- Causes of condensation
- Simple solution to the problem
- Replacing the meter
After installing the meters their owners need to give their readings every month. However, it happens that it is impossible to do this, since water inside the device is unknowingly accumulating water and interferes with the survey. In this article, we'll tell you if a hot-water meter fogs up - what to do.
to content ↑Causes of condensation
All modern urban apartments have appliances measuring the amount of cold and hot water they have spent. Most often, the problem we are discussing makes itself felt in the hot water meter. All would be fine, but due to large drops of water the user finds it difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to know the indications that the device shows.
Important! In fact, the reason for the condensation is the counter's sizing. This is all because there is a so-called sealing gasket in the place of the unit where a mechanism is installed that reads hot water. It does not allow the hot liquid to flow into the device.
In general, if this gasket is installed incorrectly, the evaporation of water accumulates under the cover of the water meter, which is why the hot water meter is misted up.
In addition to incorrect installation of the part, there may be three more reasons for its malfunction:
- Loss of elasticity. This problem occurs when the instrument is used for a long time.
- Tear or other deformation of the gasket. This is the cause of the manufacturer's defect. If the warranty period of the device has not expired, urgently remove it and replace it with a working
- Shift gasket. If you have checked the gasket for other reasons and have not identified any malfunctions, then it consists in shifting or deforming the part.
A simple solution to the
problem So, we sorted out the reason for the condensation. Now it's time to solve the very problem: if the hot water meter goes off, what should I do?
To begin with, consider the actions of people who incorrectly determine the cause of condensation under the cover of the device:
- A very high number of consumers believe that the blame for everything is the increased humidity of the room, from which immediately try to take action and go to eliminate fictitious problems with ventilation. But this opinion is erroneous, because the humidity in the room does not affect the condensate formed under the counter cover.
- Many simply open the glass with their own hands and dry it, although it is contraindicated to do this without the master's manual, since the device is sealed, hence - there is a great opportunity to harm it.
If the user does not have the opportunity to contact the service center with a request to repair his device, we can advise several ways with which you can for some time eliminate the fogging of the hot water meter:
- By converting the drops under the cover of the device into steam,see the testimony. To evaporate the water under the glass, you just need to heat it with a regular hair dryer. But here you need to be careful: with frequent use of this method, you can quickly disable the water meter, and it, as it was said, is already so defective.
- Also, to see the numbers shown by the device, it is enough just to shake off the drops from the glass. To do this, just tap on the pipes to which the device is attached, or on it. It's only possible to do this if the pipeline is flowing. And if you are trying to knock on the device itself, then the main thing is not to overdo it: with strong impacts it can damage the unit, which can cause problems with controlling organs.
- Unlike the above two methods of troubleshooting, this will keep a longer time, and maybe forever. In order to get rid of the condensate under the glass, it is enough to drill a small hole in it, where the evaporation will pass, without forming a moisture that prevents the digits from being surveyed.
Important! If you are still not sure that you will be able to do it yourself without damaging the glass( or, worst of all, the counter itself), it is better not to tackle the problem, so that later there are no problems with the same Vodokanal authorities, which have to be explained, what is this hole drilled in the water meter.
to the contents ↑Replacing the
counter The above problems can easily be resolved by yourself, without the help of professionals. But almost all of them give a short-lived effect, and frequent use of such advice can lead to untimely failure of the device. But still, what to do when a hot water meter sweats in order not to return to this problem for a long time?
The most correct and recommended way out of this unpleasant situation is to replace the device. To perform this procedure:
- You need to call the house of the master of the company that produces your counter, writing a special application that you must provide.
- After consideration of the application, the organization should send the master from his firm, who will first have to take the testimony, and then - give you the relevant documents.
- Then the employee will have to take the meter with him to the service center, where he will be repaired.
- After some time you will need to call and report the status of the device: can it be used in the future. If the answer is positive, then the owner of the meter will be issued a certificate of verification of the device with the signature of the employee of the company and a special seal with the code of the organization.
Important! After the procedure, which was caused by the fogging up of the hot water meter, it is necessary to carry all the issued documentation to the management office or to the EIRTS, without forgetting to take:
- Technical passport of the meter.
- Original document confirming the installation of the device. It will be given to you after installation and installation of a working water meter.
- Certificate of correct installation, as well as an act on the commissioning and sealing of the device.
At the end of the article, I want to note that if a failure is detected, do not rely on amateur performance, but rather contact the service center immediately for help so that there are no further problems with the controlling bodies and the operation of the pipeline.