- Getting Started Door Repair
- Preparatory work or Basics of
- Basics Several ways to clean the door of old paint
- Preparation for painting
- How to paint a wooden door?
- Tips & Tricks:
If you decide to repair and update the interior of your house, then prepare yourself for serious financial costs. But in order to reduce costs, in the process of repair, we pay attention to everything, with the help of which, with skillful use, it is possible to reduce the cost of this difficult undertaking. For example, you fell into the hands of an interior door. It's not new, but what's stopping you from doing it? Add an eccentricity or give a classic stern look to your door will help an alternative method - painting. Never be afraid of updating your old interior. With a skillful approach, you can reduce the cost of repairs and make a note of extravagance and comfort in your abode.
But, as a rule, the old doors are already painted. And here you need to think carefully about how to remove the old paint from the wooden door. To achieve a good result, you need to prepare the door for painting. And how to do it with a minimum investment of funds, energy and your precious time, we'll tell you now.
to the contents ↑Start repairing the door yourself
To understand the complexity of this procedure, you first need to determine the nature and type of the colorful materials. Specifically, you need to know the answers to such questions:
- On which material was the paint applied?
- How many layers of paints were laid on the door?
- What kind of paint was used?
- What is the elapsed time since the last update of the appearance of the product?
You need to consider all these factors and with the help of various means for removing paintwork materials to bring the surface of your door into a uniform structure.
Important! If you decide to apply a new paint on the old one, then you will not achieve the desired result. Do not reach the contrast of color and gloss. That's it for this purpose and it is necessary to remove the old layers of paint.
to the contents ↑Preparatory work or foundation fundamentals
The entire process of updating the door will be conditionally divided into 3 stages:
- directly removing the paint;
- preparatory cleaning of the surface and its repair;
- new door coloring.
Why remove old paint?
Try to remove old paint. For this, below, we will offer you several ways. On the work surface, no previous paintwork materials should remain. This is a very important point, otherwise all your works will go wrong.
The old paint under the new layer will start to swell and the surface will be damaged. You will carry out all this preparatory work independently, so treat the process in good faith, with enthusiasm.
Why do a door sweep?
After finishing the procedure for cleaning your door from paint, go to the pre-color preparation of the wooden product. From the quality of the work performed at this stage will depend on its smoothness, strength and aesthetics at the conclusion of your work.
To do this:
- Remove the remaining pieces of paint from the surface with a spatula.
- All irregularities, roughness, remove using sandpaper.
- Cracks and potholes remediate shpatlevka.
Important! When sealing cracks, pay attention to the color of the putty and the color of the future doors. There should not be much discrepancy in the color scheme. Otherwise, the putty will appear from under the paint.
to the contents ↑Several ways to clean the door of the old paint
There are three main ways to remove the old paint from the wooden door:
- Thermal.
- Mechanical.
- Chemical.
If the door was painted in one layer, then this will facilitate your work. You will only have to slightly "polish" the surface, and ready. But we will also consider a more complicated version, with several layers of paint, where an integrated approach is needed to bring your door to the proper view.
Method 1 - Thermal
This technology is reasonable to use if you need to remove the old paint from a wooden door, and on the surface previously applied 2 or more layers of paint. Under the influence of high temperatures, the paint softens and becomes supple.
Therefore, take an industrial hair dryer and heat the surface of the wooden door. Modern building hairdryers are equipped with a temperature regulator. This is useful if you have glass on the door and you can not or do not want to remove it.
Then use a spatula to scrape off the old paint from the wood.
Important! Manipulate carefully, without damaging the structure of the wood in difficult areas.
Method 2 - Mechanical
A very good way to remove old, stale paint. Scraping and grinding will bring your door into proper shape. In this way you will achieve the desired result, but in return it will require your diligence and effort. To implement this method, you need to have a few tools:
- Knife.
- Chisels.
- Scraper.
- Sanding machine.
- Sandpaper.
The whole essence of this method consists in scraping thick layers of paint with the subsequent processing of the grinder. At the same time, consider the following features:
- It is better to start using abrasive paper on a sanding machine with a coarse grain and go to a shallower one. This will eliminate the roughness on the surface of the tree.
- In hard-to-reach places use a knife, chisel, scraper, depending on the complexity of the site.
- If the paint is applied in several layers and keeps well, then you simply will not find a better way than using a Bulgarian with special brush-kravtsovkami. This is a truly killer option.
- In the ending, with the help of not rough sandpaper, bring the surface of the wooden doors to the desired state.
Important! In some cases, a normal piece of glass is very suitable, especially if there are no other tools at hand and you are not going to buy them, as are special chemical washings. After all, all this costs money, sometimes considerable.
The abundance of unnecessary glass at hand will allow you to cheaply and efficiently remove the old paint. Only act very carefully so as not to damage the tree and not hurt yourself.
Method 3 - Chemical
100% method, which does not require large physical and time losses. In each construction shop you can purchase special chemical reagents for removing old paint and varnish materials.
The best paint removers
You can choose not to limit yourself in the choice of their assortment, such as Denalt, Marshall SET, Gunter Gut Umsetzer, Graffi Guard 2030.
They contain various chemical elements that, when applied to old paint, soften it, and iteasily removable with a spatula.
Tools for operation
Before starting to remove paint using special tools, it is necessary to prepare some tools:
- The solvent itself.
- Brushes for application of a special agent.
- Spatula.
- Gloves.
- Protective spectacles.
Important! For this procedure, choose a suitable room or utility room. Chemical elements adversely affect the environment and the smell of most funds is far from the most pleasant.
General cleaning scheme
To clean the door of the old paint, prepare the action field in this way:
- Remove all hinged from the doors - locks, handles, curtains. For convenience and space maneuver.
- Then evenly apply a chemical agent to the door surface with a brush, pre-observing safety precautions when working with chemistry.
- Secure your hands, eyes, exposed skin, and wear protective gloves and goggles.
- The method and nature of the application of the wash depends on its characteristics and method of application.
Features of application of different paint removers:
- Application Graffi Guard 2030. Light circular movements apply on the door with a brush. Give 5-10 minutes to brew. The reagent reacts with the paint at the molecular level. There will be splitting of the old paint, after which you easily wash the surface of the door from the dried old paint. If it is necessary to repeat this procedure, take a time interval of 10-15 minutes. This will finally take away all the paint you do not need.
- Applying Gunter. With a brush or a spatula, apply a layer of a wash 1-2 mm thick. Depending on the thickness of the paint being removed, leave to turn off for 15-25 minutes. Finally, remove the old paint with a spatula, degrease with white spirit or solvent. It is allowed to re-apply the wash for old surfaces.
- Applying Marshall. The agent is applied with a brush. After 10-15 minutes scour the old paint scrape off with a scraper or spatula. Then the entire treated surface is wiped with a cloth moistened with a cellulose solvent. The surface to be painted should be dried. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Preparation for painting
After you successfully managed to remove the old paint from the wooden door, go to another stage of painting the old door:
- Take the grinding machine and carefully finish the door of your door to the ideal condition.
- If in some places the grinder is missing, then grind it manually or apply a bar with glued on it.
Important! When grinding wooden surfaces, always move in one direction, whether by hand or a typewriter. This way you will avoid roughness in places where this rule is not observed.
The machine will remove all irregularities, chips, scratches, dents, cracks. But with such a cleaning, some problems may arise:
- If under the old paint you will find the blackening of the wood, then this can be eliminated by applying to the damaged areas putty. Spread the putty to dry and wipe.
- If dark spots have acquired mass character, then there is a "miracle solution" for their elimination. The combination of chlorine and water 1: 3 when applied with a soft brush on the damaged areas removes black.
You easily and naturally managed to clean the old paint, and the door leaf of your doors is in proper condition. It is without cracks, roughness, all cracks are fixed. The putty is dry and polished. The door is dry and free from dust and ready to be painted. We proceed to the next stage of painting the old door.
to the contents ↑How to paint a wooden door?
First of all, you need to make the right choice of paint. Basically, to protect wood from external influences, the oil-based paint is taken. It is deeply absorbed in the structure and very well protects the tree from moisture, cold, frost. Protects from habitat and eating a shashel.
As for tools:
- The paint on the door can be applied with a brush. It is somewhat laborious, but you will be sure that you have carefully painted every small hollow, each ledge.
- If the door is not paneled, but even - use a roller.
- The most effective way is to use a spray gun. Very convenient and economical option, it applies even layers of paint without streaks.
We paint the door with a brush or roller
Consider a variant with a brush or a roller. Here everything is simple:
- Before painting, carefully interfere with the paint.
- Apply a paint or paint brush with the same layer.
Important! Be careful when staining paint. If you notice streaks, then do not delay, and immediately remove them until the paint has reacted with the tree and oxygen, and does not start to thicken.
Variant with spray gun:
- Shake well before use.
- Since it is dense for the application of a spray gun, dilute it with a solvent of type 647. The density of the solution is determined individually( it all depends on the viscosity of the paint itself).
- Fill in the expansion tank of the gun.
- Set the air pressure to 2-3 atmospheres.
- Wear protective clothing - a respirator, gloves, even better - old unnecessary clothes or special overalls, bathrobe.
- Smoothly move the color from the top to the bottom of the product.
- After the end of the painting, flush the spray gun with solvent.
Important! The procedure of painting after 15-20 minutes( as soon as it absorbs) repeat, because this way the paint falls a thin layer, and can from the first time not paint evenly the entire plane of your wooden door. After applying two or three layers, you will achieve the desired result.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- On what basis will be your new paint - it's not only your choice, but the previous choice of material. If an oil-based solution was used, then there is no need to risk - it is necessary to take just such a basis. In the varieties of colors there is incompatibility of this or that basis. And when painting with another compound, your door will be taken up with pimples.
- When buying varnish or paint for the restored door, choose cans with the colors of one serial number, in order to avoid discrepancy in the color palette.
Choose any of these methods, but do not forget to follow safety precautions and personal protective equipment when working with paints and household appliances. We hope that our tips will help you achieve your goal.