- Airing
- Vinegar
- Soap plus milk
- Lemon juice
- Baking soda
- Hydrogen peroxide
- How to get rid of the smell of oilcloth for the table using laundry soap?
- Manganese
- Vodka:
- Iodine
- Universal detergent
Imagine the situation: you just finished the repair in the kitchen, and after going to the store behind the oilcloth for the table, find the ideal option that will be amazingly complementary to the interior. The truth is there is one minus - an unpleasant smell. In this case, the question arises, how to remove the smell from the new oilcloth on the table? Is it possible to do this, because you certainly will not want to buy another, and not the fact that it will not smell. Let's deal with the problem.
to the contents ↑Ventilating
If you do not need an oilcloth right now, you can hang it on a rope on the street. In one week from "aromas" there will be no trace. And the smell will not remain, even if the thing is bought on a Chinese site.
Important! You can leave the product on the street only in the shade. Under direct rays, the oilcloth is likely to deform, and may also lose its bright color.
to Contents ↑Vinegar
Vinegar is a terrific product that can help get rid of a lot of different contaminants and odors. It will also come in handy in order to remove the smell from the new oilcloth for the table. There are 2 options here, how to proceed. The choice of the preferred one depends on the specific situation:
- If the product does not smell very much, mix the vinegar with water in equal proportions and treat it with the resulting solution.
- If the smell is strong enough, do not mix it with anything. Treat the surface, stand it for an hour, then wash with soap and dry at room temperature.
Soap plus milk
Very often on oilcloths there is a special waterproof layer. It is made of various oils.
Important! If you do not want to lose the protective layer, then it is better not to use acetone and other substances with a strong concentration of chemical elements.
To clean a product made of polymer materials from a persistent chemical ambre, you need to use a solution of soap, water and milk. Together, these components will not only clean the surface, but also rid it of an unpleasant odor.
to content ↑Lemon juice
For the following method you need:
- Mix sea salt, lemon juice and add a couple of drops of ethyl alcohol to the resulting mixture.
- Apply this coating thinly over the entire surface.
- Leave everything for an hour, then remove the remnants of the prepared product.
- Thoroughly flush the product.
The result will pleasantly surprise you - the smell will become much less tangible. Repeat the procedure for the next couple of days, and there will be no trace left of it.
Important! As an option - you can just wipe the thing with half a lemon, but it will help only if the smell is not very intense.
to content ↑Baking soda
The next method, how to remove the smell from a new oilcloth for the table, is with the help of baking soda, which is most likely to be found in your home:
- Mix it with a couple of spoons of hydrogen peroxide and apply to an oilcloth.
- After half an hour, remove the residue and rinse with warm, soapy water.
Important! For another method using baking soda you will need to mix it with boiling water. Apply the product to the foam sponge and walk on the table. After - also rinse.
to the table of contents ↑Hydrogen peroxide
Peroxide is a universal remedy that can cope with many stains and unpleasant odors. Take a cotton pad or a small cloth flap to process the entire surface.
Important! A big plus of this method is that the peroxide has no color and gives a disinfectant effect, so it is not necessary to wash it off after achieving the result. But also it must be borne in mind that it can discolor bright colors.
to the table of contents ↑How to get rid of the smell of oilcloth for a table with the help of laundry soap?
Household soap was very popular with our great-grandmothers. This tool can get rid of almost any pollution, in addition, it can remove unpleasant odors.
To forget about the chemical smell on a decorative item for a dining table, it is necessary to soap the surface thoroughly and stand for an hour. After - rinse first in warm, and then in cold water.
Important! In the end you can rub your favorite essential oil. In addition, that an unpleasant smell will be eliminated, in its place will remain a delicious aroma.
to content ↑Manganese
Manganese solution can be used only for dark colored products:
- Throw a few crystals in a container with warm water( 2-3 per liter).
- Place the oilcloth in the solution for half an hour, then remove and rinse.
Important! You can take gauze and, soaking in a liquid, put the surface of the product directly on the table.
to the contents ↑Vodka:
- Dampen the surface with vodka and leave for an hour.
- After the time has elapsed, wash the oilcloth with soap and water.
The result you will be pleasantly surprised, because the vodka perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors and is able to cope even with the "aroma" of PVC.
to Contents ↑Iodine
Alternatively, try mixing water, hydrogen peroxide and twelve drops of iodine. In the resulting solution, soak the product for an hour, and then rinse with soap.
to the contents ↑Universal detergent
Apply the washing liquid to the surface, leave for an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse thoroughly.
As you can see, there are a lot of methods, how to get rid of the smell of PVC, which has a new oilcloth. When this becomes old or just boring and you go to buy a new one, carefully check it before you pay the check.