- Firms' Opportunities in Combating Bugs
- How do desinsection services work?
- When should I use the services of getting rid of bugs?
- What needs to be done before and after the arrival of a company to kill bugs?
- How to choose the best company for killing bugs?
- Additional tools for combating bugs
Bombs killers are often considered by landlords as an extreme option, and owners of these companies resort to the services of such companies only if they failed to destroy the insects themselves. However, the services of firms for the destruction of bedbugs - this is the fastest, most effective, reliable, and most importantly - a safe way to destroy parasites in the house.
Therefore, if you are attacked by insects, before hurrying into shops and spending a lot of money to buy various sprays, adhesives, aerosols, traps, consider the option of professional processing. It is likely that this method of parasite removal will be more expedient for you - both in terms of simplicity, speed of action, and full cost of services. Since alone, without the relevant experience, it is difficult to immediately prioritize and evaluate all the pros and cons, we suggest you read the information in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Opportunities for firms to deal with bugs
Fighting bloodsuckers requires a detailed approach and work, including the dismantling and relocation of furniture, the use of special equipment and other specific tasks, including disinsection by various methods( heat treatment, use of insecticides and tetc.).
Important! With the professional processing of the premises, all arthropods die, including ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, moths. Therefore, if several types of parasites live in the house at once, then order disinfestation from bedbugs, since their withdrawal is usually a more complicated process, compared to the removal of cockroaches.
Efficiency, reliability and safety of companies' work against pests is achieved due to the following advantages:
- Each special bug killing firm uses effective, powerful insecticides that destroy insects after the first treatment.
- At work of service of a pest control to tenants there is no necessity to be in the house( and even it is categorically contraindicated), so - the risk of a poisoning or an allergy at use of preparations is excluded.
- An insect control service at the first treatment destroys not only adult parasites, but also their eggs, which means that the bloodsuckers will not appear in the apartment after treatment.
- A variety of used tools and special equipment. For example, for the thermal treatment of a company for the destruction of bedbugs, a special steam generator is used, which allows you to raise the temperature in rooms to +50 C and maintain it for an hour or more. Under such conditions, bed bugs die.
- The work of services allows you and all households to save energy, nerves and health.
Important! The only drawback of contacting the service for the destruction of parasites is the price of this method. As a rule, if insecticide treatment is carried out on its own, the cost of works will decrease by 1.5-2 times. But if you take into account the fact that, most likely, despite all the manufacturers' assurances about the effectiveness of this or that tool, you have to buy far more than one composition, sometimes it will be more rational to pay a 1 time higher amount and get the result with a guarantee.
to the contents ↑How do pest control services work?
Each company for the elimination of bedbugs uses modern insecticides for disinfestation, which have a poisonous and nerve-paralytic effect on insects, but is safe for humans, namely:
- "Tetrix" is a very effective Dutch drug with an unpleasant odor. Professionals do not recommend using it without special protection.
- "Sinuzan" - a means to ensure the destruction of bedbugs in one time.
- "Clovoron" is the most powerful and effective of all drugs. It consists of toxins of protein nature, which provide instant death of parasites.
- "Fufanon" is an analog of Carbophos. It is very effective against egg bugs.
Important! Good specialists, going to the site, have in their arsenal various means - both in liquid and powder form to enhance the effect. All insecticides used by the for bug busting are sold in the form of commercial products. That is, they require special equipment and training.
No insect control firm uses Dust or Dichlophos today, as they are officially recognized as toxic and unsafe for humans. In addition, even modern household products "Dichlophos Neo" and "Dichlorvos Eco" do not reach the effectiveness of such drugs as "Tetriks" and "Sinuzan".
Some bug management services apply a room treatment method such as:
- High temperature air treatment.
- Treatment with hot steam.
Important! This method is the safest and most effective, but this method is available only for very large companies, since the equipment used is quite expensive and can not afford to small firms.
Also, some services use cold fog or hot mist generators against bedbugs. As a result of the treatment, the generated aerosol containing the insecticide penetrates into the most inaccessible places.
Specialists of good companies are fully equipped with modern personal protective equipment: chemical protection suits, respirators, gloves, goggles.
Important! After treatment, the disinfesters will give you recommendations for further work in the room, on taking measures against insects and preventing the re-emergence of parasites.
to the contents ↑When should I use the services of getting rid of bugs?
To the services of professional pest controlers it is necessary to resort:
- To the residents of heavily infected premises. If bedbugs managed to populate all hard-to-reach places, then you can not do without the services of specialists.
- Owners of large houses and apartments. It is quite difficult to independently process a residential area of more than 50 m2.
- If tenants have an allergic reaction to insecticides.
- If you can not buy reliable, effective anti-insect preparations in your area.
- If in your area there is a reliable firm for the destruction of bedbugs.
- If you have money to call a firm to kill bedbugs.
Important! The most significant role is played by the financial factor. If there is no money to call the service, then with all the desire to get rid of bedbugs you have to yourself.
to the contents ↑What should be done before and after the arrival of the company to kill bugs?
Typically, the room is processed completely, including furniture, and sometimes - and clothes in cabinets. Most insect control companies produce only spraying of premises and treatment of shelter sites, so before the arrival of the disinfestation service it is necessary:
- Move all the furniture away from the walls.
- Bed linen in the laundry.
- Relieve the things from wardrobes.
- Vacuum the carpets on both sides and roll them up.
- Vacuum upholstered furniture.
- Pack in plastic bags children's toys, personal care items.
- Hermetically pack food.
- Close the aquarium, turn off the compressor, and better take the aquarium out of the room.
- Cover household appliances and electronics.
- Remove from the premises of residents and pets. Houses, sleeping places and trays for feeding animals clean.
- Remove the curtains, curtains and blinds from the windows.
After carrying out the treatment of the room:
- Vacuum the floors.
- Carry out a thorough wet cleaning of the room.
- Wash clothing and bed linens.
- Ventilate all rooms.
Important! During the treatment in the apartment you can not be anyone except the pest control and after the treatment it is necessary to leave the room with the windows closed for several hours and give the drug effective effect on the insects.
to the table of contents ↑How to choose the best company for killing bugs?
The most famous insect control service is SES.The station or its branches are located practically in all major cities and regional centers of the country. The specialists of the service are constantly trained and have the necessary skills, and access to the most effective drugs from bedbugs.
Important! Lack of SES - sluggishness and bureaucratization, because just call and call the disinfestors of the SES service can not. It is necessary to tell in the most gloomy colors and colors about the general infection of the whole house with parasites and about how children and adults suffer from their bites.
And even after that wait that the service will not arrive immediately. However, SES is a state institution, and in some cases, they can not only recommend, but also oblige to conduct pest control in the event that in an apartment building one of the apartments is an incubator of parasites. If the SES establishes such a source of distribution of insects, the careless owners of the infected apartment will simply be required to conduct housing processing.
Today a number of specialized companies provide a service for the destruction of insects. When choosing a private company for the destruction of bugs, consider the following criteria:
- The availability of professionalism and the necessary equipment for the company's employees.
- The firm must provide guarantees for the destruction of insects, as well as certificates confirming the safety of the procedures.
- Efficiency of actions of specialists. The approach to the procedure performed by employees must be well thought out and well-developed.
- Application of the latest equipment and modern preparations by the company.
- Safety of the use of drugs for humans and pets.
- No unpleasant after-treatment effects( stains on furniture or unpleasant odor).
- Cost of the service.
- Working schedule. Private companies tend to have a more flexible working schedule, which makes it possible to adapt to the customer, which means that you can dictate your conditions on the time and place of work.
Important! When choosing a company for the destruction of bedbugs, give preference to large and reputable services, since their employees have higher qualifications, and equipment and chemicals are more reliable.
Ideal solution with the choice of the company - to find a friend who used this service. Already on the basis of his recommendations, it is possible to conclude an agreement on disinfestation, because sometimes the reviews on official websites are not always trustworthy.
to the contents ↑Additional means to combat bugs
Even if you decide to use the service of the company for the destruction of bedbugs, then additional means of fighting insects will not prevent you.
You can independently get rid of parasites using the following methods:
- Application of heat. Use a washing machine and a dryer to destroy bed bugs, settled in clothing. Wash things in hot water and dry in an electric dryer at a temperature of +50 C. To remove bedbugs at all stages of growth, 20 minutes of such drying is sufficient.
- Application of cold. Low temperatures are also an effective method of fighting insects. If bedbugs are exposed to cold for long enough, they will die. Place the infected items in the freezer at a temperature of -17 C - insects will die within 7-10 days. Infected furniture set in the open air in winter - a natural cold temperature will be enough to get rid of insects.
- Use of covers. If you seal a mattress or its block with springs a special coating - a cover, then a barrier will be created for spreading bed bugs. Buy cases specifically designed to protect against bed bugs. They can be purchased from a pest control company or retail stores.
- Plastic interceptors of bed bugs. Small trays with inner and outer ring are installed under the legs of the bed. It is used to ensure that bed bugs do not rise from the floor to a bed, but remain in the outer ring. Any insects that try to get out of bed will fall into the inner ring. Such interceptors not only help to reduce the number of bedbugs, but also help to determine the presence of parasites in the house. To buy interceptors of bed bugs you can on the Internet.
- Application of insecticides. Before using the drug yourself from bedbugs, be sure to read the instructions. The product you are going to use should be labeled exactly as a remedy for bed bugs.
Important! The greatest risk of infection with bed bugs is observed during travel. Before you move into the room, be sure to check the head of the bed and adjacent areas, as well as shelves for luggage, suitcases. On arrival from the trip, be sure to check luggage for insects.
We hope that the information obtained has helped you to choose a good, responsible company that will successfully cope with the task and parasites will not bother you more.