- Who is lin?
- Do I need to clean the line?
- How to clean a fish tench?
Lin is a widespread fish. It is found in lakes, small rivers, ponds, where there are silted, overgrown areas of the bottom. This very valuable and useful fish has fats and proteins, which are quickly absorbed. From the line you can cook a huge number of delicious and healthy dishes that will please any gourmet with its unsurpassed taste, but before you start the cooking process, you need to clean the carcase in advance. Since this activity is not the most pleasant, in this article we will tell you how to clean the line from scales without special problems and time.
to the contents ↑Who is the tench?
Lin in natural habitats feeds on larvae, small crustaceans and worms, which occur only on silted areas of the bottom. The depth of occurrence of the fish is 1.5-2 m. The optimum habitat for the line is reed beds.
For this reason, the body of the line is rather awkward, covered with shallow scales and a thick layer of mucus. Some individuals can reach 60 cm in length and have 3 kg of live weight, but most often there are representatives up to 30 cm in size.
Important! The name of its fish was received due to the fact that the mucus, which is covered with fish, when it comes into contact with air, begins to quickly darken. Formed dark spots, diverge throughout the fish, give the impression that the fish "molts."Subsequently, the darkened places peel off, and under them you can view the yellowish spots.
Many different dishes are prepared from the line, combining fish with other products, for example, vegetables. In ancient Rus fish was served to the royal table, but to improve the taste, the line had to be kept for a long time, sometimes up to 12 hours, in cold water.
to the contents ↑Do I need to clean the line?
Cleaning the line from scales is not an easy task, because the fish is very slippery. The body is covered with mucus, and therefore it is difficult to hold it in the hands. In addition to slime, the body of the fish is covered with thin and shallow scales, which is difficult to remove by the usual traditional method( that is, with a knife).
Many fishermen do not actually clean the line, as fine and very thin scales during cooking are perfectly baked, and as a result - it becomes crunchy and very appetizing.
Thus, you can not clean the line, and then the main task is to remove the mucus. This is the most difficult stage when cutting fish. It is necessary to do this procedure under the crane, as follows:
- Put the fish in the sink.
- Rinse the fish from the mud with a cold water jet.
- Blow the live fish with boiling water( pour hot water) - the mucus coagulates, like egg whites.
- Rinse curled slime with cold water. Wipe the fish dry with a kitchen cloth.
Important! To prevent slipping hands, sprinkle with large salt.
to the contents ↑How to harvest a tench fish?
If you still decide to get rid of scales, then prepare the following:
- Knife.
- Board for cutting.
- Large salt.
- Great boiling water.
Cleaning the line provides the following steps:
- Put the fish in the sink.
- Rinse thoroughly under running water.
- For about 30 seconds, pour the fish with boiling water, and then immediately dip it into ice water.
- With a stupid knife or with a spoon, get rid of scales. Do this procedure from the tail to the head.
- Turn on cold water and rinse the fish thoroughly. To the line does not slip, sprinkle it with a large salt or salt with a hand.
- Put the carcass on the cutting board
- Get rid of the internal organs of the fish:
- Carefully stick a sharp knife 1-2 cm into the abdominal area.
- With a knife, draw a line to the anus of the fish to the head.
Important! Cut carefully so as not to touch the gallbladder, otherwise - the fish will become bitter after cooking.
- Remove all the insides from the belly and throw it into the bucket.
Important! If the smell of mildew comes from the bait after cleansing, then get rid of it, using the following recipe: in 1 liter of cold water, dilute 2 tbsp.l.salt and rinse thoroughly in the solution of the fish. Immediately before cooking, pour the lemon with lemon juice.
Useful tips:
- You can clean the line with a grater with special sharp teeth.
- Cleaning a bait is best in a water-filled sink. In this case, the kitchen will remain clean.
- Use only fresh, recently caught fish for cooking.
- During cleaning, lodge insides in a plastic bag, tightly tie and then throw it into the urn.
- During the preparation of the line, to improve its taste, add a variety of spices and herbs.
- To save the bait from the river's after-taste, during cooking in a saucepan add spices to the fish.
- The most delicious dishes from the line are cooked and stewed. When extinguishing, we advise you to use white dry wine to make the fish taste better.
We hope that thanks to our advice and recommendations, you not only cleaned the live bait correctly, but also cooked delicious dishes. Enjoy your meal!