- Aerosol Off
- Cream Off
- Cartridges Off
- Cream after mosquito bite Off
- New mosquito repeller Off
Every time we go to nature we find ourselves in a mosquito paradise. The reasons for this are different - nearby there may be a peat bog, coniferous trees( forests) and many more that can attract clouds of mosquitoes and ticks. It happens that you do not know what to do and where to run to save yourself from the attacks of bloodsuckers, and there can not be any pleasant impressions of rest in nature. Therefore, it is always with you to nature to take a remedy for mosquitoes "Off".Which of the proposed products of this manufacturer will be more effective and in what situations, is it really so effective - the answers to these and many other questions you will find in this article.
to the contents ↑Aerosol Off
Remedy for mosquitoes "Off" Aerosol SMOOTH &DRY - a repellent drug created according to innovative technology with the addition of a new "dry" aerosol effect. Getting on the skin, the smallest particles instantly dry up and do not leave an unpleasant odor, and also unpleasant sensations during its application.
Aerosol SMOOTH &DRY "Off" from mosquitoes is your safety and against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and other blood-sucking insects.
How to use:
- Shake vigorously - 2-5 times.
- Hold the cylinder vertically on the surface to be sprayed. For example, it can be your skin, clothes, shoes.
- Spray the product from a distance of 15-20 cm.
- After using this product, wash the surface of the face or hands with water and soap.
Important! If you decide to apply a remedy for mosquitoes "Off", the reviews on which are mostly positive, on the face, then spray it on your hand, and then rub it over your face.
Additional recommendations:
- Do not apply in very large quantities.
- Not recommended: use the product more than twice a day, and apply to damaged areas of the skin.
- In case of contact with mosquitoes "Off" in the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water as soon as possible.
- Do not spray near fire or incandescent objects.
- Do not smoke while using aerosol.
Important! Do not inhale the aerosol. Use in well-ventilated areas. Store in places that are not accessible to children, away from the source of ignition.
to the table of contents ↑Cream Off
"Off" cream from mosquitoes is a remedy that is suitable for the whole family. It contains natural extracts of aloe vera, has a pleasant aroma and a delicate texture. The cream remedy for mosquitoes "Off" has a new effective formula, thereby ensuring your safety for at least 3 hours from bites of midges, mosquitoes, mosquitoes.
How to use:
Apply a thin layer of the cream to your clothing, avoiding exposure to open body parts such as: neck, face, legs, hands. If there is such a need, apply the remedy again.
- Wash hands after using the cream.
- In case, the remedy for mosquitoes "Off" got into: mouth, eyes, on damaged skin areas, rinse thoroughly with water.
- Do not allow product to come into contact with: plastic, leather, synthetic fibers.
Important! Keep away from food and in places that are not accessible to children.
to the contents ↑Cartridges Off
Each cartridge will provide you with reliable protection from insects for at least half a day( 12 hours).After the cartridge has run out, you will not have much difficulty replacing it with another one.
Cartridge for OFF-Clip-On should be used in the interval of 12 to 14 days from the moment you open it.
Important! This product is very effective and does not require that you apply additional protective cream from harmful insects. This device does not leave traces on clothes, also does not produce splashes and does not smell .
It contains: an active insecticidal drug, methofluthrin 31.2%, which is used mainly as a mosquito that repels insects. Effective are the cartridges not only in the apartment, but also in campsites, in gardens, patios as an effective repeller bloodsuckers.
Cream after mosquito bite Off
"Off" mosquito remedy intended for use after insect bites has the following effect:
- immediately removes irritation, itching;
- soothes and cools the skin after biting insects such as mosquitoes, horseflies.
- perfectly helps after contact with jellyfish or nettle.
- will provide a lasting effect without the resumption of unpleasant effects on the affected skin.
Important! One bottle of this cream is sufficient for at least 100 applications.
Composition of
This cream contains: laurit-9, water, tannin, glycerin, panthenol, methyl lactate, camphor, menthol, bisabolol.
Precautions and how to use:
- The product does not apply to damaged( mechanically injured) areas of the skin - scratches, cuts.
- It is not recommended to rub into the skin, as this can cause irritation.
- It is recommended that you avoid contact with the eyes and nose.
- Due to the active chemical component composition, despite the availability of natural and safe elements, it is undesirable to use children under two years of age.
Important! Keep out of reach of children, at room temperature.
to the contents ↑New mosquito repeller Off
Bracelets that repel blood-sucking insects have replaced all known creams and ointments in the fight against mosquitoes. Such agents had repellent effects on all insects that were in the range of exposure to the active substance.
Bracelet perfectly protects a person from mosquito bites, as well as other insects. Its effectiveness is so high, according to reviews about the mosquito counter "Off" and conducted scientific research that in principle when using a bracelet it is impossible to approach any creeping / flying individuals to you in a radius of at least 1 meter.
Important! These bracelets have one significant drawback - this is a specific smell, but the truth is that every person feels it in varying degrees of severity.
In principle, without bringing any discomfort, using such a protection system is very simple and convenient.
How the "OFF Clip-on" tool
works This mosquito control is a complex hair dryer system. The device is equipped with special replaceable cartridges with an active substance that has a repellent effect.
Inside the device is built a powerful fan, which is designed to carry off a deterrent chemical agent through the air. Therefore, around the owner of the device, a conditionally speaking air-chemical barrier deters mosquitoes.
Important! The active substance in the tank quickly enough ends. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments, it is always advisable to have an additional cartridge with you.
Having full information about all available means of "Off" from mosquitoes, it is easy enough to choose the right option for yourself and your loved ones. We hope that you have already been able to decide, and now nothing will overshadow your summer holiday in the fresh air, especially small and obsessive mosquitoes.