- Scolopendra - who is this?
- Are scolopendra dangerous?
- Fighting with scoopendra
- Flycatcher - not so scary, but still getting rid of
Many people come to the real horror at the sight of a centipede of quite impressive size, which does not creep, but directly marches along the bathroom wall. Often scolopendras cause no less horror than the cockroaches or cockroaches. Live under one roof with such monsters, frankly, not very comfortable. So, skolopendra in the house - how to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood? Read this article, it will certainly be useful to you.
to the contents ↑Scolopendra - who is this?
Externally scolopendra looks like a large brownish worm with legs. It is a nocturnal animal, like most predators. During the day it prefers to hide in a secluded place.
Important! Scolopendras are prevalent mainly in the southern regions( Crimea, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean), but sometimes they do not disdain flat in the northern cities.
Centipedes love places with high humidity, so they often settle in bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms. They sometimes creep from wet cellars into apartments, and not alone. If you find a giant centipede at home, then chances are that soon you will meet her "comrades".
Important! In the apartments skolopendras are 10-15 cm long, and sometimes even more impressive( up to 30 cm) individuals. The insect is covered with a fairly strong shell. It's not so simple to slam such a "beast" with a sneaker, you need to know special ways and means how to get rid of skolopendra.
to the contents ↑Are scolopendra dangerous?
If a centipede does not disturb, it will not become aggressive. Otherwise - scolopendra can cause a sensitive bite.
Important! Every year in Turkey, fix about 5 thousand bites of this insect. The body reacts to the scolopendrum venom quite violently. The affected site reddens, swells, itchy skin appears, the temperature rises to 39 degrees. The painful condition lasts about two days, then passes.
Scolopendra, inhabiting the more northern latitudes, are less toxic. They are dangerous only for children, people with weakened immunity and people suffering from allergic reactions. If the centipede runs through the body of a person, then it leaves a trace of scorching mucus on the skin. Skin blushes, but serious consequences, as a rule, do not happen.
to the contents ↑Fighting with a scoopendra
How to get rid of scolopendra in the house?"It's much more difficult to kill a centipede than I'd like."A flat body, protected by a solid "armor", is not sensitive to slaps, a folded newspaper or other improvised means. It is much easier to put on strong gloves and throw out an uninvited visitor from home.
Scolopendra can also be combated with chemicals such as Reid, Dichlophos or Raptor. Practice shows that it is necessary to splash on millipedes long enough: from 10 to 15 minutes.
Important! If you set out to destroy the millipedes completely, you need to move furniture and carefully examine all the cracks in the kitchen and bathroom.
A more effective solution is to contact a special disinfestation company. Your kitchen or bathroom will be treated with a special gas. At the same time get rid of other insects, which, unfortunately, enough in the apartments and private homes.
Important! If you notice a giant scapolopard in the house, then caution will not be superfluous. Do not walk around the house barefoot, do not forget to check clothes, shoes and bedding. This will allow you to avoid an unpleasant encounter with an eerie-looking insect.
to content ↑Flycatcher - not so scary, but still get rid of
Sometimes people confuse two completely different bio-species - flycatcher and scolopandr. This is so common a mistake that the innocent flytrapper received the proud and formidable title of a domestic scolopendra. They also call her a centipede.
The size of the flytrap is small: only 3.5-6.0 cm. Its color is grayish or brown, with characteristic stripes along the trunk. The flycatcher does not represent the slightest danger for either man or pets living in the house. The only drawback of such a neighborhood is that the flycatcher looks somewhat unaesthetic. Moreover, it benefits people by eating cockroaches, moths, spiders and other insects, which plague a person much more.
Important! Home scolopendra does not form colonies, like ants or cockroaches. So if you want to get rid of the centipede, just throw it out of the house. In the worst case, you will have to repeat this manipulation a couple of times.
Here are some answers to the question "Scolopendra home - how to get rid of it?":
- Use insecticide spray to kill creeping insects.
- Make your home unattractive for flycatchers, which means - to get rid of excess moisture. If you get a useful habit of airing a damp pantry or regularly wiping water in the kitchen, the centipedes in this house have nothing to do.
- Use sticky traps, placing them under the beds, under the kitchen furniture and in other secluded places. Scolopendra in your home is not so much, so catch them for one big work will not be.
- Fight against other domestic insects. By this you destroy the fodder base of the home scolopendra.
- Inspect the floors carefully for cracks and crevices. If carefully to seal them, the flycatcher simply can not get into the living room. Is it impossible to reliably seal the cracks? Treat them with insecticide gels such as "Fas" or "Storm", and you will no longer have a question how to get rid of skolopendra.
- If you live in a private or holiday home, pay attention to the rubble of leaves in the yard, a heap of undeveloped construction debris. These are attractive places for the centipedes, so clean up the yard.
- Refer to professionals in the arsenal of which there will certainly be means to destroy skolopendra.
Important! Home pets also contribute to the fight against harmful insects. For example, cats hunt centipedes quite successfully and they gladly take care of them.
Now you have a complete idea of your current "enemy" and all the ways to deal with it. We hope that you will be able to quickly and effectively get rid of skolopendra in the house, and they will not be annoying with their neighborhood that is not agreed with you.