- What smells like cats?
- Smells that do not like cats
- Smells that repel cats
For sure, did you have a few unsuccessful attempts to wean your pet to sharpen your nails on upholstered furniture or gnaw your favorite flowers? But whatever you do, the cat continues to do it again and again. In our article, we will tell in detail about what smells the cats do not like and how to prepare the means, so as not to harm the animal's health, but to scare them away from the place where it should not frolic.
to the contents ↑What smells like cats?
Cats are very inquisitive animals, and with special interest learn new items in the house. Some of the scents of the cat very much, and some of them the pet bypasses.
Important! Cats and cats adore the smell of valerian and cats. As part of these funds are components that are very similar to the smell of sex hormones in cats. Little kittens do not react to it, but adult cats go crazy with this fragrance.
Owners who know what smells cat can not tolerate easily can apply this knowledge for their own benefit.
to the contents ↑Smells that do not like cats
How to be in a situation where your pet is spreading an unpleasant smell all over the apartment or spoiling furniture? To solve this complex issue is to be treated very responsibly. Do not think that once you apply a remedy, your cat will stop cope with your need in the wrong place or immediately begin to sharpen your nails on the nail.
Important! While forbidding a cat to go to the places chosen for the toilet, be sure to teach him to walk into the tray. Otherwise, the problem will not disappear and the cat will find another quiet corner.
How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?
If you need to get rid of the unpleasant odor of urine or the marks of an animal, carefully treat the fouled area with a remedy that eliminates such fetid odors. Contact a specialized store - there you can buy fluids and sprays that can easily cope with the task. Read the instructions carefully and follow the specified proportions during the application.
Important! To completely eliminate the odor from cats, you may need to clean several times.
Only after all the flavors are completely removed, you can begin to surface treatment with a means that repels cats. There are many different flavors that your pet will not like. But choosing one of them, it is very important not to harm your health and the health of the pet.
Important! Treating surfaces with caustic substances that have a persistent smell, you can damage your airways. An animal can get into the body.
Next we will describe the most harmless for you and your pet means, applying which you uniquely get the desired result without any harm.
What scent repels cats so they do not fool around in the apartment? Each cat is individual in its preferences, but the flavor of citrus does not like any of them. You can only determine what kind of fruit she does not like most: lemon, orange or grapefruit.
Use these products as follows:
- To disaccustom the cat to foul in the wrong place, cut the crusts from the orange and put them in places where the cat is coping with its need.
- An animal can be decontaminated by using aerosol with citrus aroma, constantly treating it with a surface.
- You can try to use essential oils with citrus aroma. Dilute a few drops of water and work on a piece of furniture.
Important! Before use, be sure to test the product on a barely visible piece of furniture.
Rosemary or rosemary oil
Do not know what smell cat can not tolerate? Get the rosemary oil or find the live branches of this herb. It has a very specific flavor, so it is not liked by seals.
Option 1:
- In a small container, mix the rosemary oil with water.
- Periodically spray the resulting liquid into problem areas.
Option number 2:
- Fresh rosemary branches can be used as decor.
- Place them in a vase or other container.
- Leave for a while in the cat marked corner.
Important! The best effect you get if you put the vase in a sunlit place.
Onion, garlic, cayenne pepper
Want to know what scents repel cats? These products are always at hand at every hostess. Onion, garlic and pepper have a very sharp and persistent smell, which will perfectly help wean your cat to damage furniture and other objects indoors.
Important! Use of these products may adversely affect the health of your kitten, so use them with extreme caution.
Table vinegar
Vinegar, like previous products, has a sharp persistent flavor, which is not very like cats. Therefore, applying it at home, you easily eliminate the unpleasant ambre in the room.
How to use:
- In a small container mix the vinegar with water in equal proportions.
- Add liquid soap to the mixture.
- Thoroughly foam the product.
- Fill the liquid with a sprayer and handle the problem areas.
This plant is often used in the fight against moths. Its aroma is absolutely harmless to humans and, moreover, many like it. But for the smell of cats lavender has a very unpleasant odor. To use the plant, you do not have to run around the field and collect flowers. In the departments of household chemicals sell a lot of funds, which include lavender.
Aromatic balls
The main purpose of this remedy is to eliminate moths. It is placed in a closet, where clothes are stored. In our case, they can be scattered around the corners of the room. So you can bait the animal if it marks the territory.
Aerosols for furniture
When using lavender spray for furniture, spray the product on problem areas. Hearing this fragrance, the cat will stop spoiling the furniture.
Lavender oil
Mix oil with water and treat cat-damaged urine sites. With the help of such a remedy, you can easily eliminate the unpleasant odor.
Important! Regardless of which of the options you choose, the main thing is to constantly update the applied product so that the smell is always saturated.
to the contents ↑Smells that repel cats
What means you can scare cats at home to make your stay comfortable, we described above. But how to be, if in a summer residence the animals spoil all the products planted in your garden?
In this case, the following information will be as never before:
- In order to scare away animals from your flower garden, you can apply all the tools we wrote about above. To do this, it is sufficient to spray the prepared mixtures on the seedlings.
Important! Some of the plants react negatively to pollination, so consider this before processing.
- Plant around the territory of the plant, the smells of which are unpleasant for the smell of the animal( onions, rosemary, garlic, lavender).
- Prepare a remedy that includes citrus( lemons, oranges, grapefruits) and treat flowers and shrubs with such an aerosol.
Important! Do not immediately spray the product on all the flowers. Try it on several plants, and if the flower does not deteriorate, treat the rest.
- Prepare a separate site for pets, where they can dig in the sand and frolic.
- Install stationary or portable water sprinklers. As a rule, cats negatively react to water, so your pet can not harm expensive plants for you.
To eliminate the unpleasant odor from cat excrement in the pet store, you can purchase special fluids. The composition of these products includes components, the smell of which does not like cats. Applying them, you easily eliminate the unpleasant odor in the room and wean the cat to mark the territory and other objects.
If you do not want to spend money, use one of the methods described, using safe and affordable products. With this approach, your house will always be well-groomed, and the cat is accustomed to order.