilities:
- The license for this type of work.
- Possibility of service and warranty repair, as well as replacement of equipment in the event of a breakdown.
- Presence of forms for registration of documents - the contract for works on installation, the certificate on installation of a seal.
Filling must be carried out by the company in accordance with the requirements of the control authorities. Before installing the seal on the water meter, the specialist must:
- Check the integrity of the device and its tightness.
- Check that the sensor is correctly installed.
The owner of the apartment must provide:
- Technical passport of the water meter.
- The act of installation.
After carrying out the work, the specialist must provide the following documents for registering the water meter:
- Act of commissioning the meter.
- The act of filling.
Important! The package of documents should be stored and presented to the employees of the water canal when carrying out repairs or replacing the water meter.
To register a water meter in a management company, you will need not only the documents( technical passport and act of commissioning the meter), but also their copies. To rid yourself of unnecessary running around, make copies in advance and give them to the master immediately after the seals.
Important! Always remember that the company that performed the work is responsible for the correct installation of the water meter, and the owner of the house is responsible for the presence of the seal and its integrity.
to the contents ↑How to put a seal on the water meter?
To start, the water meter must be installed. You can also mount the water meter yourself - this is not forbidden. But keep in mind that the inspector before sealing will ask you to show the documents issued by the company that installs the sensor.
Important! If you installed it yourself, you may have questions - so experienced homeowners are not advised to take risks. In addition, when installing meters, it is necessary to install special filters that do not allow the device to clog and distort the readings. Filters must be installed according to all rules, so that they do not interfere with sealing.
Application submission
After installing the water meter, you must submit a written application for sealing the water meter. The application must state:
- Applicant's details( full name, details of the document confirming the person, contact phone number).
- Technical passport of water meter - when installing two devices for cold and hot water, information about each of them is indicated.
- The act of installing the sensor.
- Data on the company that installed the meter.
- Primary water meter readings at the time of installation.
- Terms of future verification - determined on the basis of the time between verification, specified by the manufacturer of the device.
Important! The time between the calibration intervals is considered from the date of the initial factory calibration, and not from the moment of installation of the device.
- Desired date of commissioning the water meter.
Important! The application must be accompanied by a copy of the technical passport of the water meter.
Terms and Cost of Execution of Work
The legislative documents do not specify exact time limits for sealing the device. As a rule, the sealing time is indicated in the technical passport of the water meter.
Important! On the water meters of the old model, the time is given less, for new models - more. Most often the specialist comes within 3-5 days after the call.
The owner of the housing must provide documents on the correct installation and serviceability of the device. If everything is in order with the papers, the inspector fixes the seal and issues an act of sealing. When installing two water meters( for cold and hot water), a seal is placed on each of them.
The sealing certificate shall state:
- Owner data.
- Device registration data.
- Number of the seal.
- Scheme of water intake unit.
Important! The act is signed by two parties: the owner of the apartment and the employee of the company. The document is issued in two copies: one remains with the owner of the dwelling, and the other is served at the registration of the water meter.
As for the payment for the service, information about it is inconsistent. Sealing counters should be free in case of:
- Primary installation.
- After inspection and repair.
Paid service can be only in cases when the counter has failed( or the previously installed seal has been damaged) through the fault of the user.
Important! If the municipal service requires a fee for installing the seal, then you can apply to the court at the place of residence with a complaint to the service company.
to the contents ↑Tips for purchasing water meters
To avoid problems with water meters during their operation, listen to the recommendations of specialists:
- When buying, give preference to a conventional mechanical water meter, as modern electric models break more often. And this leads to additional costs and difficulties with re-registration.
- All appliances for metering water consumption must have a certificate of conformity.
- Please note that the sensors for measuring hot and cold water differ in design. The counter for cold water is marked with a blue strip, and for hot water it is marked with a red. Put the device with a blue stripe on the hot water can not be - the inspector will not allow it to operate.
- The water meter kit should include:
- The appliance itself.
- Check valve.
- Filter.
- Nuts with gaskets.
- Connectors with nipples.
- Datasheet.
Important! Also consider these tips:
- Do not buy a water meter in spontaneous markets. Purchase the device only in specialized stores.
- When purchasing a water meter, make sure that there is a tab under the seal on the stopcock.
- For installation outside the city, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is better to install a water meter in a heated room, as not all models can withstand temperature changes and severe weather conditions.
We hope that our information helped you to understand the process of installing water meters, and now you know how to put a seal on the water meter. Keep an eye on the accuracy of the testimony and the timing of the checks to pay only for the services provided!