How to choose a plinth for the floor?- Rules

  • First Steps
  • color scheme
  • talk about materials
  • Plastic
  • Wood
  • MDF
  • Pottery
  • foam
  • Polyurethane
  • Aluminum
  • is sized

plinth has two functions - it closes the joints between floors and walls and gives the room a finishedaesthetic appearance. This task performs its tasks only if it fully corresponds to the purpose of the room and at the same time looks beautiful. The assortment of building stores is rich and diverse, so it is not always easy to find your bearings. How to choose a plinth for the floor? The rules are not so complicated. It is about them that is mentioned in our article.

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First steps

Repair is a serious matter. Especially if you are going to not just re-paste the wallpaper and paint the doors, but decided to completely change the interior. And this means that all materials must be selected so that they harmonize with each other.

Which plinth to choose for flooring? This depends on a number of circumstances:

  • destination premises;
  • style, which you decided to adhere to;
  • floor and ceiling heights;
  • the dimensions of the room;
  • overall color scheme.


The choice of various materials for repair depends very much on the purpose of the room. This applies to skirting boards:

  • In the living room, bedroom or children's room, they can be made from a wide variety of materials - well, unless the foam for the floor frame is good.
  • But for a bathroom or a kitchen it is better to choose something that is not affected by high humidity.


It's always better to stick to a certain style. Restrictions always narrow the circle of search, which means that life is easier for those who started repairs. There are a lot of styles:

  • Classics;
  • Provence;
  • Baroque;
  • Retro;
  • High-tech;
  • Modern;
  • Minimalism;
  • Ethno.

How to choose a baseboard for the floor by the style of the interior? For the vast majority of styles, a wooden skirting board, painted or unpainted:

  • For Baroque, Classics or Provence, it is better to choose unpainted, from any noble tree. But in doing so, it must necessarily be in harmony with the color of the floor covering.
  • For the retro style, when the whole atmosphere creates an atmosphere of the middle of the last century, only a wooden skirting board is strictly suitable for the color of the floor.
  • But for the Modern or Minimalism metal bar is quite suitable.

Ceiling height

This is a very important parameter! In a spacious room with high ceilings anything is permissible - a dark floor, a wide plinth, unexpected color combinations. If the ceilings are low, flooring is better to choose light, then the room will seem bigger and higher.

Important! Of course, there are also possible options. If you are going to decorate your small living room in a medieval style - laminate and wallpaper is better done under the stone, and the joints covered with wide racks of dark wood.

Too big room

If you want to visually reduce the space, it is best to choose a contrast option. It will be something like a framework. But you have to be very careful, there are extremely unsuccessful combinations. Designers do not recommend combining:

  • dark purple and pale green;
  • bright orange( or golden) and soft blue;
  • blue and pink.

Important! In addition, there may be other not very pleasant combinations, when one color "absorbs" the other. For example, pale yellow next to red will appear faded, and in combination with blue the same shade will become bright and saturated.

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How to choose a plinth - in the color of the floor or doors? The question is not as simple as it seems. In addition, other options are possible:

  • in the color of the walls;
  • in the color of furniture;
  • does not match the color of any object in the room.

Skirting in the color of the floor

If you have asked yourself the question of what floorboards are suitable for, and in addition prefer not too complicated design, it is best to stop with this option. It has a lot of advantages:

  • framing always harmonizes with the floor;
  • you can pick up the plinth before the final finishing, together with the floor covering;
  • rake in the color of the floor does not attract looks, which allows you to hide the mistakes that are inevitable for a beginner designer;The
  • room seems a little more spacious than it is, even if the floor is dark.

In the color of doors and windows

This is a very interesting design solution, but it requires some rules:

  • is not bad if the window frames are the same color;
  • shades must match completely.

This method allows you to emphasize the beautiful windows and doors. It is very good, if still some elements in the room will be the same tone. But it is necessary to choose the shades very precisely, otherwise - instead of the original interior, something vague and lurid will turn out.

Important! The plinth should be in harmony with the door frame not only in color, but also in texture.

In the color of the walls

In this case, the skirting board is purchased after finishing the finish. The fact is that the finishing materials, whether it's wallpaper, silk plaster or paint, often on a flat surface look completely different than in a can or roll. You also need to know the shade that is on the wall, and pick up the tone of the skirting board, which almost perfectly matches.

But other options are possible:

  • skirting a little lighter than the wall;
  • skirting slightly darker than the wall.

Important! These are quite dangerous options that require good color vision. Materials differ only in tone saturation, all other color parameters must coincide completely.

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Let's talk about the materials

In the building stores you will find many kinds of plinths. They differ not only in color but also in other qualities:

  • material;
  • size;
  • form:
  • presence or absence of a cable channel.

In special cases, you can find even curvilinear - but, as a rule, make such a custom-made. As for the materials, the following are used:

  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • MDF:
  • ceramics;
  • polyurethane;
  • aluminum;
  • polystyrene foam.

The answer to the question, which skirting board is better for the floor, depends not only on the style and purpose of the room, but also on the floor covering.

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Convenient modern material. Use it for such coatings as:

  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet.

Important! Sometimes this option is also used for ceramic tiles, but this is, rather, an exception than the rule.

Advantages of plastic:

  • large color palette;
  • a variety of shapes and sizes;
  • does not rot;
  • is not afraid of moisture;
  • practical;
  • is easy to clean;
  • is equipped with additional fittings;
  • in most cases there is a cable channel;
  • is cheaper than other materials.

There are also cons:

  • is not environmentally friendly:
  • is not very strong;
  • is short-lived.

Important! The accessories do not always match the color of the rake itself.

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Classic version, still very popular.

The main advantages of such models:

  • easy installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • relative ease of care;
  • durability;
  • resistance to adverse effects.


The drawbacks are that:

  • With improper care the tree rot, so in the bathroom such models should not be used explicitly.
  • Assortment is not as diverse as in the case of plastic.

Important! The wooden skirting board is fixed with screws. A rake of the necessary length can be cut off by the most common hacksaw or jig saw.

Wood species

As for the price, it depends on what kind of wood the product was made of:

  • pine;
  • linden;
  • oak;
  • acacia;
  • ebony;
  • merbau;
  • dusia.

Important! The most popular wood is pine. It is relatively inexpensive, but the plinth is of high quality. More expensive models will be made of linden or oak. On sale, you can find products from more expensive breeds, but this is used mainly for finishing luxury housing.

What should I look for?

Buy a wooden skirting board very carefully. Pay attention to the following qualities:

  • grade wood;
  • whether the strip is made from a solid array or glued from separate layers;
  • , are there any knots or chips?

Important! Wooden skirting paint or varnish. In the second case, note that in the finished form it will be slightly darker than in the store.


It is also a wooden plinth, but it is done differently - not from a single piece, but from layers. The base is usually made of pine, and the top layer is made of noble wood. There are many such models, they are extremely diverse in color and texture, and are sometimes cheaper than those of a single piece.

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If you have walls from this material, then the answer to the question of which skirting board is better is obvious. It should also be made from MDF.


These models have their advantages:

  • does not burn;
  • is water resistant;
  • is easily and firmly mounted.

It can be fastened in two ways:

  • with "liquid nails":
  • on brackets with special clips.

Important! The first option is suitable if you do not intend to use the baseboard a second time - it sticks securely, and you can tear it off just by spoiling the rake itself. If you assume that this model will be useful to you in the future, fix it to the brackets.

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This material is now applied literally everywhere, including in finishing works. If you are thinking about what skirting is better for tile flooring, pay attention to the ceramic model. They are designed specifically to tile the floor tiled:

  • Often, it is sold together with the floor covering, and in this case you do not even need to think about how to choose a plinth for the floor in color - everything is already selected, it remains only to payand take home.
  • But such models can be bought separately, and in this case, choose the best in the tone of the main material or slightly darker.

Important! Such a plinth can be laid not only on the joints of walls and floor, but also between a wall covered with tiles and the upper edge of the bath.

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Foam plastic

In the store you can meet this one. He is very cheap, but he has one flaw - for the floor he does not fit at all. This ceiling skirting board, a very good material, when you can pick up any shape and size and even edging in the form of stucco.

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Expensive but very effective material. The undoubted advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to fungus;
  • durability;
  • maximum ease of installation.

Important! Polyurethane plinth can be painted as you like, and fix it with glue.

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Robust durable products, relatively inexpensive. Make them from anodized metal. The undoubted advantages:

  • are hygienic;
  • are not afraid of any detergents, including aggressive ones;
  • all models have a cable channel;
  • all models are completed with accessories.

Important! Consumers believe that the installation presents some complexity. The plinth is fastened with dowels to the wall.

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Choose according to size

To choose the size of the plinth, you need to know:

  • room size;
  • color of the floor and walls.

Room size:

  • If you think which plinth to choose for a floor with high ceilings, keep in mind that narrow racks in this case will look bad. As in a very spacious room with the usual height of the floors. Wide models are preferable, and you can use a color contrast rail.
  • But in a small room it is better to fix the rails of medium width or narrow, but in the tone of the wall.
  • The standard room is suitable for a width of 4.5-7 cm.

Choose the color

First of all, the plinth must be in harmony with the floor. With all the rest, of course, too. What kind of sex? There are many options:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • is brown;
  • is golden;
  • chocolate;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • black.

Important! There are other options. The only thing that should be avoided - bright screaming tones, which can very quickly get bored. In old apartments you can still find linoleum tiles of the most incredible red-blue-green shades, but it's better to refrain from such design, it looks simple even in retro-style rooms.


Lightness and cleanliness - on such a semi visible any mote, so it must always be kept in perfect condition. The room seems bigger than it is. The most pleasant thing is that any other color is easily combined with this color, so that the plinth can be of all shades, which only in the world.

But it is necessary to consider the color of other objects:

  • window frames;
  • doors;
  • clysters;
  • lamps.


Noble classic color, moreover, always fashionable. You can easily find a gray skirting board made of any material. It fits well with many colors:

  • in black;
  • white;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • in the color of the sea;
  • pink;
  • purple.

Important! If you intend to use bright mats, then the framing is best done in the tone of the floor covering.

Brown, beige, golden

The most popular "floor" colors. They are suitable for any style of the room. The plinth is best to take exactly the color, but you can experiment with different shades.

Orange, red, burgundy

A suitable option for the style of the 70s of last century. But it is rather difficult to select the remaining finishing materials for such flooring. It is necessary to consider compatibility of colors - in particular, to take for "sunny" or "sunset" floor only warm tones. And in this case, it is especially important that the plinth exactly match the color with the floor.

Black or chocolate

Elegant option for a large living room or a dance hall. Suitable for a loggia. But in the bedroom, such a cover should not be laid - dark tones have the property of tiring. The skirting board can be of the same color, contrasting or look like a bright frame.

In this article, we looked at all the nuances and subtleties about how to choose a skirting board for the floor. The rules are quite understandable, simple and at the same time allow you to show your imagination, because the design of each house is a reflection of his personality, tastes.