What to clean the acrylic bath?

  • What are the advantages of acrylic bathtubs?
  • Features of care for an acrylic bathroom
  • What does not like an acrylic bath?
  • My bath - what to use?
  • Popular bath cleansing products
  • Disinfecting the bath

Clean bath is a guarantee of human health and useful water procedures, and therefore care of the bathroom is important and mandatory. In this article, we will tell you what to clean the acrylic bath, how to apply the cleaners properly, to achieve maximum purity and preserve the material.

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What are the advantages of acrylic bathtubs?

  • Acrylic baths have high thermal insulation properties.
  • Such material is chemically inert material, therefore - does not undergo corrosion.
  • Any acrylic bathtub is easy to clean because of its smooth surface.
  • To disinfect such baths is much less common than any other. The material from which acrylic baths are made does not contribute to the development of fungi and various microorganisms in wet conditions.
  • Thermal conductivity of a bath of acrylic is much less than metal, and this indicates its financial savings - it will require a lower consumption of hot water when bathing.
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Features of acrylic bathroom care

Proper care of the font will help to perform general cleaning of the bowl surface much less frequently. And the advice here is very simple:

  • Remember that when washing an acrylic bath, the main thing is to be careful, neat.
  • After each procedure of using the bath, we do not forget to rinse it well with water in order to wash away the remains of foam and all kinds of dirt from the surface.
  • At least 1-2 times a week, it is necessary to wash the bath with the help of special detergents intended for cleaning acrylic. Such funds are applied to a soft sponge, and then sponge washed over the surface of the bath. After 15 minutes, the applied product can be washed off with a large amount of water.
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What does not like an acrylic bath?

To quickly understand the issue, what to clean the acrylic bath, from the beginning it is necessary to exclude everything that is not suitable for this purpose. This group includes:

  • Abrasives.
  • Any products containing ammonia, acids, alkalis, chlorine. Such substances will leave scratches on the surface of the bath, which in the future will lead to the loss of the ideal white color inherent in acrylic.
  • Metal brushes.

Dry cleaning is not suitable.

Important! It is not recommended to bathe pets in such a bath, put metal basins, buckets inside, in order to avoid damage to the surface of the

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My bath - what to use?

The high level of the chemical industry allows the use now of specialized cleaning products, thanks to which the acrylic bath for a long time will keep a fresh and well-groomed appearance. Care of the bathroom will be quick and safe to cover and quickly bring the desired result of primeval purity. We will allocate the most effective means.


The name itself contains the purpose of this helper. Despite the liquid consistency, it is very effective and copes well with all kinds of pollution. Many years of experience using "Acrylan" is proof of its effectiveness in the struggle for cleanliness in the bathroom.

It is easy to use: spray directly onto the contaminated surface of the bath and sponge a little with a sponge. It's all!

Soft impact is a quick result.

Important! All industrial means for washing an acrylic bath can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, always wear gloves.


This particular home chemistry product should be paid special attention. Advantage is the ability to cope with particularly complex known deposits, scum and residues of fat. This cleaner is also a means of disinfection, in addition, it well restores the top layer of the bath coating.

Tim Profi

Acrylic bath cleaner, manufactured by Tim Profi. It does not contain any abrasive substances. Convenient composition in the form of gel, it is well washed off by water, quickly and for a long time will provide cleanliness of a surface of a bath.


The acrylic bath care products of this manufacturer benefit in terms of savings, and not only. Such assistant to the hostess will not only make the cleaning of the bathroom quick and pleasant, but also help to cope with minor scratches if one of the products of this company - "Acryl Polis" - is at hand.

Important! Do not forget about the safety of your own health. Using household chemicals to remove impurities from acrylic surfaces, it is advisable to protect the skin of hands using a rubber glove and an airway mask.


The product has proven itself in the household chemicals market and is already familiar to almost every family. Thanks to him, you can easily cope with the complex pollution, and no less important, the economy of the price will please you.

Important! Regular care for the acrylic bath will prolong its life for a long time and will please you and your family with a pristine fresh look, just 1-2 times a week apply detergent to the surface of the bath, wipe with a soft sponge and rinse well with water. After cleaning, it is better to wipe the surface of the bath with a dry cloth and use a wax polish to preserve the shine.

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Popular bath cleansers

If household chemicals cause you certain doubts about safety, take for yourself several primitives of experienced housewives, from which you can choose what to clean the acrylic bath.

Method 1

Vinegar and citric acid will perfectly help you cope with the water stone:

  1. Fill the bath with water( the water temperature should not be above 25 degrees).
  2. Pour into the bath 1.5 liters of a solution of 7% vinegar - you can use citric acid.
  3. We leave a bath with water for the night.
  4. In the morning, drain the solution and rinse with water.

Done! Perfectly clean!

Important! The solution of water and vinegar should be left in the bath for no more than 12 hours.

Method 2

If not only an easy lime coating appeared, but also solid rusty stains, we take another means for washing the acrylic bath:

  • Take the usual soda, dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. We apply to the places of rust formation for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with water.
  • Prepare a mixture of table vinegar and borax in a 1: 1 ratio. We take the prepared mixture with a sponge and apply it to the rust spots until it disappears completely.
  • We prepare the composition from 1 part turpentine and 2 parts salt, this composition will remove the oldest spots.
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We disinfect the bath

Despite the fact that acrylic does not contribute to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi, the contaminants that form on the surface of the bath can eventually accumulate microbes that are dangerous to human life.

Important! The disinfection procedure should be carried out at least 2-3 times a month.

The process of disinfection:

  • For this purpose it is best to use household chemical products such as "Tim Profi", "Ravak" or a very weakly concentrated solution of "Belizny".
  • In a filled bath with a water temperature of not more than 20 degrees, pour the prepared solution for 20 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the surface with clean running water.
  • Do not forget to ventilate the premises after disinfection.

In conclusion, to ensure that your bath has served you long and pleased you with its appearance and cleanliness, we recommend that you follow the above tips. Then any cleaning of the bathroom will bring you pleasure and will not take long, which will greatly improve the quality of your life.

Enjoy your water procedures!